You are missed #4

So far this has been a great year, 2024. If it keeps going this well, it will be my best year ever.

What I like about this year …

  • I have 2 really good connections in my life, consisting of a Friday face 2 face meeting formerly Reformers Unanimous. And my friend and I started a Tuesday morning Zoom meeting for Christian porn addicts.

  • I mentor a handful of newcomers to the porn ministry that I’ve been a part of for almost ten years. I’ve often been hesitant to make such a time commitment, but realized that ministry is not a burden, but a blessing. There is something about aligning my life according to God’s will that fills my soul in a way that things of the world cannot.

  • My marriage with my wife has taken a deeper direction. I’m really happy in it, and she is too.

  • Everything makes sense now. God didn’t just want me to stop a behavior, a symptom. He wanted to expose deeper problems within me. And they were there. He wanted to make it easier for me. For it’s far easier to clean up my inside so that my outside would be clean than it is to clean up my outside hoping that some of that cleanliness might rub off on the inside.

After so many years, decades, I can no longer call myself a chronic relapser. And it’s worth it. I would do this again if I had. 30 years to get where I am is a small price to pay for the insight and self awareness that I have gained.

Thank you far asking and thinking of me.
I’ve still been around and will continue to do so.


Thanks for asking Jazzy. You are the best. I’m going to try to do this again. I had friends come out to my house after 4 months of sobriety and probably don’t need to fill you in on the details, so suffice it to say that it is great to see you still poking at me, prodding me on. If I make it through tonight it would be day 1. I’m gonna see if I can’t send some good energy to some struggling folks. That always makes me feel better. Thanks again for checking in.


Hey friend :hugs:
So good to see you posting and working towards day 1. You are in a safe place among friends… stay connected as we do need each other in this journey (especially during the beginning).

Sending strength and love your way - remember that you are not alone :people_hugging: :pray:


Thank you for checking up on me, my friend. I’m still hovering around the forums, but my mental health has been dipping for weeks, maybe months at this point. It’s been a tough year in my little corner of existence and things are just about starting to turn around. Or, that’s what I keep telling myself. But still here. Still alive. Still sober.


@Amy30 I’m glad things feel they are starting to turn around :people_hugging: we are here for you :pray:
It’s good to see you, post and thank you for the update on how your doing :blush:

@KevinesKay It’s good to see alot of positive is happening for you. You made all that possible I’m proud of you :+1:


Hi Jazzy, I missed you and thought about you often. You are a super hero in my book. Thanks for your help and support.


You are most welcome. I love this community as we are all here supporting each other and we all know exactly what we are going through. Glad to have you back with us … appreciate your kind words :pray:t4::smiling_face:


@Starlight14 hey Kelly…you doing ok? Haven’t seen you posting lately. :people_hugging:


Good to hear from you! Sorry that you’re having health issues. Paavo surely looks like he’s enjoying life.

I’m good. Married life is fun, challenging and very educating. Nevertheless, I got one of the good ones :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: We live in the east so I have no idea how räkkä is doing. I have the Savo people to entertain me now. My MIL should teach me how to make kalakukko.

All the best, hope to see you around!
Too many hugs to Paavo!


Good to hear from you. :people_hugging: It’s been a year for a lot of people, you are not alone there. I know it sounds trite, but remember how far you have come and what you have overcome. You are a strong human and an inspiration. Don’t ever forget that. :purple_heart:


Ohh thank you Jazz that means alot…im still here every day just havent been posting alot…lots going on…all positive stuff tho :blush::blush::blush::blush: still 100% sober! I hope you are well too lovely :heart_eyes: xxxx


Glad to hear it. I’m looking forward to celebrating your big day soon :wink:
All well enough here …still sober and staying on the positive side of the street :joy:


@Hollz you still around? How are things?


Anyone talked to @Steve92 lately?
@Steve92 hit me up.


@Lilemm how are things?


@Pecador How are you Daniel :palm_up_hand:


@Stella2016 how are you recovering after your accident?

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@Alycia How are you doing?


Hey Maxy
Thinking of you :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:
I hope all is well in your world :pray:t2:


Still plodding along got my new NJ should be getting a peg-j at some point the pain is still bad but better under control with the morphine

Just got not energy weight 45 kg :weary:

Just been chilling with tv and seeing my grandchildren brightens up my days

Coming up to 2 years sober :muscle:

Thanks for checking up on me how’s you doing