Women's hormonal roller-coaster

Sending you hugs, this PMS shit sucks :people_hugging::people_hugging::people_hugging::people_hugging:
I’m in for once a year :+1:


Sending hugs :people_hugging:
I was craving all the shit the last 2 days also, today my bleeding started :partying_face: Still craving sweets like crazy, going to give in and have some when I’m home or I swear I murder someone :joy::sweat_smile:
And the headache :sob:


Thank you @erntedank , big hugs back.
It started for me today as well @Sabrina80, our periods synchronise :wink: Headaches are the worst, sorry for you. Periods sucks. They can FRO


Urgh I feel you, fifth day today and it’s going as strong as day one in some mad resurgence.

Two packs of crisps in between lunch and tea, and about 8 big biscuits after tea, if not more.

So annoying and also very spotty in my hairline just for good measure.


Oh what a night :pleading_face:
All the things that come with periods can fro.
Pain (stomach and head), the sweating, nausea, exhaustion, swollen body, puffy face and don’t let me start to talk about the diarrhea…and we’re expected to brush it off and function like every day as if we were okay.
Oh yeah and what I forgot: if you dare to call in sick every month “just” because your period people look at you like you’re lying.


I feel with you, I quite often called in sick because I would not even have made it to the tram station. Sending you smooth vibes to comfort you a little bit. Suffering sucks. Periods suck. :people_hugging::people_hugging::people_hugging::people_hugging::people_hugging:


I know… You need a specific endometritis surgery planned to possibly be in that category of taking time off… :woozy_face:


Sending sympathy to all those struggling with hormones, periods. I have another migraine :weary: Absolutely sick of it now. The medication makes me feel even more spaced out than the migraine so sticking without.


I feel you. I started taking anti-diarrhea meds during periods a few years ago.


Migraine sucks on another level :disappointed:
Get well soon :people_hugging:


I was gonna post on the daily check-in, but this thread seems like a more appropriate place to discuss my nightmare periods.

It’s that time of the month again when my hormones are raging (giving me full-on rage, negative and irational thoughts), I’m in intense pain (the bed bounding kind), and as a bonus! One of my wisdom teeth decided to crash the party. I feel like death warmed up. I’m in a lot of pain and I’m seriously not well.

I slept till 1 and now I’m waiting for my husband to come back with the good painkillers.

Next week, once this month’s torture is over and done with, I’m going to see a gynaecologist. There has to be something they can do to make this suffering go away.

Oh, and I should probably see a dentist about that wisdom tooth too.


Oh that sounds horrendous, so sorry. Why does it feel like our bodies are working against us sometimes? Good plan to see someone. I have a lot of friends who have snapped recently and are now having surgery. Completely life changing. Not saying you need to necessarily go that far, but hopefully they can do something. So unfair. Hope you feel better soon :people_hugging:


Honestly, I’d love to get my tubes tied or something like that. A hysterectomy sounds a bit too far tho. But I don’t have the time right now or the mental capacity to argue with doctors convinced that I will eventually change my mind and want kids. I won’t. I just want to not be completely useless for a few days each month.


So, ive just been to the doctors thinking i had a UTI turns out theres no infection but blood in there…dr thinks its perimenopause and that my urethra is inflamed due to that…so ive got estrogen cream to use for 3 weeks then i have to go back, while i was there i asked for an overhaul because im worried ive damaged myself through drinking so ive got to have bloods taken, stool samples and theyre testing me for alsorts, im shitting myself but at least thatl sort the stool sample hey …:thinking::rofl:


We tend to think the worst Kelly, but you have been clean some time now. Our bodies are fantastic at repairing themselves, if we just give them a chance to.

Hope all goes well with the tests, hope you and your little girl are doing well :heart:


Oh poor you, hope you heal quickly. Well done on being brave enough to ask for tests. Hopefully they can put your mind at rest x


Binx!!! Ive missed u!! Are u ok love? Thank you we are good well she is il see soon, just hope i dont have anything nasty xx


Thanks Jenny, ive worried for a while now if im ok or not, im feeling the pressure to be ok because my daughter only really has me…my parents arent getting any younger and her dad is close to useless at the moment xx


I understand your worries Kelly completely, and I don’t mean to invalidate them. I often worry about the damage I might have done too. Do let us know how you get on with the tests. I’ll be thinking of you xxx glad to hear princess is well too. She happy to be back at school? I know mine are! :slightly_smiling_face:

I’ve missed you too, and everyone in the TS family. I knew I’d be back, but I wasn’t in the right frame of mind, and battling terrible anxiety. I still am, but I know I can’t be sober on my own - I need this community. Strength in numbers and all that :people_hugging::heart:


U were a big miss lady im so glad your back but i understand why u had a breather, we are always here for you.

I didnt feel u were invalidating my worries at all Binx, im scared but i was overly worrying about it so i had to do something xx