You are missed #4

@Princessbabygirl :palm_up_hand:

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Hell yeah @Jftself what awesome news brother


Thanks so much for checking in. I pretty much forgot about this appā€¦oops :slightly_frowning_face:

Iā€™m doing pretty well, all things considered. My muscles have really been waking up in the last couple of weeks and my glutes and lower back are just a solid mass of painful trigger points. I think the real recovery begins once this godforsaken brace comes off in 4 days. Iā€™ll need loads of massage and PT.

I was sentenced last week, and only convicted of an OWI. Somehow my lawyer got the prosecutor to drop the high BAC charge. Secretary of State gave me a 30 day suspended license with 6 months restricted. No interlock device was mentioned. My lawyer said those things almost never happen when there was a car crash. I genuinely canā€™t believe how fortunate Iā€™ve continued to be throughout the entire ordeal.

That said, Iā€™m still so grateful to have this opportunity at a second chance to do life right, that I really havenā€™t craved alcohol at all. I plan to stay vigilant to keep it that way. My mental health has been taking a small hit from being isolated at home with very few opportunities (and little desire) to be out in the real world. I started Naltrexone shortly after being released from the hospital to help prevent cravings if this started to happen. Itā€™s been pretty effective so far. Iā€™m grappling with my doctors over meds and dosages due to negative side effects, on top of unmanaged ADHD they continue to dismiss, so thatā€™s really my main focus as of late. Iā€™m frustrated, but happy to not be thinking about drinking all the time.

Again, thanks for the follow-up. Itā€™s really kind of you :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


So good to see youā€¦yes it is right around the cornerā€¦ super excited.
Hope you are doing well :blush:


Hey @Cjp :wave: yea I never would have thought still doin the damn thing lol. Iā€™m in the middle of fighting an adoption case for my son right now but I have had 2 hour visitation with him every 2 weeks for 8 months now.


1 year 9 thatā€™s great sir. Keep that up. Good luck with your son. I hope it all works out for you.


@Sara.eve hey Sara ā€¦how are you doing?


@TrustyBird @JazzyS

Iā€™m good, just been trying to figure out what I want to be when I grow up. :blush:



Iā€™m glad youā€™re healing, and I bet it will be so nice to get that brace off in 4 days! I hope your recovery continues to go smoothly and that we see your around here. :smiley:

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Great to see you bud. Lol ā€¦ sending you luck
ā€¦Iā€™m still on my quest :smiling_face:


Me too budā€¦ me too :laughing:


Well am I glad to see your name pop up :wave:


1 year and 9 months!! Thatā€™s calls for a huge congratulations :fireworks::sparkler::fireworks::sparkler::sparkles::fireworks::sparkler::fireworks::sparkler:

Itā€™s so good to see you!! Donā€™t be a stranger :smiling_face:


Happy to see you!


Anybody hear from @Jasty2 ?


I have not been doing well enough to look at myself in the mirror with my head held high, for a long time. And Iā€™m ashamed and angry at myself for that.

Thank you for remembering me.

A book that has had a serious effect on me recently is Escape by Tim Kaufman. I hope this effect continues.

Sending love and thank youā€™s.


I donā€™t remember his nameā€¦ Gym-crazy guy with beard and cool t-shirts and a little kiddo if I remember good. Some good sobriety time behind the belt. Didnā€™t see him for a while.

My new Dwight Shrutte t-shirt arrived yesterday and remind me of this guy :slight_smile: Someone know who Iā€™m talking about?

Edit: I was talking about @Reddawg7768! :slight_smile: You still with us?


Iā€™m alright, still sober. Dealing with my teenage son and trying to navigate all of the hard feelings completely sober is tough, but weā€™re getting through it.
Iā€™m having trouble posting, not just on here but on all socials. I just feel really lame and disconnected and donā€™t see the point. Like shouting into the void :joy: sounds weird when I say it out aloud haha. Thanks for thinking of me. You have a big heart :people_hugging:


Hope you are doing ok @apes2020


Oh wow. I have thought about you and messaging you because much has happened. And then I went for more days pushing away anything to do with recovery. I have been on almost a week binge. I was doing so well, got a sponsor and started step one. Well she was for 3 days before I just jumped off the ledge. I had to go on a work retreat and be social which was hard and when I came home, I smoked instead of going to a meeting. Then over the weekend my friend came from Queensland for me to through her a babyshower I was so so drained from being social and my anxiety had been so bad. Then Iā€™ve had a hard week of work and my worst day ever at my new job. I made excuses that it was too far. I had been listening to a whole bunch of NA speaker tapes that made me feel so proud of myself and I was beginning to look inwards. To be honest, it hurt and I make the excuse to myself that I donā€™t have enough time to go through the emotions of getting sober. How dumb? Tomorrow night is my next meeting. I have blown off my sponsor too scared to admit my pain and stupidity. Iā€™ve done so much reflection and understand what to work through the first step but it is painful to search inwards and be so vulnerable. It seems so hard


Aww mate I want to give you a big hug :hugs::hugs:it is painful but itā€™s healing Iā€™m working my step one too weā€™re doing this together . donā€™t worry about your sponsor sheā€™ll have been where you are now and I tip my hat to you for going back so quickly that takes balls I didnā€™t do that and ended up in hell
image welcome back :kissing_heart::kissing_heart: