Women's hormonal roller-coaster

Ha ha ha! :joy::joy::joy:


These things are wild…


I’ve adapted so far by dressing in layers everyday, trying to avoid wearing anything that can’t be thrown in the wash (for how many years does this last?), staying hydrated, etc. But wow.


I’m not looking forward to that :pensive::confused:

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My rollercoaster started with a migraine last Friday and since yesterday I have a constant headache again :face_holding_back_tears:
I feel that this is hormonal.
This will continue until I start to bleed, that should begin at the end of next week. Until then I think I’ll feel like sh*t :disappointed:
Yippee for being a woman…


Top 20 Euphemisms for “Period” From Around the World. | The Language Nerds

A bit of culture for us womb-owners.


Boiling beetroot is not on that list :joy:


That’s a good one. I realised I don’t know any Japanese ones. They seem to be mostly boring ones like ‘that’ ‘monthly time’ ‘ladies week’. One is ‘special bleeding service’ which is kinda funny if you know the original.


Haha! :joy:

Firstly, I never like when bodily fluids are compared with food items. I can’t eat cottage cheese anymore without gagging (not period related to lol)

OMG :joy::joy::joy:

Secondly, the ones listed under Finnish I’ve never heard of! :thinking: We have food related stuff (that I refuse to repeat here), we say “I’m leaking/flooding” and the usual “it’s the time of month” phrases. One that I find hilarious is a pun that combines “period” and “being drunk”. It means that you’re so hormonal/out of your right mind that you’d do something out of character that you are embarrassed of or regret. Like go on a shopping spree, lose your temper (when it’s not called for) etc.

Finally, I really dig the Red Badge of courage and Vaginally out of order! :muscle:t2::smile:


No comment. :face_exhaling:


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I love “it’s raining in the farm”. That sounds lovely. “The rabbit has been stabbed” not so much. :face_with_hand_over_mouth::joy::woman_shrugging:t2:


So “Defrosting the steak” isn’t exactly your favourite either? :joy:

Thanks for these @Misokatsu!

EDIT: yeah, @TrustyBird, raining in the farm I think puts a sweet spin on things!


I’m German but never heard of “Monthly oil change” :joy: But I like it :+1:


Woman in her 40s riding her bike and asking her body for a tiny bit more power in her legs uphill.
Body: I can start menstruation 8 days early, I can give your cramps and raging anger.
And god: and as you are asking, I can give you wind in the face.


Oh dear, this sounds määähhhh. Here comes a big hug :people_hugging::hugs:


Has anyone read this? Read some introductional pages and sounds interesting.


It’s okay now. At least I am happy that my symptoms match physiology. And there is as reason for how I felt the last two days. Didn’t expect it already though. Somehow, well idk, I’d prefer a shorter say normal lengthy cycle to extended period of PMS symptoms.


Mine is 3 days late. This past 6 months it can be early or late. 9 days early few months back.
I’m.38. and I think I’m perimenopausel. waiting for blood test to come back.
Also having a smear test on thursday.
Thinking the amount of traumatic emotions Iv had to deal with for 3 years has brought it on early.
I don’t even think it’s coming for a few days yet either, no head ache or irritatibitly yet. It seems it’s becoming unpredictable.
I’m kind of worried if it’s not perimenopause, is it something more serious?
If it is, then it is.


Keeping my fingers crossed that you get back with the results soon and get some certainty. :sunflower:

I have given up on regularity. :grimacing: Sometimes I think that the long cycles build up over some months, like 35 to 40 days in order to inflate back to 29 this month’s to start again this somewhat outer, larger cycle. :see_no_evil:


I appreciate this post so much. I do not drink all the time, which I think has had me in denial of not having a problem (or being nore in control) but the week before my period is usually when I do. Its like clockwork.

I was also sober for 10 years, feeling great and about to become a mom (so very excited, ready and with a man I love to bits and pieces) and I went into PPA. I also had no idea I had it because I was functioning, and SO focused on my daughter. There were so many factors I won’t go in to, but women with mental health struggles of all kinds usually experience a really hard time post partum bc our coping mechanisms we used to have arent working anymore. I tried going back to AA and for years felt like I was the problem (AA has given me so much and is a wonderful program), but I have come to terms with the fact that it is both a beautiful program AND wasnt able to speak to my needs as a woman. In a year and a half I met so many women, and only 1 mom who was around my age. The isolation I felt was around motherhood, around the experience I was having and the stories in the pages no longer reflected my reality.

I am hoping to find my way back to what works in AA for me, but navigating orher paths that speak to me as a woman. Its no coincidence there were so few new moms, they are at home caring for their babies and I had a man shame me for not bringing my new baby to meetings. I dont want that to hold me back from the gifts, but I so appreciate that we are different. Equal doesnt mean the same it means being respected for our differences - natural and social! Thank you for letting me share here.