You might be an alcoholic if

You plow your car into a tree fracture 4 bones, get a dwi and then continue drinking months later and end up falling and fracturing your hand. 🤦

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If you skipped meals because it would “ruin your buzz”, you might be an alcoholic.

If the brand of your first drink in the morning was Scope or Listerine, you might be an alcoholic.

If you were at the bar during last call AND first call on the same day, you might be an alcoholic.


You wake up and youve wet the bed…go downstairs and the couch is soaking aswell…what a state to be in…glad im sober now


You wake up still buzzed and think you had a fantastic night out only to learn from your partner that your behavior was appaling. And you have a broken toe.


Your partner leaves an empty they found from your secret drinking with a note for you to find after they leave for work while you’re passed out in bed till noon.

You ask your friends and fam questions and they’re like, “don’t you remember talking about this?”

Your dogs have to go potty in the house because you’ve blacked out and forget to let them out. Poor babies.

You wake up with intense anxiety about what happened the night before and check your phone and social media in panic.

So many more…


If there are clear eyes in at least 3 different locations in your house right now


Suddenly wake up and your peeing in the wardrobe lol


This is so true of me.

When you start drinking, you don’t stop. Instead, you continue to drink untill you pass out or the alcohol runs out. You continue to drink even though others around you have stopped or have gone to bed at a sensible hour. You continue to drink even when people who love/care about you ask you to stop. You continue to drink even when you’ve upset others, or yourself. You continue to drink knowing that you’ll be sick, hungover and regretful the next day. You drink more than you said you would. You make excuses to justify your drinking. You spend money on alcohol when it’s better spent on other things. You use alcohol for anxiety issues (even though it makes them worse).


The time you are sensible enough to take the bike going out, but on the way home you start making unwillingly salto’s of the bike onto the pavement…somebody picks you up and checks if your theeths are fine and of you go again :see_no_evil:

  • if you always make sure to keep a bottle in your trunk “just in case”

  • keep mouth wash in your car to hide the smell

  • walk into a bar and your first order was always 4 shots and a beer……(hated when people would assume is for them, or ask that’s all for you???) talk about being judged

  • MOST Embarrassing one: Wake up in your car next morning all wet from piss.

What a shame. Can’t believe I’m addicted to this crap. Lord give me the strength!


What was a cardboard box doing in the living room floor lol .


Yes it does lol. I was at a casino one night. Middle of the night plastered. Stood up. Turned around. Pissed on my bed and proceeded to get in the bed. And yes I slept there all night


One time my homie spent the night. He slept in my bed, I was on the floor. We tied one on the night before. I woke up shortly after sunrise, my homie was gone, figured he dipped out to sleep in his own bed (we were neighbors). I crawled in to my bed… yeah, he pissed the bed. It was cold and wet, so wet… I’ll never forgive him for that!

Bed wetting or sleep walk wetting is definitely a sign that there is a problem with alcohol!!!


Turns out I ruined my sisters birthday party 7 years ago. It was one of those murder mystery parties and I was the murderer, apparently I got drunk and ruined the surprise by telling everyone I was the murderer and later on I walked around naked in front of all her friends. And here all these years I thought I had a great night. :face_holding_back_tears:


Oh and let’s not forget the time she elected me to bartend for her Jamaican party. I passed out at 5pm with my sunglasses on and everyone walking by me got a great photo of me as a souvenir. :sob:


This feels therapeutic:

  1. Getting stitches in my foot after rock climbing drunk then being a jerk to the poor ER doctor by asking him if he was even really a real doctor.
  2. Getting kicked out of the ocean then yelling at the hotel security guard because he can’t possibly “own the whole ocean”.
  3. Pooping in the backyard while waiting for my now husband to come unlock the front door because I was too drunk to work the key. I told him it must have been a sick raccoon.
  4. Losing my car on parent’s day at college because I was too drunk to remember where I parked it the night before. It had been towed.
  5. Training someone on the job and when they came to thank me for such a great day of training they found me vomiting into a bar rag because I was so hungover.
  6. Buying alcohol before I went out with normal drinkers so I could really drink my way when I got home.

That felt good. Drunk me was a jerk. Sober me is kind or at least trying to be. Absolute madness.


Yea it’s good to get it out and remind yourself. It helped me. And trust me that was just one PG rated story. This thread ain’t long enough for all my stories !


Yep that sounds about right!!

You might be an addict if you steal something expensive from someone to pawn later for drug money… only to then pretend to help them look for it :grimacing::unamused: