2022 Hiking Club (walking sober)

We got here around the exact same time then. I got here in early July.

Good luck in Seattle if that’s what you choose!

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Haha how funny. It was a rough time to move to AZ wasnt it? I didnt start to truly appreciate the beauty here until the heat went away

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I actually grew up in California. Moved out 7 months ago when my engagement ended and rent skyrocketed. I love it there but not ready to go back.

Ive also spent a few months in Seattle, Vermont, and Rhode Island for work. Out of everywhere ive been, pacific northwest is my favorite.
Not sure what I’ll do next though haha


I didn’t mind it, actually! I prefer it to the 90° and humid summers back home. The humidity crushes me!

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Oh, very true! I spent 1 humid summer in vermont and that was enough for me. :sweat_smile:

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Will look forward to hearing where you go and how you get on! :grin:

Got out in the hills today, managed about 8km which is the longest I’ve done in a while. A couple of steep stretches too, not too intense though.

Walked over to an iron age fort site. Dog enjoyed it!

Now home and have done some experimental baking. No sugar and no recipe… But tbh am hungry so will probably enjoy it whatever it tastes like :joy:


Slowly turning this in to a Saguaro appreciation thread :laughing:

It was SUNNY this morning but still beautiful as always


The sun is definitely getting stronger here, spring is coming!

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Feels more like summer to me :laughing:

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Little walk along the little river Eem to get to my therapy group on Thursday afternoon, in between winter storms Dudley and Eunice.

BTW and PS, any reason the 2021 hiking club was revived? No going back friend! @Dazercat


Altough the weather forecast was not that good we decide to go for our hiking trip.
Its was 24k and It took us more then 7 hours due to the difficult terrain and the flooded tracks.
But is was all worth it and I really enjoyed it. The track leaded us to three different dutch provinces,
Zuid Holland, Utrecht and Gelderland.


Well spotted! I missed that :upside_down_face:

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Don’t know if this is hiking or not. Or nature. But…. My trail in the neighborhood. Some street. Some trail. Some snow. Some golf. Not today though.

Blessed to have such a great place to walk or hike whenever I like.
Just the right amount of snow.


I am only really walking at the moment. Nice to see where other people go on their wanders! :slight_smile:

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Ya I like to see that too. Even if it is just an every day thing. When you sober and grateful there’s so much to see on a 3 mile walk or hike even if you do it every day.

I use to love a good “Foot Path.”
🚶‍♂ :pray:t2: :heart:


Ah yes of course the good old British footpath. Also called snickets and ginnels, the ones that cut through urban areas anyway. Through fields and woods etc are footpaths or bridleways :grin:

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I lived in Yorkshire for several years when I was younger actually - Scarborough to be precise! But have taken in the whole region to be fair. Such a beautiful place… I live in Australia now though, and having moved around a bit have come to understand that this whole entire world is so special in whichever small section we find ourselves at any given time! One should really try to slow down, open their eyes and heart, and just absorb and appreciate the unique little gems to be found in our environments (& ourselves and others in them)… So much to be found in literally every corner of every field, forest, moor, desert, beach, coast, cliff, mountain, cave, river, lake, sea, village/town/city… And all the diversity that accompanies them like the wildlife, sun, moon, stars, wind, rain, snow, mist, views, warmth, cold, calm, perfection, chaos, colors, touch, smells, tastes, sounds, emotions, vibes etc… Neither this earth nor any life on it is for granted, we seem to forget that!

Great thread @siand, broadening our horizons and clearing our lungs, minds & souls with the great outdoors will always be irreplaceable… I’m glad our journeys crossed my friends, much love :v::pray::vulcan_salute:


Exactly, I think this all the time, how my local environment is totally different to a walk I’ll do 20 miles away, coastline and different flowers and wildlife . Then I’ll go 20 more miles and be able to walk up green fells with lakes and tarns all around. Its amazing when you think about it. And then every few months or so, it all changes again with the seasons, I love it.
It’s easy to get absorbed in everyday life, but so rewarding to take time for what’s around us. :earth_africa::sunflower:


The cows made me change my route lol