Women's hormonal roller-coaster

Worrying today, woke up with a headache right down the back of my head and felt sick so i have rang in sick for work, terrified ive got something bad :disappointed:


Hey all. I haven’t been following this post much but I need help. I feel like I’m transitioning from peri-menopause to menopause and for the most part it’s going okay. I don’t have hot flashes or night sweats which makes me very happy. But I am definitely struggling with my weight. It’s getting much worse in just the last few months. It seems like I just can’t lose anything no matter what I eat or how much I exercise.

Has anyone had similar experiences and have any suggestions? Unfortunately I’m not high enough in my BMI to get medical help.


I always thought people were exaggerating when they said it would be harder to lose weight after 40 but they were not. I’m mid-40s now and have realized that my old goal weight is in the rear view mirror. I’m trying to hit the treadmill more as a mood helper and less as an exercise goal and am trying to be more physically active in general because it makes me feel more like me.

My weight focus has shifted to more of a self love/maintain health journey rather than one of weight loss. This probably won’t motivate but I can help commiserate. Sending hugs.


I totally agree with that!! Sadly the last year (since I removed my Mirena) it has gotten so much harder to just maintain my weight. I’m sure it’s hormonal but I’m not sure what to do. :sob:


It is odd that you are gaining weight since you got off of hormones since I think the opposite is often true. Have you had your thyroid checked recently?


Menopause Rhapsody

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@VSue and for anyone struggling…i just downloaded an info and community site called ‘heyperry’ brilliant for info about perimenopause and menopause with a community of ladies too :heart:


“Now my ovaries are dead” :rofl: Brilliant, thanks for sharing. Helpful knowing we are not alone.


I am only in perimenopause, and early 40s so ignore me if this isn’t helpful (nothing worse than someone not quite there yet saying “this is what worked for me”). I have recently started the gym and following various people for advice. They all suggest that building muscle is the key to metabolism at this age, as muscle loss starts happening around about now. It might be worth looking online to see if you can read up on that.

It totally sucks that we have to put in so much more effort, just to remain at the top of a healthy BMI. A diet in my 20s was cutting out about 200 calories and it worked!


Yeah, I think muscle really is the issue. I used to work out more but it got harder as I aged so I did it less and that I’d only contributing to everything getting worse. I have a membership. Maybe it’s time to get my ass back there again.

Tomorrow is a holiday so no time like the present!!


Though the truth is I really do wish there was a magic pill!!! Poof! You’re skinny again. :rofl:


I remember going through this in my 30s in sobriety. Every 7 years our bodies change. This will change and go away. But I also had to do the steps eventually, which regulated everything.
Hang in there. Someday you will be proud to still have your period :slight_smile:


Hi girls. My last period started 27th September. Yesterday it came again… I thought it’s some kind of ovulation bleeding cause my cycle was never so short. But today it’s full power bleeding. Should I worry? Anybody experience this? I’m close to my 40s, maybe perimenopausal thing?


Oh that is annoying, how many days cycle is that? Mine have gradually reduced so now on a 25 day cycle :unamused: I know that because I track on an app (think it is designed for getting pregnant, but helps me track my moods etc.) Mine definitely started changing late 30s.


23 days cycle. Usually was 30 +/-1

Probably I should have some cycle tracking app as well. Last 2 or 3 periods I had this strong headaches few days before, this time luckily not. Weird stuff since I stopped drinking :wink:


Oh blimey, that is quite the change. It may be just standard annoying peri-menopause stuff, or something worth mentioning to your GP. Good idea to track as it helps calm my mind when I realise my irrational bad mood is hormones. Doesn’t get rid of the mood, but gives me reassurance it will go away.


My app is asking me during the cycle if I plan pregnancy and later if I want to use the perimenopausal algorithm :zipper_mouth_face: as it is so long and irregular.


I went from 28 day cycle to 14 day for a while and then to 24 and now it just does what it wants – i’m 45 and the tests say not pre menopausal yet but these are signs of pre menopause.

This is normal from what i understand but if you are worried, check in with your OB.


I made some readings and I’m not worried anymore :slight_smile: I see it’s very common. We are so lucky to be women :roll_eyes:


If it worries you it might be good to talk to your Dr about it. It could be some kind of pre menopause thing or not :woman_shrugging:t2: It’s often different for each of us.

Ah, I just saw your response :grin:
Yes, we’re veeery lucky to be women.
It NEVER gets boring :smiling_face_with_tear::joy:

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