You are missed #3

Yes I’m fine, thanks. I’m on holidays with my daughters, in my family


All ok here thanks. Very hot. Need to take a dreaded Covid test as feeling pretty rough!

Nice to see you back x

Oh no, poor you. My sister has it atm and can’t tell what are symptoms and what is this heatwave. Must be a nightmare for you both.

Feel better soon xx

Glad to see you, keep trying!

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The mother of the meme thread, and my friend…hope you are well


:orange_heart: I’m doing okay! So nice of you to check in. Been very up and down over the years I won’t lie. But currently 72 days sober!! Hope you are well


It’s official, I have Covid! Urgh. It’s a bit rough

Oh nooooo, and in a heatwave! :tired_face: You poor thing, hope it isn’t too bad. Good excuse to take care of yourself. And think how much of a gift you have given your body by fighting it sober!

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Yes on this 95th day sober I’m so grateful I got Covid in this way rather than knee deep in wine haha :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Hi @Liv !!! :heart:


I’m still here, took a hiatus of sorts but I’m still doing the things. Been thinking of this place and feeling lonely without this group. Thanks so much for thinking of me, it means something to be missed. I’ll come back i think at this point, I’ve been dealing with some real bad depression issues lately and I noticed it got worse when I dropped off with checking in here and communicating with this group. Thanks again I appreciate you guys a lot


Glad I saw this. I was gonna tag you as missing today since I haven’t seen you on the workout thread. Come back to the app especially if it helps with your depression!


Thanks so much for thinking of me, it honestly feels great knowing there’s people here that were missing me.
I really didn’t realize what an important support outlet this was for me until I tried just going rogue and not having any accountability anywhere but to myself like those people who talk about pulling their boot straps up all the time do I guess.
Turns out I can also pull my bootstraps up but I need to talk about it with others while I’m doing it and then after it’s been done lol.
Look forward to putting up post-workout update tonight for the 1st time in a while!


Hey! How are you??


Just realised you were trying to tag a different Liv… my bad :see_no_evil::flushed: even so… nice to be back on here after so long!


It is great to see you doing so wonderful w your sobriety @Liv ! Yes, I accidentally tagged you and then edited it but it is great to see you come on the site! Hugs


Hey good to see you :blush:! Glad to hear you are still doing the things- I find this group immensely helpful, especially the gratitude thread. No one can understand us like other addicts.


So true, well said! Honestly I’m definitely gonna stick with this as part of my day to day today routine from now on! I tried it alone and I learned I can’t do it without the support of friends and folks like the ones here!


Ooohhh this makes me sad to see Mel gone! :sob:
If you’re around and see this Mel I’m sending you lots of love! :yellow_heart:


Good!! Busy, but good :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:
How are you??

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