Women's hormonal roller-coaster

I have two weeks in between my cycles these days @Mischa84. I’m the only one in my friend group whose cycle has become this short. I’m 44 and my GP says it is “probably” normal. I take this as a good reminder to show up for annual exams and wellness checks since anything goes at our age in the bleeding department. You aren’t alone.

Tracking apps save me too @JennyH. My moods were scary and being able to pinpoint a reason was so very helpful. Now that I’m sober my moods have calmed thankfully. Still it is nice to know.


I started intermittent fasting (16:8) around 3 weeks ago, I thought maybe it has something to do with this shorter cycle. Probably not.


The sweating :sob:
It’s 14°C, I wear a t-shirt, jeans and a softshell jacket and I’m dying. I could wear shorts and a tank top today and still feel warm.
It’s better when I’m standing still but when I walk :fire::fire::fire:
I feel like a nuclear power plant :joy::joy::joy:
And people are giving me weird looks :joy:


Stare back with wide eyes and say: “can you see me??” :smile:


Awesome!!! :joy::joy::joy: Next time I’ll do that!


I’m at the time of month my mood tanks and I’m super emotional. I hate everything and everyone. Everything is awful. Etc.

I just turned 49, so close to menopause. My sisters are 4 years older and started around 50.

I had a hysterectomy 2 years ago but kept my ovaries. So I still get the full hormonal shit show. But I’m so thankful to be done with the debilitating cramps every month. It just makes it hard to track my cycle. So it takes me a couple days of being angry and depressed to make the connection.

I’ve yet to find a way to feel better so grit my teeth and wait it out. With lots of crying. I really think I have PMDD but figure it’s too late to bother looking into that.

Much love to everyone else struggling right now.


Only 6 days until my period starts and I’m a grumpy monster :grimacing: I swear the next person who interrupts me or stands in my way gets bitten…
Thanks God I’m home now, time to work on my hurting back.


Hi ladies. Not been in this chat for a while. I have long been diagnosed with endometriosis and pcos as well as hydros. Had a laproscopy about ten years ago and they removed alot of the endo and fluid. Was a great help. Anyway fast forward ten years and the pain is unbearable once again which i am used to but one cycle in summer i felt as though i was being violently stabbed in my ovary. Made me scream. Ended up in ER. Scan showed 4 tennis ball sized cysts, fibroids more ebdo and hydro. The stabby extreme had calmed after a while and they explained its my ovary twisting but has twisted back. If it happens again i have to go straight in. Anyway, waiting lists are long but they sent me home and i have to see gynaecology again in december. Im on the wait list for surgery to sort the pelvic mess again. Oh the fun. I’d rather have it booked though than do emergency so i can mentallly prep myself.
Hppe everyone is doing well. X


I growled at a co-worker today out of frustration and then I started my period. It sneaks up on me every time.
I started a new book called Moody Bitches about women and hormones in an effort to learn more about perimenopause. So far I am finding it a little anti-medication for my liking but I am hoping to learn nonetheless. Take what is useful and leave the rest I guess.


All my PM bloods (FSH) came back normal plus normal thyroid. I just don’t know what to say about it as I really do feel shit before my period. Annoying!


Im not a specialist but have heard that fsh tests dont necessarily give you adequate information becuase hormone levels vary so much. I don’t have my own experience so this is just hearsay.


Period started today and I have all the feels at once :smiling_face_with_tear: A sad song or a sad scene in a show I watch are enough to open all gates. Sigh.
But hey, I feel feelings again. Not like when I was drunk, when I used to numb those feelings.
It’s annoying but it’s good, a good sign that all is doing what it’s supposed to do :slightly_smiling_face:


i am 45 closing in on 46 so i know i’m ripe for premenopausal bs.

question - is it normal for this stage to have the cramps and cravings without the actual bleeding? i am over a week late but been cramping since and have so many sugary / salty cravings. just want to know if this is normal


I don’t know but it would make sense to me. Sounds very annoying, the guessing and random cramps are often worse than the actual period to me! I don’t know what causes those cravings but suspect it may be the hormones rather than the bleed itself, so maybe you are experiencing those still?


I am 44 and kinda in the same boat. I’m getting a phantom period before my period…cramps, heaviness, that feeling of periodness. Then I get my period a week or so later…horrendous.


Oh wow, that is a double whammy, yuck! Sympathy to all those 40 plus women here


My between cycle cramps are getting more painful just within this last year or so (I’m 44) but my time between cycles is also getting dramatically shorter. Soon I think I will morph into just one big long menstrual cramp. :face_with_hand_over_mouth: I was never an ibuprofen/Midol girl but I am one now.

I get very strong twinge-like cramps that feel like an ovulation cramp but it isn’t at ovulation time. All I can think is that my old ovaries are having death spasms.

If it is new and/or very painful it can’t hurt to bring up with your doctor. Unfortunately we are at an age where we will get a lot of “well, you are of an age…” comments. I’m cramping over here in solidarity Jazz. :melting_face:


Yeah, I spend about 14 days convinced I’m getting my period until I finally get it. Between 23 to 39 days cycle. Crazy and so poop :poop:


I’m so sorry, I laughed. I imagined an old actor playing dead in a really hammy way…like the Vampire in the original Buffy film….now I know you will know that as we are age twins.


:rofl: ovaries in their death throes! I imagined exactly the same type of image as @Tragicfarinelli An aged actor refusing to leave the stage, this is their moment!