You are missed #4

Thank you :blue_heart:


Hey Mike, thanks for thinking of me.
I’m not doing too great actually. I’m not at all content with where I am in life. And I feel as though everything I start I don’t finish. But I’ve gone through phases like this before. Soon I’m finally going back to school and I expect my wellbeing to improve drastically.


Still missing my Aussie buddies @Becsta and @apes2020 hope you guys are well


Hey Seb! And @SinceIAwoke @AyBee @Mno :slightly_smiling_face: apologies if you’ve all been worried but I’m doing really well - I hit 5 years sober in May :raised_hands:

I took a little hiatus from the forum but now realise its been all of this year :flushed:
Life is overall good, I’m now working full time, still busy with my kiddos and all their sports and things plus I became an Oma (grandmother) 5 weeks ago to a precious little boy - that has been quite the rollercoaster ride! But he has totally stolen all of our hearts :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Still trying to find that elusive work/rest balance hence why I also haven’t been on here but it’s so bloody awesome to finally jump on here after so long and see all of your beautiful names and faces, I’ve missed you all aswell.

Will do my best to catch up on here and stop by more often xx

Enough about me though, how are you all?
Ps heres alittle pic of my newborn grandson :heart: (I’m just a tad bit proud haha)


Oh how adorable :heart_eyes::heart_eyes:. Thanks for sharing and congrats on everything :smiling_face:…5 years is amazing work. Keep living the sober dream!


Thanks Jasmine hope you’re doing well also x


Congratulations Oma!! Love seeing strong women live their life! Keep on keepin’ on!! :sparkles: :heart:


Aaaah what a cutie!! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: And what a young goodlooking oma she has!
Good to see you here, happy you’re doing well :pray:


I’m doing great thanks for asking :smiling_face:

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Doing pretty well here old friend. And doing even better now I’ve seen you and your kleinkind! Way to go Oma! Now you remind me of my own Oma (and Opa) although I trust your chin is not as prickly and stubbly as I remember from my own Oma Jans :upside_down_face: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :wink:

It’s great to see you and better to see you thriving like you are, my sober sister. Love and hugs and everything.


So good to see you and that precious nugget! Glad to hear you’re doing well :heartpulse: I hear you on the life balance as I’ve taken more time away as well but have been back around some too. Congrats on your 5 years! I became an auntie/tia again a few weeks ago, he was born on our Independence Day, July 4th. Babies are always a gift. It will be a while before I get to meet him though.


Precious little one!!


Cuteness overload!!!


Congratulations on everything Oma,
Especially that precious little grandson you got there.
So happy for ya.
Great to see you.


Awesome @Becsta
Always great when people are just busy living a good life.
Congratulations on all the new blessings in your world.


That’s awesome news Bec. Congrats on becoming an Oma :slightly_smiling_face:

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Ahhhh congratulations Tia Rosa :two_hearts: what a little cutie!

It’s so lovely to hear from you all :heart_hands:

@Mno I love being Oma. My kids call my parents Pake en Beppe - I used to call my dads parents Oma en Opa and my Oma was an amazing woman who somehow raised 6 very wild and crazy boys while keeping most of her sanity. If I can be half the woman she was I will be proud!

It’s an absolute blessing to be sober and present in not just my childrens lives but now also my grandchildrens. 5 years ago I could not have imagined being where I am in life but here I am! And every day I am so SO grateful :pray:


How are you guys doing?


Thanks for checking me up dear @Olivia :heart: Sowwy for not being around. Ive been in not-so-good condition lately. To do with chronic health issues. No worries, still alcohol free, soon to be 6 years. Smoking… Let’s not talk about that.

Paavo is better than ever. Recently catched a mouse and very busy back yard bird police in our new home. He actually has lost some weight too! Sends his love :heart_eyes_cat:
added some pics, one of them is modified by my son (former daughter) Lumi, im sure you figure out which :flying_saucer:

How are you darling? How is the “räkkä” in northern latitudes, and how is marriage? How is everything? Wish you well :lotus::cherry_blossom::rose::hugs:


@rainy7 Roxanne!! How are you and your beautiful daughter doing my lovely? Xx