You are missed #2 (Part 1)

This makes me smile :blush:

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@Coffee_please hope your good!

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Did @jane.c delete her account? She had sent me a very nice and thoughtful message a few days ago or so and I was planning on getting back to her today after thinking on it for a few. But now all of our messages/correspondence is gone, and I can’t tag her/find her.


Yes, she did.


Thanks. That’s really too bad. She was always so nice to me. I wish I had gotten back to her beforehand.


Oh that’s hard news to hear…


Now I’m sad. Truly. :cry:


I miss my sober twin benedictine. Such a classy lady.


Oh wow. I hope she is OK. She had thoughtful posts.


@anon84416494 you ok bud? Not sure if you’ve posted but thought I’d check in


@Charlie_C Just thinking of you Charlie and hope all is going well for you still!


Hey @anon12657779 thanks for reaching out!
I was off for vacation with my girlfriend in the province. But even couple of days before I was having lots of papers to finish before leaving and got away from TS and phone. Got some good news and celebrated. Because my girlfriend was around I felt comfortable drinking during vacation, because when I’m not alone it is actually fine, but this is a dangerous path for me because when I’ll get alone I know I would start thinking about drinking alone because I had « handled » it the past weeks. But truth is I’m not really handling it, I’m just fighting it still. But I had some great insight on it during the last couple of weeks with my therapist and my family. I’ve been giving a lot of thoughts on the obsessive part of myself and saw how much it is this part of me that drags me down into drinking when I make alcohol my obsession… This part of my personality is stronger than I thought, and it need to be addressed even more than drinking itself, because if I just stop without taking care of it, I just get even more obsessed and it become unmanageable. So, I would say seriously I’m going good, vacation were resourceful. But I am still fighting for a better self, thought sobriety is not at the moment my main goal, it remains never to far in my head because I know it will always be a possibility for me to fall into this black hole.

How are you? As I am finishing my vacation alone today, I was very happy to see your message. Even if I’m not totally dedicated to sobriety again or yet, I feel like this is always a safe place because of people like you.
Hope you having a good day !


@Hopeful777 Hey Marie, haven’t seen you around for a while. Miss you! Hope the new job is going well :orange_heart:

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Hey @Knkhorsed
Hope your doing ok :ok_hand:

@anon43625156 how’re you doing?

Hey, went out of town for the weekend. Drank some, but not like I usually do. Thanks for missing me. I appreciate the support!

@funnydad, have I just missed your presence?!?:raising_hand_woman:


Hey @IwillOVERCOME. I miss you! Please know that you are loved and missed. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts::heart:


@Flamestar how’s it going?🙋


i was just wondering where @Flamestar has been.