Women's hormonal roller-coaster

welcome to the 2nd shitshow in a woman’s life :grin: first we start bleeding and the hormone horror began. then we survive decades. then it’s not “off the boat, enjoy your life” nooooo, it’s hey, never forget you are a delicate, fragile woman with rageing outbursts and can occacionally eat a mammut and kill a squadron while painting either her house or her nails :innocent::face_with_hand_over_mouth:


Hahaha :rofl::joy::rofl: :v:


My mood swings are gone BUT my body still produces pimples. E v e r y w h e r e :face_holding_back_tears:
Also I still crave foods I should avoid. Going to get me some Berliner today :yum::heart:
Hugs to all the girls on here who struggle :people_hugging:


Are you talking about doughnuts Sabrina?

Ich bin ein Berliner? I think that’s it…?

Now I want doughnuts. And to be in Berlin, one of my most favourite places in Europe :heart_on_fire::heart_on_fire:


Yup :blush: But didn’t get any fresh ones :disappointed: Have to try again tomorrow :yum:


My OBGYN gave me several times the ‚Your tests are clear. It‘s not menpause.‘ talk. I suffered so badly from those hormonal changes. At some point I thought whether life was worth it.

I changed my OBGYN, got HRT after the first visit prescribed. He told me, the reason to prescribe HRT is not any test levels - as these fluctuate on a hourly basis - but a person’s experiences and symptoms.

I still have the ups and downs and some days are really hard, but I have a life again, and I want to live it.

If any of you are struggling very hard, consider changing your OBGYN and if HRT might be an option, to ease the suffering.


I love this so much. Rage and beauty and competence and hunger, thats what I feel made up of some days. :japanese_ogre::crying_cat_face::nail_care:t3::fire:


mee too dear sister, me too :grin:


I know that feeling very well. My periods seem whack each time. Some periods my nipples hurt and are tender to the touch. Does anyone else have that issue ?


I get breast tenderness every month but that feels more like a heaviness than pain.


This is me today, did you seriously do any research and get anywhere.

Second day vibes are real.

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What is it???
Day one I want to cry and murder people. Day two I am hyper and silly and peaceful. What is that day 2 hormone/change? Maybe it is just the aspect of release? I want to bottle it and chug it by the gallon.
I refer back to these charts but find nothing helpful. My guess is FSH but an increase in that is supposed to depress moods.

Seriously, I want to live my whole life in the day 2 vibes.

Edited to say “bottle it and chug it by the gallon” feels both completely appropriate and totally inappropriate for an addiction website.


I agree, but would be even better without blood. :smirk:
It is real though. :smiling_imp:

Seems to be follicular phase, increased oestrogen and testosterone.

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Mine are just tender nipples but it only like every other month. It crazy lol


You have a cat called Bear? I didn’t get that first. Boy, I was scratching my head LOL :joy:


Yep. I do. But I didn’t really notice it before I got myself a husband who gets handsy :joy::wink:


@Olivia girl that funny as hell :rofl::joy: that probably why I do notice it cuz I ain’t got a husband :rofl::joy:

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Yes hahaha. I realise now it came across strange. :rofl::joy_cat:

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Me! Putting on a bra is awful but after some time I can tolerate wearing it. But not every month.

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I referenced a book called ‘period power’ some months ago here. Helped me a lot to understand my cycle better.