You are missed #4

Still around lurking in the shadows :wink:. Thanks for thinking of me



Thank you for thinking of me, Iā€™m ok, had a lot going on due to something at work but Iā€™m still standing x


Great to hear from you Richard. Hope things calm down at work so you can enjoy some summer fun time.

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Bless you :pray:

Ik be thinking of you and sending you good wishes and take care of yourself :pray:

Will be here if you ever want to pop in say hi :hugs::hugs::hugs:
You will be missed :purple_heart:


Aw Billy. Love you too my man. Whatever you decide will be right. Namaste friend. Be safe and happy :blush:


@JuliaLuna miss seeing your smileā€¦ hope you are doing well :people_hugging:


Good to see you Button.
Miss that smiling face of yours.
You take care of yourself.


@maxwell How are you doing ?


Hi Matt :heartbeat:
Iā€™m alive. Still soberā€¦ just. I was thinking of downloading this app again. I had a lovely weekend away with friends and the urge to drink was the strongest itā€™s been in a long time.
So Iā€™ll reengage here again, spend some time with like minded friends again. How are you Matt? I hope your well.


Good to hear back from you Alycia. I know the feeling of the ā€œescape urgeā€ pushing you. Iā€™ve felt it myself and many, many people have shared about it here. (The ones who werenā€™t killed by it.) Hoping you find the connection and involvement you need to keep yourself where you want to be :innocent:

Iā€™m good, thanks for asking. Iā€™ve been involved with my SA group and Iā€™m working my steps, which I am finding therapeutic. I have discovered a lot of knots and other hidden wrinkles in my past and my self, and it feels liberating to look at them, to accept them, and to gradually loosen and untie them. Itā€™s an ongoing process :slightly_smiling_face:

Whatā€™s one thing youā€™re worried about or struggling with now? I like this question. My wife and I will often end our days with two questions: whatā€™s something youā€™re grateful for today, and something you struggled / are struggling with. Itā€™s such a simple pair of questions, but itā€™s powerful and insightful.


@Jasty2 How are you ?
Not sure if you have posted as I havenā€™t come across any howā€™s the rest of the move going ?


Aw itā€™s really great to hear about your progress in your SA group and steps. Iā€™m happy youā€™re looking after yourself and working through your past. Itā€™s not easy!
Youā€™re always so great on here, the support and care you share for everyone has always been so beautiful to see. You have a big heart Matt. I appreciate you.
I like that question too, itā€™s nice to think about something your happy or grateful for as well as bringing light to something you could work on or you feel a struggle with.
I guess for me itā€™s mental health right now, Iā€™ve always found living as a pretty sensitive person that Iā€™m always quite anxious and easily depressed, and this is really hard. It makes me worry about everything all of the time, and it almost made me on the weekend think oh well, obviously getting sober didnā€™t fix my mental health so whatā€™s the point of staying sober. Obviously thatā€™s not true because I know deep down drinking just throws gasoline on the fire. But yeah, mental health is my struggle at the moment but doing the best I can to tend to it, care for myself and my family the best I can. Itā€™s a tough juggle! Especially with a teenager in my house :joy:


Hey Ami, Iā€™m good, just taking a social media kinda break. Concentrate on AA and the family stuff. Move went great. Hope youā€™re good. Still over 9 months SAF :v::green_heart:


I understand. I donā€™t experience sensitivity in exactly the same way but I can imagine. It is aggravating (or anxiety-inducing) to feel that friction, that sense of being not ready or receptive to what is happening. Itā€™s troubling at best, traumatic at worst. Having a relationship with that mix of feelings is difficult.

It doesnā€™t help that the surrounding cultures have such a strong individualist, materialist orientation. Fulfillment is portrayed and measured in terms of individual, material things - net worth, individual achievement or prestige, possessions, connections - and not in terms of the communityā€™s vibrancy and empathy. Imagine if there was a vibrant, vigorous community life alive: neighbours visiting regularly, families sharing meals with other families, people taking time for togetherness - including uplifting heart activities, meditations together and empathy - for its own sake (instead of sinking into an empty feeling of ā€œI canā€™t handle being out and trying to perform for othersā€, like our value is in meeting some performance standard). Imagine if a communityā€™s vibrancy and vigour was like that. The emotional and sensitivity landscape would be different.

I donā€™t think thatā€™s an unreasonable vision. Iā€™ve seen it alive in several communities; it is doable. Itā€™s not something a person can do alone though. It is an ambitious, coordinated project. :slightly_smiling_face:

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Glad everything is okay :+1:
Thatā€™s nice you are settling in and enjoying life :slightly_smiling_face:
Come back and si hi every now and then you know we are always here :star:



@tifflynn07 how are you doing Tiffany?


Checking on the Charliesā€¦ :wink:

@Chuckie22 and @Charlie_C , how you doing? I hope all is well in your worlds. :pray::orange_heart:


@Sunshine-girl hope all is well with you Julia.


thanks for checking in @JazzyS :heart: 296 days off alcohol- almost 10 months! still working thru cigs and THCā€¦i went a full day off cigs yesterday, then today i bought a pack cuz i felt sorry for myself. smoked 2 then threw the pack away in the restroom of a cemetery. i realized that its feeling sorry for myself that drives that particular habit. i really cant stand for that so im gonna continue to strive for complete freedom from these substances. and take care of whatever energy within that wants to wallow in a void.

other than this journey, iā€™ve been extremely busy we moved to a new house, i been juggling 3 different jobs and devoting most of my time to just being with my child (who is freakin awesome and iā€™m so blessed). feeling pretty good overall i just know i will feel better when i can pierce thru the veil of self-pity and be as strong as i am in all ways, which means being a non-smoker as well as a non-drinker. iā€™m getting there :heart: anyway thatā€™s me how are you??


SO great to see you friend! Yeah to 296 (almost 300 days - 10 months). Love the energy and the work you are putting into your new life path. Wishing you luck with the smoking. Self love can take some time. I do know how the cycle of self pity can keep us down. I found that writing positive affirmations about myself and reading them daily helped. (even those that i did not believe at the time - we are our worst enemies).

He really is the BEST! Glad you are finding time in your busy schedule to spend quality time with him.

I have been doing well enough. Still sober and smoke free and slowly working on healing this body of mine. Feel better these days as I am able to be more active.

Much love Julia :heart: :people_hugging: Donā€™t be a stranger love!