Zoom Meeting - Tuesdays and Saturdays


Not just meatballs, IKEA meatballs

@Bayley88 @anon27760155 the link will be uploaded in this thread on Tuesday

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Thank you for that… I’ll be looking out for it tomorrow :slight_smile:


I worked at IKEA and we used to get them at lunch for free but we called them repeatballs as it’s all you burp for the rest of the day :face_vomiting:


For those who are longing for BJM’s experience but can’t make it to an IKEA that sells those balls here’s some help


Ha ha, I feel sick thinking about the msg burps :joy:

Does your ikea have a walls of plastic tubs at the front with all those random little pieces available as some many boxes are missing parts, or maybe it’s just us in the lower hemisphere…

Yeah I’m glad I know the shortcuts, I don’t bother with the showroom, grab and run :running_woman:

Hey guys I’m new to the zoom meetings. I was wondering how to join? Can anyone join?
I’m located in Europe. Hope that’s not a problem? With time differences and things. Love to get some info! Thanks!

Yep anybody is welcome

It’s at 7pm UK time so work it out from that :grinning:

See you Saturday :ok_hand:

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The link will be posted on Saturday on this topic

Download the App Zoom and just click the link

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Thank you! Do a lot of people attend these meetings? How do they work?

Varies mate!

Usually at the start there is about 8ish people

People drop in, drop out

no pressure to speak, some people just listen in

You can stay the whole meeting or just for a short time. I usually stay for about an hour

It’s very informal, just general chatting and connecting with others :grinning:

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Sounds lovely! I’ve never been to any kind of meeting.

This will be the Tuesday meeting link once it gets going:

Meeting ID: 874 4026 9683
Passcode: 097593

yes we are



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Another marathon meeting? Lol

The meeting is still on. I’ll be on for about another 30 minutes if anyone wants to join.