You are missed #4

Hi Marie, :wave:t3:

Thanks for thinking of me. I had a wee mental health break during my period as honestly Iā€™m all over the place lately during it. Not much fun, and lately itā€™s a case of battening down the hatches and doing everything to survive those days!! Itā€™s passed now so I am human again. Thanks my friend. The two baby panthers have been losing teeth, Iā€™m up to finding five so far :tooth::tooth::tooth::tooth::tooth:



Tragic F!! Iā€™m really happy to hear youā€™re ok. :heart:Sorry about the rough patch, though.

You might have enough panther incisors to use for a crafts project ā€¦wait, noooo, not serious, actually they should be in a baby book! What kind of cat mother am I? :laughing:monster I amā€¦hehe


I have found and kept one canine tooth and four side teethā€¦ :joy::joy:


Oh my god Jamesā€¦ I was just talking to someone the other day about your coffee ritual. I will never forget that post! :smiley:


Il never forget my dog Polly when she was a pup came running to me and dropped me her tooth and just looked at me :blush:


Sorry you have to go through all that @Bones_80
Sending you some positive vibes and energy.
Stay strong.


I miss her too @JuliaLuna !
Hope youā€™re doing well going strong @Daniellegurl


Hey @paper_boats
Itā€™s been ages? I heard that song of yours the other day. Then I came across an old post. Thinking about you.
Hope you are well.

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@Lile01 Indi how are you doing friend? :slight_smile: I hope youā€™re doing good again :people_hugging:


I was just thinking of her too @Lile01. Hope ur doing well Indi. We are always here for u :heart:


Thinking of you Emma.
I hope you are well.


Geoff hasnā€™t used the forum since before this picture was taken. He was passing through Cambridgeshire one night and stopped into the restaurant I was heading up for dinner :slight_smile: @HoofHearted I donā€™t remember what his screen name was but I noticed someone did mention his name.

I spoke to him a couple days ago. Heā€™s rejoined the Navy and currently sailing around the Arabian Sea :slight_smile: Geoff is very well indeed :slight_smile:


Look at those rockstars! So much swag!!


Still here, still sober, just working on me, never ending process! 95 days today and going strong. Spent a lot of time with my kids, which has been amazing. Appreciate you reaching out.


His profile name was @geo I thought. But I could be wrong?
Lovely picture of the two of you!


@SoberHorrorFan I hadnā€™t been in the horror thread in a while and I noticed you havenā€™t either. Everything alright over in the land of the rising sun?


@LeeHawk Thinking of you today. I hope you are well :heart:


Thanks for asking!ā€“Thanks for even noticing! Thatā€™s very kind.

Everything is fine with me. My absence is largely down to the fact that, exactly two weeks agoā€“after six booze-free monthsā€“I had a drink.

An old friend of mine who lives overseas that I only get to see once every few years came to visit, and we always enjoyed going out for a drink (i.e. getting drunk) together, so I decided to have a drink with him.

It was a conscious decision rather than an impulsive slip, and the next day I got back on the wagon, it hasnā€™t been a problem at all and I donā€™t regret it, but it has given me pause to reflect and think about my sobriety.

For one thing, it has made me wonder about the legitimacy of me posting here under the name ā€œSoberHorrorFanā€ā€“even though I am still resolved not to fall back into habitual drinking like I used to.

So, Iā€™m still not drinking (except for that one occasion), still watching too many horror movies (going to see the new Omen film tonight), but just feeling a bit weird about that experience and still trying to gain some perspective on it.

Hope you are well!


Ah, I can definitely see how something like that would stir up some thoughts and questions. Iā€™m just glad you were able to keep on track. I wish the best for the future of your sobriety :pray: Stick with those films. They always help me :blush:


@J.Thomson havenā€™t seen you in a while, Jeremy. How are you doing my friend?

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