You are missed #2 (Part 1)

Yeah… @Natnat and @Bootz hope you are both doing OK.


Well I’ve realized I dont want to keep doing this. I want sober in my life!! I reached out to someone to go to meetings with so that’s good news


Seems some people having been trying to reach out to me :slight_smile: Thanks everyone. And @anon12657779 you’re probably right… I should probably get back on here again. :slight_smile:

Yeah so it’s official. I’m an alcoholic…again. As relapses go, this was a pretty solid one! I’ve had some ups and downs and lockdown took its toll on me and I’ve had a few very strange epiphanies. One of them is that my alcoholism is definitely a symptom of other things, not just a cause of my terrible moods.

It’s time to open up more and get on board with the 12 steps. Abstinence, although did keep me sober for 19 months, it ultimately, didn’t work for me first time round.

I’ve just moved into a new place this week, still working the same job thankfully as I’m pretty happy here. It seems like a good idea to build a home with good intentions and good habits.

I’ve been saying to myself and I’ve said to Geoff and to Dan that I didn’t want to use talking sober again til I had some days under my belt but that’s proving a tough task.

Thankyou to those who reached out. I really hope this was my last relapse and I can find it in me to stay sober again.


We’re here for the struggles as well as the milestones… I know I felt the same when I came back a few times; but the truth is we’re so happy to see you again and are here to stand beside you.
Welcome back!


Always good to see you around Josh. This can be a great place for support, and a good addition if you are doing AA and steps. Congrats on the new place!


Good to see you bud! :facepunch:

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Happy to see you Josh. Congrats on your new place. Looks like you’re finding some new space in your head too, which is a good thing right. Use this place and use us all. In the best possible way. Onward and upward.


Dude, we’re getting the band back together!


Welcome back


Good to see you :hugs:

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And i haven’t been around long enough to even know who you are, but I can tell it’s a big deal that you’re back! So welcome back. Great to meet you and I’m looking forward to you hanging out here. :blush:


I used to hang out here a bit lol


Good to see you back Josh. This is a good safe place to be for people like us. Looking forward to getting to know you better and reading your post. Welcome back brother. :heart:

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Hey Kayla. I was just thinking about the fires in Colorado and thought of you. I can’t remember what town you live in Colorado. I saw a pic from someone’s airplane window on twitter today and the fires look so awful. I hadn’t seen a post from you in 2 days so I thought I’d post my concerns for you here. I hope all is well where you are.


Hi my friend!

Thank you for thinking of me. I’m doing okay! Thankfully I don’t live close to any of the fires. The parents of one of the girls I work with had to evacuate as of yesterday. They live in Estes park. It’s so sad to think that Rocky Mountain national park might be up in flame soon. I haven’t been feeling so good the last several days, which is why I haven’t been on. I have my scope today in a few hours and I’m really anxious about it. I’ll get on and do a checkin later today. It’d be good for me. Love you guys!!! Thanks for getting my butt back on here. :heart:


@TSan are you ok? I haven’t seen your check ins for days I guess.

Hi, @Tomek! Didn’t mean to worry you. I didn’t get to check in yesterday because I was traveling for work in a place with very limited internet/cellular service due to hurricane damage. Today is day 27 for me. How are you feeling today?

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Maybe I skipped your last post, it seemed it’s been a while now.
I’m glad that you’re ok!
I’m fine, thanks!

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@Brookiemonster618 how you doing. @Mychelle hope all is well


@joanie I see you