You are missed #3

What kept me sober was continuing to do my routines and schedules. Every morning I was reading AA In my storage unit and doing my morning prayers. Getting ready for the day then locking up and spending all day outside trying my hardest to maintain everything that has kept me sober. Then returning to my storage unit at nine to drop my stuff off and do my nighttime thing. I had to maintain everything no Matter what


Iā€™ve been doing the same :pray: @apes2020

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She just checked in yesterday (?) and it sounded like she was doing well.

Way to take care of yourself. Thatā€™s some strong work for sure. :heart:

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Thank you ā€¦ Even though Iā€™ve explained the last week and what Iā€™m going through I still feel like I donā€™t even have the words. Iā€™m trying to understand . This has meaning. But also hopefully never happens again. The last couple days I kept thinking is this my life?


I ended up homeless for a little while. I was 7 or 8 years sober when it happened. This was before my big relapse. Youā€™ve got a plan. Its temporary. Its awesome that AA readings have been so helpful.

Iā€™ve was in a funk recently that I was having a hard time shaking. Anxiety had me feeling paralyzed. I reconnected to AA meetings. I found a sponsor and have been working the steps. Its made a huge difference in my mental health for the better.


I totally hear you. To be honest I have been picking and choosing what I do with AAā€¦ And youā€™re right I find when I stop working the steps on a daily basis or going to meetings on a regular the anxiety gets worse because Iā€™m trying to control things.


I relate 100%

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Iā€™ll tell you one thing Iā€™ve never been so tan and hydrated in my life. Tucson Arizona is no joke. That sun is like a laser beam

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There is always a positive.

When I ended up homeless, I camped on a river. I was really bummed out losing my place.

After a couple days on the river, I was grateful.:rofl:


There probably alot of meetings there in Tuscon. Maybe youā€™ll find some help, and make your remaining time there less sunny. @Bluekoolaid

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I am just glad you are leaning into AA and finding strength there. I spent some time homeless many years ago when I was younger. I was still using and got myself into some bad situations. Sounds like you are working with your situation as best you can and much more wisely. There is some peace in that I think. Smart staying hydrated ā€¦the desert sucks it out of you for sure.


Hey mate! Iā€™m all good over here thanks. As @RosaCanDo mentioned, Iā€™ve been busy, but in a totally good way. Lots of things changing for me. Hope youā€™re doing well too :cowboy_hat_face:


How are you doing @Jennajen ?


I am soing well, sober! Was honest with my friends about my relapse and they have been great about supporting me :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: thank you for checking up on me :heart:


@DowntroddenGoat , baaaaa?


Thank you for the update. That sounds great. Having a support system around you :upside_down_face:


Does anyone know of @M-be-free49?


Thank you for thinking of me @Diamonster @JasonFisher and @Bomdhil

And thank you my sweet @Becsta for letting everyone know Iā€™m alive and well!!

Life has just been an absolute shit show and my world crumbled around me. I had zero desire to drink through it all though. Iā€™ll post an update somewhere, but if a miracle didnā€™t happen by this month, my decision was to no longer live. Itā€™s not what I necessarily wanted, just the only option I felt I had. I got my affairs in order, instructions, passwords, daily videos for my daughters, lots went into it. Alas, I got my miracle. I never gave up though. I was fighting like a mofo. I was going to fight until the last second. I have nowhere else to put this. Iā€™m just glad I donā€™t have to do it. I went through an intensely dark period. Part of my fight means my day is incredibly busy with little time for sleep. So, Iā€™m very deprived there. Averaging 1-3 hours a night. Thatā€™s changing now! Iā€™m working very hard to get adequate sleep.

Sorry to dump such negativity on my first 5 minutes back. Not sure how often Iā€™ll be able to post, but I miss you guys. I just couldnā€™t say a word to anyone about what I was doing.

And!!! @MrCade YOUā€™RE HOME!!! Congrats! I did a spit take when I saw you posting. Iā€™m so glad itā€™s over and that youā€™re back!!


@Squirt are you doing alright?