Working on working out #2

Looking good man. I’m gonna keep doing this strength thing a little longer and then I’m gonna go higher reps for a year. Been on 531 for a little over a solid year now and strength gains have been good but it’s almost time to reign in the body fat and switch it up

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Thank you man!
Still envious of that home gym you’ve got…
Something tells me the ones here will be locked down again sooner rather than later

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Thanks man, I’m grateful i put it together. I should be in much better shape having it but i was a active drunk up until a year ago so it is what it is, at least i don’t drink beer while i half ass lift anymore.

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Thanks, man, that was extremely helpful! I do cook sometimes, so I will smuggle extra calories into my food. I have never tried smoothie, but now that you mentioned I searched it up and found tons of recipes (really weird ones as well). I don’t drink cow-milk at all, so I either will use almond milk or yoghurt (I even found recipe with tea). They often contain cottage cheese which I would have skipped as a typo if you hadn’t mentioned, but I trust you on this.
Yes, it also occurred to me, that after running I eat more, but it didn’t have too much influence overall.
Thanks once again!

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In the past there were some types of food which I really liked and could eat definitely more of them compared to present times. But in the last few years it has totally changed. I don’t know if that’s because of the alcohol usage or I’m just getting older or what. But now I can’t think of anything what I would be able to eat a lot of.

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Same here. I was 100% the same.

I’d go play soccer hungover, sweat it out. Or lift hungover/still half in the wrapper from the previous night. Its doable, sure, but the results show its impact!

Alcohol massively impedes any fitness pursuits. Wrecks your sleep, tons of excess garbage calories, less energy, screws with the metabolism…the list goes on. Here’s to a healthier existence and being able to give 100%!


Yep I agree with this. On my days when I fit in two work outs , I could eat the entire supermarket… Up your activity levels as much as possible and your appetite will appear in no time :grin:

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There has to be something that you enjoy!?!?

Working out today :slight_smile:


Well, I can enjoy food, but I cannot eat a lot of it. I lost my appetite in the last few years, so I thought that it happened because of the booze, but it hasn’t come back since, so maybe I’m just aging or I don’t know.

today’s session. Only went up to 315 on hack squat, leg extensions, and hamstring curls, stiff legged deadlifts, front squats, and trap bar. When I get home going to do some cardio, followed with some bicep work


I had a rest day from lifting but wasn’t content with a traditional rest day and wanted to push myself, so I got a good run in this morning.

Figured I’d do a 5K to see how it felt. It’s amazing how much sobriety has positively impacted my endurance. Feeling great.


Damn good run. I was hitting like 34 minutes for my 5ks when I was steady running, I do like a mile here and there now. Last night I was all pumped about my 9 months so I was like I’m gonna jog 9 miles, my longest jog to date was 7 miles lol. Any ways I only made it 4 miles last night, my ankle started to hurt so I just called it quits haha

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Lol 4 miles is awesome though! That’s more than I’ve done in forever. I love that idea of 9 miles for 9 months, I might have to steal that and use it as a challenge each month.

I decided to go to the gym Thursday - Sunday to have some what of a set routine and goal… I don’t know what my fitness goals are, they keep changing.

Anyways, here i am!


Anyone know if hanging abs can be done on a Smith machine? If so, is it frowned upon?


I’ve done pullups on the crossbar of a smith machine before when all the pullup bars were being used, I didnt get any flak for it. I don’t think you’ll have a problem, especially if its limited options for equipment :slightly_smiling_face:

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I found this, there’s a video of a guy doing it and it looks pretty good.

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I think this person is doing some variation of a leg press. Really confused me for a bit :sweat_smile:

Oh I seeit says “lower abs”… weird! Well maybe that’s an option then