Women's hormonal roller-coaster

I have never seen Buffy! I know of it but I have never watched an episode. I don’t know why but I just haven’t.

I do picture my ovaries fake coughing as they stagger off stage spilling blood. It’s their big scene!


Shocked face ———> :open_mouth:


Now with real blood!


I didn’t grow up with cable and the one time I had it was when my roommate was OBSESSED with reality TV. I have seen a lot of Caesar Milan and Trading Spaces. :face_with_hand_over_mouth:


Haha brilliant, perfect!

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If we can’t laugh at these angry bodies of ours then what is the point. :wink: Solidarity sisters!


@jennyh Thank you –Annoying yes, it is starting to drive me a bit insane and my doctors / ob haven’t been much help.
@tragicfarinelli Damn girl! I am so very sorry! So what day of normalcy do you get in a month? Much love to you sista. I do hope this loop does not go on for much longer.

I hear you – this is what I went through around 44/45. No fun at all and I honestly always kept my pads / midol on hand cause I knew any day would be the next day. “ovaries hare having a death spasm” so sorry but I was rolling reading this. You do have a way with words. I am sorry that you are dealing with this too. I have had multiple test to check hormonal levels and for premenopausal but so far the tests say I’m fine – something is obviously happening and I do think I’m leaning towards menopause even if the tests don’t agree :laughing:

Amen to that – Solidarity indeed. I am grateful that I am able to come here and freely discuss this with you ladies. Thank you!


Think the peri-menopause is definitely here :tired_face: My periods were getting closer together, but with a regularity. Now I am 3 days late and seem to be experiencing a ghost period. The emotions are so intense too.


I am sorry Jenny…the ghost periods are the worst for me. Cause you have the symptoms which we sometimes get a few days ahead but these seem to last longer than the period.

I did finally get a “period” once the symptoms stopped - it was 2 weeks late. Gotta love our bodies :joy:

Sending you a hug. You are not alone in this craziness.


Aaaah thanks, so comforting to know we are in it together. The brain fog got me earlier. I thought my daughter’s football team had only got a draw, but they actually won. Even though I watched and cheered all match I somehow missed a goal!? :flushed: Hoping that clears up by my interview on Wednesday. I used to be so sharp!


Sorry but this made me laugh as I can totally relate. Glad they won.
The brain fog was a unexpected side effect of sobriety for me. It does come and go for me I do hope it lifts soon for you.

I’m sure you will kick ass in Wednesday! :muscle::people_hugging:


Quite interesting I think. Why not posting it here.


Before I was I was in recovery, I would be completely unhinged and suicidal the week before my period, now, almost 5 months clean, I am way less depressed but my cravings and memories become super vivid and intense. It is nice however to be able to recognize this pattern and know that it will pass, but DAMN does it suck. AHHHH Love you all, pray for me. haha


Last week I bought a new $10 pack of five pairs of crisp new undies. Nothing fancy just crisp cotton. Today I wore the white pair for the first time and felt soooo fancy. Guess what showed up a day early. Maaaaaan. :neutral_face:


Aw man that sucks hard… sorry Emilie
Aunt Flo is a nasty bitch when you have her and when you stop having her😜


This is why I can’t have nice things.
I think I’ll eat some ice cream about it, all better.


Women on their period should not dare step on a scale…just saying learn from my mistake ladies


You’re beautiful. Eff that scale, its probably lying.

But I hear you.

I can’t weigh myself until after the holidays.


I’m on my period so I’m gonna blame hormones. I’m in such a bad place today. Worst place. My own house. Alone with kids. Today I fucking hate them! They are driving me crazy. I’m trying not to show to much or not say anything that I will regret soon, but man it’s hard. I already feel bad that I said I hate them but Im kind of.not.liking them rn. I have a feeling they are taking turns of doing something bad so I won’t be relaxed for a moment. Ugh. I feel like my heart gonna jump out my chest soon. I’m always more nervous before my period, but now I’m on day 2 and I’m raging. But it must be hormonal, I’m not such a person :smiling_face_with_tear::smiling_face_with_tear:
I need a breake but no, I don’t have anybody here to take care of them for a while (before somebody gonna suggest it). God how I hate my life right now. I feel like a fucking teenager angry at the whole world :smiling_face_with_tear:


Just wanted to chime in. Peri menopause is driving me nuts, and everyone around me.
It’s like PMS every day.
Since this hormonal rollercoaster started everything got worse: cravings, moods, you name it.
I feel you people with uteruses!
And yes @Mischa84, I sometimes hate my kid too :roll_eyes: