Women's hormonal roller-coaster

Thank you so much Franzi…
Today it realy kicked in :face_with_symbols_over_mouth::sweat_smile:

I know it helps to focus on the cycle… In a few days I will have this feeling of a new born goddess :yum:


Its nice to read and read the replies
I think its an issue for all of us women and i think its something we should talk about more often
Thanks to all of you :blush:


This thread was a lifesaver for my first few cycles. It’s amazing how linked my cravings and hormones were. Welcome!


I am in an emotional roller-coaster right now.
7 am and I cry. Bleeding is just starting.
I am always happy it starts… Cause this is the time it gets better step by step. Right now I feel an emotional hole with dark thoughts in myself, my stomach is full of emotions feeling like a knot! Urgh!


Came here to look for a post about peri-menopaus.
I’ve been a mess for like the last 6 months.
Usually I’m always freezing,but I’ve been getting this hot flashes.
Extremely painful period cramps.
Being annoyed about pretty much everything, depressed in between.
And gain weight that doesn’t seem to go away not matter what I do.

I seriously thought something was really wrong. So I went to the doctors/gyn. And all she had to say was “Don’t worry, just natural again peri-menopaus, nothing we can do”

And I instantly felt like a hundred years old.
I’m not even 40 yet.
She recommended some vitamins and things. I started but they made me feel even worse so I stopped taking them.

Even if I’m a a workplace with all females, and the younger generation (my generation too) never had a problem talking about periods, period cramps and everything similar. Peri-menopaus and menopause still seems to be something you don’t talk about.
But I feel we need to. So we don’t feel so alone.
There’s a few Instagram accounts that I follow who talks about it. Especially one female who’s kinda made this her thing. I think we need more ladies like her. :smiling_face:


Let it all out girl :people_hugging:


It doesn’t pass today.
I feel miserable and unloved.
Update… It passes slowly. A bit, tiny bit.


That pretty much sums it up lol. We got a vagina so our opinions never matter !!!


Vaginas make the world! Of course our opinions matter. Welcome!


Just seen this and I can totally relate. I am getting regular hot flushes and am so embarrassed to share at work with anyone that isn’t older than me. I went to a girls school and we were so open there, but I feel like I can only discuss perimenopause with women my own age and up. Don’t want to scare the younger ones :rofl:


Yes, it’s really odd, same in my country. Since last May when my symptoms (sweating, insomnia, joint aches etc) went drastic I’ve learnt a lot about perimenopause and menopause, how certain hormones work (and don’t work), and about hormone replacement therapy.

Ive tested gels, plasters and pills. Many of my symptoms went away, but also new ones occurred. It has been a rollercoaster, mainly downward as regards mental health.


Same here too, people joke about menopause and that women become “difficult” when they enter that stage.
I know there’s a bunch of symptoms I’m not looking for at all but hm…


I am due to start my cycle any minute and I am struggling. Not with alcohol, I don’t need any crazy on top of this crazy but with my moods. So far today I’ve wanted to cry, lay on the floor and give up, laugh maniacally and snap at anyone who speaks to me. And then cry more.

In the old days this would be a two bottle of wine night. I’d drink until I blacked out and then scream at my husband when he got home. Ugh.

Instead I am going to eat any food that crosses in front of my face. I’m going to keep my head down and keep headphones in while I work and I’m only going to listen to the sad songs once. I’m going to put sweatpants on the second I get home from work and I’m going to do a short body weight workout. Then I am going to cuddle up with my cats and watch something that makes me cry, so maybe the first commercial I see at this point.

I can’t believe I used to drink to feel that release before. Madness. My brain isn’t crazy or wrong, just hormonal and this too shall pass. Stay strong all.


I’ve never noticed this thread before. Glad I came across it, and just at the right time of the month. I’ve been exhausted these past couple days. Since I’ve quit drinking my PMS really hasn’t been as bad, but this month! It’s like I’m feeling it for the first time. Headaches, back pain, tender breats, and the fatigue. I hardly get cramps but woke up with them. Ugh. 4 more days according to my tracker.

I have noticed that my emotions stay in check much better. If I feel irritable I just keep to myself more to avoid unnecessary arguments.

I haven’t read all the way thru but I did see some things about peri menopause. Something about sweating, insomnia, and joint pain? Is that a symptom? I never really thought about it before, but I’ll be 37 in a month. I have been having some new symptoms as of late. My annual is scheduled in a month so maybe I’ll get some answers. I love my gyno. He’s so knowledgeable about everything, and loves to talk. But he’s retiring soon :pensive:

Anyway, yay for women!!! (And all the bullshit we have to go thru, not)


I am glad you found us here. :upside_down_face:
I feel that I can face my cycle a lot better over the recent years in my recovery. It feel less of a battle and more of compassion towards my body. Oftentimes I felt in the middle of things happening to me and it made me feel like a victim. I think with baby steps I get more perspective which is helping me to get through whatever pahse of the cycle.


Welcome! My first few cycles after quitting were beasts and I had to slap my hand away from the wine to keep sober. Now the drinking isn’t as hard to avoid and the moods (usually) aren’t as awful as they were. When things go bad it’s nice to be able to talk it out here. Again welcome!


Thanks :blush: Like you said earlier, I used to go ham right before mine started. Some of my worst blackouts were in the days before. I don’t feel like drinking now. I just feel blah. And tired. It’s been a long summer of work and my whole body is feeling it. Just amplified today. I’m just grateful I’m not angry like I used to be. It’s a lot easier to get through level headed. But I do hate this 5 headed pimple that came out of no where! This sucker hurts!


The Medusa pimple!


:flushed: :grimacing: yikes


welcome to the perimenopausal circus! what awaits you?
mood swings, hot flushes, longer or shorter cycles, more or less PMS, fatigue, forgetfulness, short temper, thin hair, dry skin, … and as bonus: weight gain you will never loose again :grin: hormons are wonderful (TW sarcasm)
oh, and this show lasts for years and years and years …

there is a lot that can help coping with the symptoms. I read a lot about the topic and took notes in my calendar to identify patterns. I shared my experiences and vented when the shitshow was too much for me. Vitamins and herbs were helping me. I did not try hormons because I never was fine with the pill. My bloodwork says my hormons are dropping to menopause level.
I’m deeply grateful that it’s fading out now :blush: