Yoga for October! Yoctober anyone?

Day 8 :white_check_mark:

Not working today so had a lie in. Still did the yoga and meditation before I got on with anything else though. My arms let me do quarter push ups, I’ll take that!

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All up to date, days 7 and 8 done. I need to get some blocks. Pretty achey in the hips/lower back today, hoping day 9 is light in that area.

Have a good day folks :+1:

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I’m doing an in person class today so probably going to skip day 9 of the playlist as it’s a longer one. Good luck!

P.s. stacks of books can work in place of blocks if you only need them occasionally :blush:

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Thanks :grinning:

Enjoy the class :pray:t2:

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It was good thanks :blush:

It’s a friend of mine who runs it and she was saying the other day about the gender difference. Obviously everyone is unique in their bodies and abilities but men tend to have more arm strength and women more range of movement in hips etc.

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Day 9 :white_check_mark:

The class my friend does is really nice, there are quite a few people there who are totally new to yoga and she’s done a great job of putting it all together.

We did a half hour gong relaxation after (through speakers rather than gongs in the room, but still). Lovely :sparkling_heart:

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Day 8: Forgot to post last night, but yesterday I did a ten minute body scan meditation in the morning and then taught an hour-long vinyasa class at the studio where I teach. I was pretty happy with the class. It has been very sunny here over the last week, so I used the sun as my inspiration and did some traditional Half-Sun As, full Sun As, and Sun Bs, and then some fun twisted chairs, crescents, etc. And gave some good time at the end for relaxation. It was a great way to end the week.


Dang it forgot to out yesterday’s and just finished this morning’s flow.

Day 8, and 9 complete.

“Cat” kills my lower back but I love “Cow”
I think I will just do a dbl “Cow” hahah


One day I will work out the difference between cobra, upwards dog and swan :sweat_smile:


Day 10 :white_check_mark:

Lots of lovely twists and a bit of :fire: on the legs

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Thanks. I have been confused by that also.

I think upward dog is like swan but only the tops of the feet and hands touch the ground. Not certain of that tho :man_shrugging:

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I was thinking it might be more about the hands being under shoulders like in cobra. But looking at some pictures the rest of the body is lifted too.

Day 10 done.

This just made me chuckle…

I am glad I have no mirrors at home, never liked that about the studio I went to.

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Ha yes mirrors are such a distraction. Too easy to focus on how it looks. That is what I love about at home yoga (and particularly ywa), the emphasis on focusing on how it feels.

Also I don’t think my ‘reality’ looks anything near as graceful as those pictures. And not just because I do my morning yoga in my pyjamas :rofl:

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Day 11 :white_check_mark:

Had a late night last night as I helped organise a fundraising event and couldn’t get straight to sleep after. Feeling very sleepy this morning and so it was nice to have a very beginner friendly practice.

I am coming to appreciate seated forward fold more. I don’t find the standing pose that restful as it bothers my quads. But seated is so nice now. I think its because I have stopped worrying about how far I get and really letting the tension out of my neck so my head drops and I get a better stretch down my back.

Still feeling sleepy but a bit less!

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Day 9: This was a day of rest for me. I had a lot of physical practice during the week, so I just let myself be on Saturday.

Day 10: Again, not a formal practice. But I went golfing with my parents and boyfriend. I am still pretty new to golf, but there are ways in which yoga applies as I sync my breath and movement as I swing the club and it requires focus. I also started playing around with some standing stretches on the golf course: golf yoga. Moves you can do standing, in your golf clothes, and even using the club as a prop.

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I practice mindfulness and meditation.

Never tried yoga. Not sure how practical it would be with my 17st frame, flexibility of a steel pipe and my struggles due to chronic arthritis.

I’m sure their is some yoga out there for me :relaxed:

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There is definitely yoga out there for you! If you already have a meditation practice, you are on your way. People often think that yoga is primarily a physical practice, but the path of yoga is actually considered to have “eight limbs,” and physical practice is only one of them. The other aspects of yoga include things like meditation, concentration, breathing techniques, guidelines for not causing harm to others… But I’m getting way ahead of myself, haha.

Even though there are other aspects of yoga, let’s talk about the physical aspect. So from meditation, I assume that you have worked with a connection to breath. In a physical yoga practice, we sync breath and movement. That movement doesn’t have to look like elaborate and impressive poses where you balance on your arms or bend your back into a full wheel. It can be as simple as taking some gentle neck rolls, stretching into the shoulders, standing tall, or just laying on your back breathing and feeling into your whole body. I am a yoga instructor and I teach a few different styles – I’ve got a rather amped up class for seasoned practitioners with lots of movement, restorative yoga with lots of stillness, free-form dance, gentle yoga for seniors, and even chair yoga where we never even lay on the mat. So there are lots of options!

If you are interested in yoga but feel like, maybe it’s not for me because A, B, C, etc., I highly suggest checking out Jessamyn Stanley, particularly her book Every Body Yoga. I just did a quick search and it also looks like she has some videos online tailored for beginners. I’m going to try one of them later just to see what it’s like and get some inspiration for my own classes. Let me know if you have any questions!! I’m happy to offer some suggestions and guidance.



I will check out the recommendations

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Day 11: nice long practice today outside. I went in without a plan or a time limit and it was really lovely. Gave me a chance to just feel in to what my body needed.