Women's hormonal roller-coaster

It took me quite a while to track down my mental downs to my cycle. A lot of sober time even. I could have read about it everywhere but somehow the message got lost between my eyes and my brain.
Now, being more aware of this and being willing to be more gentle with myself then, helped me a lot.

I cannot remember exactly the book which helped me a lot to get out of this trap that my ego was too big thing, might have been Annie Grace: this naked mind.

I am happy that you found your way to us. :upside_down_face:


I’m 44 and was recently sharing with one of my friends that my period is now every two weeks. Is anyone else experiencing periods getting closer together as they age?


I don’t want to like it. I feel for you :pensive::skull_and_crossbones:


Oh no…thats just cruel but i know my body has same stange sense of humor
Hope you completed that bike ride without too much difficulty


I am seeing this too…tgought i was loosing my mind until i started tracking :rofl:
Im sorry love - it does suck. Make sure to get your iron as this much blood loss results in anemia


I can feel every stage so intensely and it sucks! Ovulating to me has felt like cramps, but not as heavy. I’ve felt electric type charges as well.


I was reluctant to share my experience but here it goes (maybe due to shame)… a week b4 my period I hate my life and everyone in it. I’m irritable, uncomfortable and on the verge of tears all day. My intrusive thoughts get worse and the loneliness is unbearable. I feel worthless. Its brutal! Then it comes and its as if a fog is lifted. I feel like myself but the pain is excruciating. The few times I’ve mentioned it to doctors they quickly want me on BC which is awful for me. In short, I dream of menopause but expect it might kick my butt as well :smile:


We definitely won’t shame you for that. I can usually tell my period is coming because I want to push people in grocery stores. :joy: No shame here.


That is too funny! I had a hysterectomy in my late 20s and now in my late 60s I am slowly exiting the menopause doldrums. The only thing I’ve noticed since getting sober is my sexual appetite is slowly returning. NOW WHAT!? :wink:


Well that is an exciting development to look forward to! I think most people I know would enjoy a stronger sex drive, myself included. I only hear bad stuff about menopause and post-menopause.


I used to be borderline anemic when I gave blood but I haven’t been recently.


Thank goodness you are no longer anemic. Hopefully the cycle will even itself out so itsnot every 2 weeks.


I have no bf right now :frowning:


Yep, same. I feel I am pmsing or bleeding with just a day or two in-between!


For me it was similar around the same age, even earlier. I went from 28 to 21 -24 days. It was exhausting to be in a steady state hormonal turmoil without pause.
Blood loss and iron deficiency are serious issues effecting mental and physical health. I suggest to have a talk to your doctor to prevent deficiency. Even going on the pill for stabilization can be an option if possible.
As my body refuses to have a good relationship with hormon intake this was sadly no option for me anymore and I had my uterus grilled to stop the heavy bleeding. This did not effect the PMS horror and moodswings but it relieved me from the physical effects of the heavy blood loss which was a MASSIVE gain in life quality, especially when my body had adjusted to not being in constant emergency mode after blood loss.
it’s a common perimenopausal phenomenon that time between periods gets shorter for some years before the bleeding changes to an unpredictible once in a while mode until it finally stops.
It sucks. And it will find an end. Huging you :people_hugging:


I’m glad to hear I’m not the only one. I talked about this to my in-person girls friends and was the only one. I’m sorry you are going through it too.


Ok - just when i was getting used to 2 weeks…now its every 8 days :scream:…its gonna be a fun day!


Yikes Jazz! I wish you the patience of a saint and unlimited salty (and then sweet) snacks. Try not to push anyone today, that can be a win.


Thanks love - i am having a salty dark chocolate bite now after eating some gluten free vegan pizza — doing my best to stay positive — the cramps are just now starting so yeah i’ll do my best to stay away from “people” today for their own safety :joy: :joy:


I can feel the struggle when you italicize “people”. :rofl::joy::rofl::joy::rofl: