2021 Hiking Club (Walking Sober)

I’m usually a fair weather hiker being born and raised in southern cal, but since sobriety I figured I would give it a shot,and I actually enjoy it!

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It was really chilly but finally some sun.


Oooh thanks @siand! Place marking for later.
I love a good walk!! :star_struck:

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Wow what an amazing spot!

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A short one yesterday. I don’t get to this park enough.


Today’s snow hike :snowflake: :blush:


Oops I forgot there was a newer thread. Thanks for moving @siand :heart:

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Met up with a friend for a walk today. About 9 miles, slow and steady up the hills and through the mud. Lots of mud! So good to have a change of scenery and a nice chat out in the fresh air.


Hey! I’m walking too, with my labby, it’s great btw - when sober you can actually wakeup earlier and without issues just drive and walk before all crowds even came to the places…


Took a short birthday hike today in Wisconsin to see the bald eagles fishing and fighting at a lock and dam on the Mississippi River, not far from where I live. A balmy 30 F, perfect really, and although I didn’t get pics of the gorgeous creatures, they always take my breath away, no matter how many times I see them. There must have been two dozen in the skies, trees and on the ice around us. I was preoccupied with making sure my gal Lupe wasn’t too cold and was moving around enough to keep warm or I’d have taken more photos. It was wonderful.


Happy birthday Rosa :partying_face:


Happy birthday Rosa. I love the pics of you and Lupe. You are both so beautiful! Take advantage of your day :blossom::tada::sunflower::heart:

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I go for a walk around town then hike in the woods most days, ~3.5-4.0 miles total. It is a great opportunity to ponder the morning guided meditation as well as to appreciate the beauty around me and the fact that I’m sober to enjoy it!

This is the road to my favorite hiking spot.

And here is the river (Otter Creek) that flows next to that road.

With all the recent snow, I look forward to getting in some snowshoeing! Have a great day!!


I am happy to say that my week long vacation to the mountains (Virginia) is booked and I am ready to put my boots on the trails!


Delayed post of walks at the weekend.

Got 11 miles in on Sunday, a walk around some urban parks with a friend. We have managed to meet up once a month ish for a while and I’m so grateful for her.

Then on Monday, a local walk with my bf on his day off. Not sure how far we went, but out for a couple of hours and got up the hill.

Perfect walking weather. Spring is very nearly springing!


Oh wow looking forward to seeing some pics!

I’m hoping to get to Scotland at some point this year, if Covid restrictions lift as planned, for some proper wilderness and hill walking.

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I will definitely get some pics. I went last summer too and I loved it. I want to make it an annual thing.

Had a mood crash yesterday morning and my boyfriend persuaded me to go for a walk to blow the cobwebs away. The intention was to do an 8 ish mile route but I wasn’t quite up to it. Ended up going for a couple of miles then stopping for a picnic in an iron age hillfort. And a nap in the sun :see_no_evil:

Perfect picnic/ nap spot! >>


Forgot about this thread while I’m actually hiking a bit more while cycling a bit less. Cycling has gotten crazy popular under corona while hiking on weekdays still really gets me away from it all. From people mainly. Here’s some pics from a week ago.


Looks amazing! So nice to find some peace and quiet. Especially in the sunshine :sunny:

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