Women's hormonal roller-coaster

i knew i’d be in good company here :rofl: :joy:


I was talking with a friend yesterday and we got to cycle length. She went successfully through in vitro fertilization and is very pregnant atm.
What was interesting and maybe I will try is to measure temperature to determine ovulation to know when mens will start and my trouble with my sugar. :grimacing:


Not 100% to do with the cycle but my first initiative was to post it here so…

Btw, I like good quality detective shows. Hubby isn’t all that keen LOL


Love love love it! Nice work :clap:


I am reading the book about women’s cycle: oestrogen is Beyonce and testosterone is Serena Williams. I like it :crazy_face:


I’m realizing that my episodes of extreme depression and anxiety line up with PMS. I’ve had a hysterectomy a few years ago so no period to help me keep track. I still have my ovaries so I still have the hormonal changes. It’s awful every month. Any tips on dealing with the horrible mood shifts? I’m going to bring this up with my psychiatrist next time I see her.

I am very thankful for the hysterectomy because I would get debilitating period pain and miss work. But the severe depression is starting to interfere with work as well.


It’s so interesting and I will forget it so easily :expressionless:


I am thinking about starting to measure my body temperature to know the ovulation date. From there on it’s a fixed period of about 14 days and maybe this will help me to plan and prepare for this and my blood sugar troubles in advance.


I was thinking of you @SassyRocks


Menarche to post menopause has been quite a journey. In my experience, as we bleed out less and then cease, we then continue the process of becoming our full selves…no longer shedding parts of our selves/cells monthly. We are now able to hold and embody all of ourselves. A time of rebirth, empowerment and immense growth. :people_hugging::heart:


So who is progesterone?


I’ll check it out later. :grimacing:

Progesterone is an endogenous steroid and progestogen sex hormone involved in the menstrual cycle, pregnancy, and embryogenesis of humans and other species. It belongs to a group of steroid hormones called the progestogens and is the major progestogen in the body.

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Lol, I know scientifically what it is, if you look carefully I asked who because the book @anon74766472 is reading each hormone is compared to a person, oestrogen is Beyonce, testosterone is Serena Williams, etc.


:woman_facepalming: :woman_facepalming:
aah- too funny. now i see.
i/m sorry - for me i am learning all about the female cycle now in my 40’s as i’m facing pre menopause.

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When I was struggling at concieve it was suggested it was due to low progesterone, I had all the symptoms-irregular cycles, anxiety, depressed feelings, and when I took Vit B6 which helps progesterone levels I got knocked up within months. So I learnt a lot about progesterone then.


I don’t really know in which thread to put this so I might write it down here as well. I am grateful to be sober. It gave me the means to work on understanding myself and my cycle is one of these things. I think I cannot overestimate it’s impact. And I am grateful that I started reading this book ‘period power’. I have not finished it bit already it’s helping me to accept and to overcome my resistance towards hormones. It’s getting a lot easier also with my sugar and diabetes management when I respect my cycle and stop ignoring it.


I need to vent. Im so frustrated. Right after I quit drinking, 2 years ago, I started having serious symptoms of bloating, abdominal pain, terrible periods, heavy bleeds. After very many visits to gynecologists, internal ultrasounds, progesterone I made my dr refer me to a women’s specialist who diagnosed me with endometriosis and adenomyosis. The fatigue is chronic, I’m always in pain and Im just so sick of it. I spent the last week unable to walk upright bc my pelvic area and lower back are entirely seized up. Nothing over the counter is touching the pain, cbd pills aren’t, tens isn’t :confounded: I’ve went to see the pelvic floor therapist, massage therapist and chiro, barely an improvement. Im most likely going to need surgery and I have two kids so there’s not a lot of down time. I am really trying to stay positive but talking to most people about an invisible chronic illness sucks. I just don’t want it to keep getting worse. Thanks for listening.


You wrote about PMS. Maybe you want to come here. I think most among us can relate to these feelings around this time. @Juli1


Hey there. A dear friend of mine lived with severe back and pelvic pain for years. She was eventually diagnosed with endo (among other things) and ended up having a surgery. Her life quality improved by 1000%. I’m not gonna say I can relate to your situation but I hear you. I hope you can receive proper help and relief.