You are missed #3

How have I never thought of this!?!?! Flipping genius. We have an evaporated cooling system so when it hits above 98 it’s almost unbearable and we had some days over 100 this week. I think it’s gonna be a hot summer


More or less the temperature like here (the average I mean, though nothing normal right now) we did the towel thing for the tournament we had today, for the golf players. I should try for myself! I have AC, but no fan of having it on at night, when it hits me straight in the face.

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thinking of you today! Havent seen you on the check in thread in a while. I know things are very hard but people do notice and care :heart_decoration:


Thank you so much. I have been really up and down lately. It means a lot that you checked in♥️


@liv_m how is you Yoga doing? I started a new module ‘Fire’ today and really felt how much I needed this session today.


That’s so good to hear. Being busy with life. Congratulations on your full week again. :sunflower::upside_down_face:


@Lorelai @Its_me_Stella @Misokatsu @anon9289869 @icebear

Hey, thank you all so much for your concern, it really means a lot to me to know there are people out there that care about my absence. I have been seriously unwell since early May, including a 2 week hospital stay. I’ve been so unwell I have barely touched my phone. I’m at home recovering slowly now, surgery in a few weeks, the same day that my tenancy ends! I need to reconnect here and catch up, I won’t spam the forum, but I will catch up to reconnect before I start posting again. I am on day 143 of no cocaine.



So good to hear from you.


Good to hear from you Cam!

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Thank you so much for checking in, Cam! You’ve been on my mind and that of many, I’m sure. I’m so sorry you’ve been ill. Rest and recuperate well. :heartpulse:

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Oh, no, get well soon! So happy to hear from you tho! :purple_heart:

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@anon3131847 where you hiding.


Happy to hear from you, Cam. Get well soon, friend.

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So glad to hear from you. So sad to hear you have been sick. Great on no cocaine!!

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Hey @CATMANCAM… hope ur okay amd doing well. Check in when u can my friend!
@anon53116147 Thinking I’d you Mike and hope everything is okay in treatment! Can’t wait to hear all about it when u have access to the forum again

Edit: just saw ur post @CATMANCAM. Weird how I was thinming of you just now and u already posted haha Hope u recover quickly and congratulations on ur clean time!! Glad to see ur still going strong!


Good to hear from you, sorry you are not feeling well. Hope the surgery will help with that?
Get well soon! :pray:


Work has been very exhausting and stressful lately. I lack the energy to be social. And I’m not in a good place lately, which is also affecting the amount of time I make for recovery


All you’re saying is screaming danger Jan. Make an effort and invest in your recovery! In whatever way suits you. Take care friend.


Things are always better with friends who understand.


Cam! :purple_heart: :hugs: I’m so grateful for you and happy to see you popping in. I do very much miss your check ins and general presence around here. I hope you’re able to resolve whatever ailments have left you feeling unwell! Rest up and recover friend.