You are missed #2 (Part 1)

@Ricmills Been a few months I think since we saw you check in on the daily checking in thread? I’m just looking out for fellow canadians! :canada:
Hope you’re doing well. :orange_heart:

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It’s great to hear from you. We’ll all still be here when youre ready to come back. :heart:

I’m around, just kinda drop in, read a few threads and bounce.

My dog died on New Year’s Eve, which was the perfect end to the year. She was sick for about a week or so, and it just went south quick…so, the last few weeks have been unpleasant.

Outside of that, still working from home, still not playing any shows, or even having practice. Just kind of existing right now.

Still sober though, and incredibly grateful for that.


Good to see you mate, are you still lifting though?

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Definitely still lifting. Hit a bench press PR about a month ago. Lifted 215x2. Still working on adding to my deadlift and squat.

I’ve been switching it up lately, and doing more bodybuilding workouts rather than powerlifting ones.


Sorry to hear that, :disappointed: she was a good pup.

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Nice to see you about, so sorry about your dog?

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I appreciate it. She was the bestest girl.


Many thanks. It’s been tough, but I know she’s not in pain anymore, and that’s what really matters.


Oh Thomas, I am so sorry to hear about your dog. That is just terrible. I’m glad to hear your holding up well. That really sucks.

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That was meant to be a ! not a ?
That would be a small comfort

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Oh my gosh, I’m so sorry :disappointed: I really hope you’re hanging in there. Geez, you’re right, what an end to the year! I’m so sorry again Thomas.


I am real sorry to hear about your dog. Sending hugs to you.

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I was just looking at some of my first topics and it made me think of @Natnat as well. Hope you are doing good!!


I think about Natnat too, especially on the gratitude thread. Hope you are well, Natnat. :orange_heart:


@Hopeful777 ? I hope you are still enjoying your job and that you’re doing well. Miss you around here and hope you are well. :orange_heart:


Hey Geoff,
How are you doing? You changed your nickname?

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It was such a cute dog, sorry for your loss.

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He has left the forum. Doing well last I heard.


@Frank68 Heyo Frank! I think I haven’t seen you post around here for a while. Hope you survived 2020 and are smooth sailing into a new year. :orange_heart: