This reminds me of the first time I went into a Vallarta Market and the teenage girl behind the counter called me Señora. I had to think about that for a sec I said we’ll atleast it’s not Doña. It’s very respectful but for much for an older lady lol
You know you’re getting old when you agree with the parents in Disney movies because you think they are reasonable.
When you and your friends start telling each other how all you guys are chewing on only one side of the mouth.
I read about this recently. The article said that most people have one specific side that they prefer to chew on. I checked with my family members they all do.
I don’t I take a bite on one side, and then I usually take the next bite on another side. It kinda depends where the bite lands.
Nah man, we all need to have our old ass fillings redone.
Maybe that’s the thing. I’ve never need to fix a tooth like that ever.
I’ve cracked a tooth in half once on my tongue piercing, dentist pulled out out. But I have problems with a small jaw so it’s not visible. It just gave more room for the other ones.
(I had like six of them pulled out when I was a teen, to get braces) Still crooked
I know I’m old This was my first game console. My daughter gets a kick out of it when I tell her stories of my “gaming” days.
When you no longer recognize that person staring back at you through the mirror…
My god man, where did you get all those wrinkles from!!
But aging is better than the alternative, and sober just helps me appreciate this stage that much more!
Good thing the dentist pulled out of the small jaw. Small jaws are complicated
My wife had two tear cuts on the corner of her mouth for months and still they didn’t get the roots of the tooth. Became major surgery
I loved the simplicity of those controllers: one stick and one button. The game controllers nowadays have about 42 buttons on 'em and you have to be a jet fighter pilot to operate the things!
My lead fillings definitely need redoing - I’m old
My first console was a Sega Mega Drive, with Alex Kidd, which was Sega’s mascot before Sonic the hedgehog stole the show
I worked ans entire spring season babysitting the neighbors kids for $1/ and hour to be able to buy that game from a friend for $15
And on graduation day fro like 3rd grade I was able to buy it.
I have the mini consoles of Nintendo 8bit and superintendo, and the ATgames console (which is under Atari’s license)
And I remember when my friend went from Nintendo to super Nintendo, he called me pretty late in the afternoon extremely excited. “You have to come over to my house right now, I’ve got a new console with A LOT of colorful buttons. That we can play Mario and Yoshi with”
Or parents got pretty tired with us sitting with the game during that summer. So they decided to make us think about something else. Friends mother took us to his cousins who lived in a farm like an hour away. And said we could choose a kitten to bring back home, but we had to stay a week so it’ll get used to us.
We choosed a red one and named it Yoshi
And had a blast the entire week, without our game.
That’s so funny…our cat’s name is Yoshi, too.
That’s funny for sure
Yep,and I can sing the intro to all those cartoon shows (The old real intro ofc)
It’s not the same anymore. Now it’s like:
“OH YEAH???”…
The day has come…… I just bought my first container of a fiber supplement… I have been doing the fiber one snack bars but they aren’t doing the trick so metamucil it is
I had a dream the other night that I woke up and it was 1995 and I was trying to convince my husband that we were in some kind of time warp and I told him it was 2024. I told him that I was his wife and we had 4 kids, 2 are grown and older than us right now. He didn’t believe me and started to walk away and I said I can prove it so I said where to you think you got this truck. He said thats badass, this is mine? I showed him his registration card and he thought I was a witch. I said yes you have all kinds of cool shit, a home, a boat, a tractor etc. I said how do you think you got all that at 19 lol. He still didn’t believe me so I showed him pictures of us on my phone. Then he thought I was an alien. I think he was a little afraid of me but he said if thats my truck get in and lets go have some fun. I got in and he tried to make a move on me but even though I was in my 17-18 year old body just like back then my mind couldn’t get past he was younger than our oldest son so I had to put on the brakes. I woke up feeling thankful we were old… Just thought I’d share this with someone…