Women's hormonal roller-coaster

I got this sweet little supplement…
Its combined with chaste tree, lady’s mantle (?), cinquefoil, saffron, vitamin C, zinc, B6 and more… Got a 3 months package.

Of cause it’s peach-pink :peach::heartpulse::sweat_smile:

Right now I am shortly before ovulation, day 13… My mood is goooood, libido high, skin nice, strong body and mind… :dancer:t2:
To mention the positive sides!

To reduce the symptoms as the cyclus proceeds (and protect my sobriety!) I will c how the supplement might be a support.


The weight gain is so freaking annoying. I’ve never ever had a problem with loosing weight, but now. I’m gaining weight without even doing something that should result in weight gain. And no matter what I do I won’t loose it.

My doctor simply said It’s “Normal again” nothing they can do. I don’t agree. Not in any way.


This sucks and nope, just because something is a biological phenomenon millions of women suffer from every day it’s not automatically “normal”.

Diet changes, intermittend fasting and increasing exercise can help with the weight issue. Good sleep routine can help on appetite issues, when we are well rested we eat less. It’s often trial and error what works individually but it’s definitely worth it!


My best guess is probably that the sleep issues are affecting. But on the other hand I’ve pretty much always had trouble to sleep.

If it ain’t flashbacks and nightmares it’s hot flashes and sleeping problems in general.
It’s been like that for years,but I guess it’s affecting me more now.


Thanks for sharing this. My best friend has endo and fibro, and its not just physically altered her life but socially people just do not understand. I hope you find something to ease on your pain and exhaustion. I can ask her what she has taken or what she finds works, if tou are interested you can PM me. She found out about 7 years ago, and had gotten to a place where the pain was manageable (but recently changed her medication as she is trying to convieve). Anyway, I just know how isolating itbwas for her in the beginning. She did try some online groups, and she found it did help a bit. I wish you the best, and if tou would like me to get info from her for you just say the word. My heart is out to you especially running around after your kids. Sending love you are not alone XO.

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Doctors dismiss so much of womens pains and health challenfes as “normal” because they really havent a clue.


I unexpectedly got my period today, about a week early. I’ve been feeling pretty bad all week recovering from a head cold and experiencing anxiety. I’ve just had a warm bath and got comfy indoor clothes on and I’m having coffee in bed, listening to music. I slept well last night but was still awake early (for me) and wanted to have slept longer, but I guess it’s not sleep I need but rest.


Hi girls! I don’t know if it’s perimenopausal or just age but whoa! It happens so fast. Suddenly my metabolism slowed down, I feel like I eat just a little bit extra and next day pants are already tighter, I’m not even joking. I was always skinny-fat (even when I was taking amphetamine 20 years ago and I was like 45kg I never had flat belly), but so was my mother so probably this is what it is :wink: Lately it’s extreme! Now I’m on my period and at the end of day I look like fckn Obelix. I don’t drink sodas, I TRY to eat healthy (some days more than others), drink plenty of water etc. I’m also pretty active, besides 3 toddlers on board, I’m running every second day and exercise at home few times in the week. And I still gain weight. I was checked not so long time ago (blood and thyroid gland) bcs I have some lump in my neck but all looks normal. So, I guess, I’m just getting old (40 in February).
I feel a bit shallow complaining about my weight cause even though I have 6-8 kg more than I usually had, it’s still “only” 60kg. But I’m short (160cm) and I just look like pregnant. I don’t feel good in my body and it seems there is not much I can do about it. I don’t want to go on some drastic diet, like zero bread, zero pasta etc, I love to eat unfortunately.
I just wanted to vent. Periods sucks.


Okay Mischa84 let me say that my body does the same thing. I am short, and the difference of 2 kg (5 lbs) on me is noticeable. If I gain it, its in my stomach. And when i get my period and bloat it LOOKS like i am pregnant. Also your Obelix reference made me laugh. We live in north america but my hisband is Belgiab and my 7 yo daughter loves ASTERIX & OBELIX :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

I have always gotten so bloated before my period. My mom said that she had bad periods before she had us kids, but after my sister her periods got more manageable. Im not sure I would say the same for me, 3 kids later and i dont get pain in back/boobs like i did in my early 20s but emo rollercoaster week before and then looking like im 3 months pregnant feom bloating :joy: my bestie just recommended peppermint vitamins for the bloating but I havent tried it yet!

Also i hear you on not wanting to “diet”. I LOVE FOOD!! and just a bit of extra weight is all it takes for us shorties to look like we gained 5 kgs! 2 things that I did find helped with my stomach flatness was reducing dairy and gluten (i wasnt super intense about the gluten bc as I understand its quite hard!). I actually tried it for my skin bc I had adult acne and was trying to eliminate these one at a time to see of it helped. Now right now i eat both of those things, but generally I probably eat them a bit less then I did before and found out accidentally while seeing what inflamed my adult acne that these things also contributed to my stomach. To be clear I EAT those things now lol I cannot live without cheese or pasta :joy: but I probably eat them less then I did before…and it may be a coincidence but my skin is much better. Anyway that was just my experoence!! But i LOVE food and too fewl like unrealistoc diets and cutting things out you love is no good :slight_smile:

Also last thing Im sorry for rambling but I also have a lump in my throat. I discovered it before I got pregant with my 2nd daughter in 2018. Scared the shit out of me. Still kind of does…but seems to be a cyst of some kind. Im learning as I get older its all just lumps and bumps and gravity and getting more squishy. Wishing you and awesome day lady, hope my message back is more about sharing my experience not tryinf to be coming off like i have advice! Xoxo. I just relate :slight_smile:


Ahwwww Mischa… You are not Obelix i am sure, but if you insist, Loveley Obelix.

Please try not to panic.
Stress and anxiety, fight and flight mood is making things… Unmanageable!
Maybe this is a point for you too.
If cortisol is out of control we can’t loose or “regulate” weight, no matter what.

I am not an expert, I am struggling. Although I lost, but also gained 40 to 60 pounds several times in my life… I am stucking since 2 years again at a higher weight, although being trained as fuck.

I made a big change in life (leaving toxic job…) and I suddenly feel some weight leaving without big changes. Okay I added some walks in the morning and very short units of strength training 10 mins daily.

Are you holding on something?
Are you stressed?
Eating enough protein is also important.
And… Relaxation.

I am not a menopause expert, so no comments on that


Hi Julia, thanks for replying. You are absolutely right with cortisol. Stress can fuck us up big time. I wish I could say something more but again I feel so shitty, I have difficulty with thinking clear. I need some rest.


Really struggling with my moods mid-cycle now, and the pain of ovulation had my up last night. Why does everything have to get worse in peri-menopause? I finally feel in tune with my body and it is throwing me off completely.


I hate that my period is sometimes regular and then very irregular. It was suppose to be here a week ago, finally here. When it comes on a more regular basis the symptoms aren’t so bad. Today- I feel weak, tired, very angry, I could cry (not about anything in particular) I want to sleep but have things to do. I might do a few things to make myself feel somewhat productive and then head back to bed for the day. I’m craving today too. Really badly and I know it’s because of this damn period that just comes to town whenever it feels like it. This is temporary, I can get past it. I think a lazy day in bed is called for after I work out and take the dogs walking


My cycle has been messed up this past month as well @Runningfree

Mine started on 8/25 like usual, just a couple days long. A week later I was cramping and was surprised to find a significant amount again for 3 more days. After another week I had very painful mittelschmerz for 3 days, which I hadn’t noticed in months.

A lot of the girls I work with have been complaining about issues as well. I know by the end of the summer we’re mostly synced up from working together everyday, so I believe that plays a roll for me.

My IUD will be 7 in October, which is as long as its approved for, so I’m guessing it may be running out of hormones. I plan to have it removed then. The only reason I got it in the first place was bc my ex was adamant about not wanting children. I’m sure it will take time for my body to adjust but I’m looking forward to it. I remember how out of control I felt after getting it. Idk if I evened out or just got used to feeling crazy :crazy_face:


Let’s see what my body will do with those hormones after Covid. Could get interesting :pleading_face:
My cycle is often all over the place thanks to Hashimotos.


Yup. This sums it up. I can relate LOL


I am so fed up of my cycle and all the feelings. I go between 23-40 days cycle and feel the rage just before and a despondency that is shocking. I’m probably pre-menopausal perhaps at 44 who knows. It sucks.


@Just_Laura i removed my own IUD myself two months ago. and wow it was an incredible emotional release!! i feel so much better without it in my body - in my creative center of all places!!! very great decision highly recommend.


Me in 1-2 weeks hahaha :rofl:
The rage is not fun tho, I really have to calm myself down not to bite anyone.


Yep, peri-menopause and all the joys it brings! Everything is amplified and the hot flushes :flushed: I am actually finding ovulation harder than pre-menstrual for some reason. It is like I turn into someone completely different