You are missed #4

She is a rockstar!! I miss her as well!!


I am so sorry friend. I do hope that you are able to rest up and get better soon. Please do reach out for support as we can not heal in solitude. Sending you healing and motivational vibes. :people_hugging:


Imma a busy bee!!!
Thank you for thinking of me @Mindofsobermike and @Soberbilly

I have almost homeschooled a teenager to graduation, just a few more months. Its incredible… 4 years ago I couldnt even read a book because my attention was so bad.
I have a slew of sponsees (7) who are all working a set of steps as I work on two sets myself. I am making lots of jewelry and selling it at fairs and online. I just started a new meeting in town and its been a great success, we sure needed it. My life is so full, and I would have none of it if I didnt have a hotline to my HP. So… ty for the blessings. :pray:

@SassyRocks i thought about you and sent you lots of love on Saturday, hope you felt it and that you had a great day. :heart:


Lovely to hear stella. Always nice to see you, glad you are busy and life is full. Much love


I love you Stella!! You have so much to be proud of, always. Your community’s are so lucky to have you …metaphysical and recovery and all else. Love how you show up and get it done!! I always feel the love. :heart::people_hugging::heart:


Hey joe!
Thanks for checking in with me :blush:
Im doing good thank you, coming up on my 2nd year sober :raised_hands::partying_face:
Ive gotten right into the gym life recently and have taken up running :scream: me! Running! I cant quite believe it but im doing it haha. Just finished couch to 5k and have gotten myself a new bike so i can go on a few adventures too :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:
But yeah lifes good im happy and settled, still taking things one day at a time and learning along the way but its a life journy isnt it.
Hope youre all good and the rest of the peeps too! :purple_heart:


Excellent, glad to hear it. Yes it’s absolutely a life journey. Good days and bad days, great days and shit days. But sober days nonetheless. I’m all good too. Enjoy you bike adventures :grin:. :love_you_gesture::muscle:


@Liljelly Hey Nate! How are you doing? Are you still with us?


@Maria I really hope you’re still alive sweetings :broken_heart:

1 Like

@JazzyS thank you :blush: so much


@Hayleylujah @Alycia @Jftself @Bluekoolaid
Might have just missed your posts hope your all doing well.
Thinking of you :sunflower:


@Scorpn Missing you. Hoping you and family and your sobriety are all doing fine and just b u s y.
Much Love.

@Singtone and @ShadowFax saying hi to the two of you …

@Dragonflygirl82 hello to you
I see you posted a few days ago w a pic of the 15 month old! Great!!! :white_check_mark:
Now I see the cute pics were March 2023! Big hugs xxx

@ELY83 thinking of you! :hugs::hugs:
I see your post just a few days ago so good! :white_check_mark:

So many of you who I treasure, haven’t checked your names to see if active. I expect good bit of you check in here and there.

@James6 hello out there, hoping all is well.


Just thought of you @NewBeginning1. Hope, you are doing alright :star:


I heard from our mx_elle, who asked me to pass this along :heart:
I’ve pasted her note below:
It’s the memer in recovery, your favorite political flag.

Am I the first to reach out to you this way? I mean, I am one for firsts.

I need help, I’ve relapsed on marijuana. I cannot handle physical pain sober; this is the plain truth. But I’m getting better, and I cannot stop using, it’s a trap. I’m really in that space where you know you need to stop, but you don’t want to.

Anyone with chronic pain experiences and dealing with this sober?




I want to add sweet wishes @Salty to my favorite french sis mxelle, Bisou :white_flower:


I’ll second that. I hope she feels better soon. :v::green_heart:


@Reddawg7768 Haven’t seen you in a while, hope all is good.
@Dan531 maybe you’ve been around and I’m just missing your posts, so I’ll check on you too. How’s the house project going? Almost done?


I’m still kicking :wink:. The massive project is coming to an end (finally :sleepy:). Thanks for checking on me bro


Hihi :heartbeat:
Still kicking and sober crocheting away… I’m trying to make a jumper at the moment for winter. Taking a bit of the break from the app but is lovely to have you check in with me. I’m 2 years sober on Saturday which is exciting :blush:
@Twizzlers thank you for checking in also! I will return just needed a bit of a breather. I love the support this app and all of the wonderful people on here give.
Hope you are all well x


Happy 2 year Saturday to you and I’m glad all is well. Thanks for popping in to say so. :yarn:🩷