Women's hormonal roller-coaster

I sometimes even get a fake period each month as well as a real one … so lucky! My drs are really terrible also so I don’t want to go and discuss HRT and treats etc.


I am a massive advocate of the NHS but sadly it feels broken atm. A fake period? That’s awful!

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Literally a week long period that isn’t a period physically, like a pre period. It’s bizarre and my sister thinks it’s since COVID as she has similar. They are breaking our NHS brick by brick :brick:


I have my annual next week so I’ll probably ask then. Just not looking forward to full fledged periods again :drop_of_blood: But at least it was a nice break for so long :relieved:

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I think we are all virtually cycling together. Or since I have my period every two weeks now I’m just lapping ya’ll. :joy::grimacing: I just ate chocolate and am in bed with cramps.


Could you go to a different gynecologist and see if you could have pmdd?


Hi, we are having a bit of a time with GPs here in the UK, it’s really very hard to access free reliable healthcare. :pensive:


Being so irregular I also get one every 2 weeks sometimes. One month I’ll have 2 and then I’ll skip a whole month. :roll_eyes: I told the gyno and they were just like :woman_shrugging:t2::woman_shrugging:t2: It’s so annoying

Chocolate in bed sounds amazing :drooling_face:


Oh it was. :yum:
I’m 44 so my doc just says, “yep that’s probably normal” now that I have two weeks between my periods. There is something satisfying and also scary about people assuming I’m normal.
I think it’s time for me to read a menopause book or two.


The joy of perimenopausal shenanigans :grimacing:
There is good literature to understand it better. Also a lot of things we can do to better cope. It is not “normal”, it’s individual and lots of women share similar symptoms. I feel with you, I had my periode every 24 days for several years. I had my uterus grilled to minimize the bleedings as my iron parameters were so out of range due to the heavy blood loss that I barely could function anymore. Not to mention the mood swings, hot flushes, fatigue, smell hallucinations … I turned to alchemilla tea and let 2 liters brew overnight so it was really strong. It has always helped me with the cramps, I just increased the amount I drank and the brewing time. As my guts always had a fart party along with the cramps I drank 3 freshly brewed cups of fennel & caraway tea during the day. You can mix it from the spicery you use to cook.
I never found something for thr mood swings. What helped me in general was my psychiatrist who put me on antidepressants (SSRI) that took the edge frum the ups and downs and relieved me from the panic and anxiety attacks I developed.
I promise you it will pass but the way until then is uncomfortable. Sending you hugs :people_hugging::people_hugging::people_hugging::people_hugging:


Your comments never fail to make me smile. “Fart party” cracks me up! My husband will tell you that a fart party is my natural state. I call it digestive efficiency. :wink:

My iron levels are better than they were when I was younger and my periods aren’t heavy, just frequent. I will look into that tea though. Onward! Getting old may stink (ha, literally) but it beats the alternative.


Something quite unusual is happening right now, only some days until my bleeding starts and my mood is…good :flushed: I had maybe 3 bad days, thats it.
Usually I’m very hesitant in saying stuff like “I think my medication works”, but I think my medication works :sob:
Psoriasis is healing too :heart:


Great news dear :blush:

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Shew this is an amazing topic for me. Since being clean this time, I have 34 days today, I have already had 2 periods and the were horrible! They had my emotions running wild on top of already being bi polar, depression, anxiety…I used to only bleed for maybe 4 days but since being sober this go around I’ve bleed 7 or 8 days each time and super bad and cramping badly with each one. But my emotions are crazy period as it is with being freshly sover but when my.period comes around that’s when I am complete mess up and down up and down. Any suggestions on things to do


For me over time with each cycle and reading some books and beginning to track my symptoms it became better and my emotional rollercoaster just didn’t happen without me noticing it. This helps me to accept it. And also to know that soon my mood will be more stable.

Congratulations on your 34 days :upside_down_face:


Time really only helped me here. My first three or four periods after getting sober were rough but they got much better with time. I no longer have such intense moods and crying fits like I used to when I tried to “help” my body regulate my moods by drinking. Stick with it, it does get better. Until then I wish you patience and Midol.


I have strong headache again and now I see the pattern - it always coming few days before period. I don’t remember this at times when I was drinking… Did it start when I got sober or it was always there, I was just thinking it’s alcohol related? Anyway, it’s awful.


I am second guessing a lot of things recently too. I keep waking up feeling like I drank during this period. I too have a headache now and no idea what it is linked to? Hope your headache eases soon.


Give yourself some some extra me-time if you can, I feel with you, headache is awful.

For me, all my PMS shenanigans had always been there and the self-medication with alcohol covered some of them. In my case this started to ease when my periode stayed away more often in perimenopause. But until then … :grimacing::roll_eyes:
Sending you hugs, pepermint oil to rub on your temples and good vibes that the headache eases soon :people_hugging:


I’m so grumpy today, so lazy… I ate shitload of sweets last 2 days, I feel sick of it. Wine would help. No, it wouldn’t, I know. It would help for a moment only, just like that cake for 4 ppl I are alone. From those 2 evils I prefer to surrender to sugar, fuck alcohol!
I hope to get this period today or tomorrow because this hormonal rollercoaster is killing me. Why we even have a period every month? Why not once a year? We shouldn’t reproduce so much anyway. I know something about it :wink: