You Know You're Getting Old When

When I take my teenage daughter in for X-Rays and the radiologist asks ME if there may be a chance of pregnancy- FLATTERED. It’s like being carded :sweat_smile:
I know, I’m twisted lol


THIS is hillarious :+1::grin::grin::grin::grin:

I finally am at the age where people around 30+ and under adress me “per Sie”. WEIRD!!! I still feel like 35 inside and ooouuuuch obviously I look and act like 51 :joy::joy::joy::joy:
I turned into the formidable woman I wanted to be when I was younger :grimacing::see_no_evil:

For those not familiar with Geman: We adress people either “per Du” or “per Sie”. In English both is translated with “you” but it’s a big difference. “Sie” is formal, polite, respectful and normally used between strangers, in hirarchies or with people you are not close or deliberately want to stay distant. Between working colleagues it depends. I always hated the erroding manners and being approached by people I don’t even know with “Du”.
“Du” was used with family, friends and normally in social settings where you know each other well. It spread to nearly every social setting, I call it the IKEA effect. I still hate it to be adressed with " Wie kann ich dir helfen?" instead of “Wie kann ich Ihnen helfen?” Can I help you?
My ageing obviously makes (some) people act anti-trendy and I like it :joy::joy::joy:


I’ve started going to physio. Cranky hip. The therapist is good! For someone who might be a wee bit older than half my age. Based on the initial assessment questions, I kinda think she sees 53 year-old me as she would any centenarian… :joy: :older_woman:


You know you’re old when your kids thinks you where born in the 1800’'s (Wild west era) and not in the 80’s. :smile:


Cursive ( penmanship ) is no longer a requirement in many schools. Thank goodness, writing is.


Wait a moment… Are you serious now? :scream:


yep, some countries teach like this nowadays despite scientific studies that writing cursive is essential for brain development, logical thinking, creativity and intellectual growth only to mention a few :scream:




I believe humankind is doomed :see_no_evil:


I looked it up just now. It seems like for awhile since 2010 it was not being taught very much but lately is being brought back in some places. Whew.

Another article said that it’s a requirement for I think 3rd graders to be able to use a keyboard and type a page.

I never had official/ schooled
typing class so typing is a struggle for me. Course so much now is a finger on a screen.

Another NPR article talks about how essential it is that the skill to read and write cursive not be lost.

They do have a correction to the article at the beginning. It’s a good discussion and goes into some of what @erntedank was saying.


You sound like a Transformer from the 80’s kids tv show upon waking and standing up…


When you hear that most of “new” songs in the radio are basically just remaked (mostly poorly) old songs. Or at least same melody. I dont know why but its pissing me off.


Kids in Sweden don’t learn cursive.
Being able to use word and make essays on the computer to hand in via an app is however mandatory.

My kids live everything that’s “old” so I thought them cursive outside school.

My 14 y/o has had his teacher asking him to not write in cursive on multiple occasions, because “everyone should be able to read it,even sub teachers” he also prefer to write with a Fountain pen in school. The only teacher who actually likes that is his history teacher :smiling_face:

The rest of the wants everything handed in by computer in the app. Even notes comes that’s way, just as a weekly list of the homeworks.


When balancing on one foot to put a sock on without toppling over is a major achievement


:laughing: that has always happened to me no matter what age.
I can actually tip over without a reason as well.
I call it my “Goofy skills”


When you’re genuinely excited for the Amazon order containing Rogaine and arthritis cream to arrive.


Went to a concert last month. The person i was going to see didnt even come on stage until 9pm and i was legitimately shocked as if concerts havent always worked that way :joy:


When you go to meet friends at a restaurant for breakfast and immediately spot them across the room cuz of their white hair. We all have white hair!


We went to a concert last year and main group hadn’t shown up by 10. First bands were awful and we left before main band even played. I did feel old.


Or…you feel like the wind has been knocked out of you after being bent over to lace up your work boots in the morning (my personal experience).

Your taste in footwear seems to gravitate more toward “slip ons”.