2022 Roll Call -- Introduce yourself!

Welcome to Talking Sober Clarence and thanks for introducing yourself! I hope this forum can be another source of support and strength for your sobriety just like AA already is. Congrats on your 53 days, that’s no small feat my friend. Welcome again and wishing you all success.

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Welcome Clarence!

Hello :wave:,

I am new to this app, been trying the new way of life the sober way for about a year now.
This Saturday will be 1 year without alcohol.

Within this year i have relapsed 6 times from weed which is my biggest struggle. I have been smoking that since i was 17/18 that’s about 34 yrs. It was a sun up to sundown way of life for those 34 years. I am now 38 days clean for the 6th time.

I also started my new life style change in 2016 with my way of eating. I got bad news that at age 45 i was in the 70% rage of having a heart attack or stroke, my BP was 213/125 and I weighed 300lbs. I will post a college of my progress. Sometimes you have to stop :stop_sign: and smell :nose: the roses :rose:

I think the hardest thing i have come along during my journey of a new life is that no matter what addiction you have an addiction is an addiction and they all take part in your journey and trying to maintain all at the same time is so hard but trying to maintain your weight in a food addiction knowing you need food to survive and not running to that and not having your substances of choice WEED is really hard!!! Still here still fighting!!!

LIFE ON LIFE’S TERMS SUCKS but It’s a must thing to learn to have a sober life cause is not all cakes :birthday: & candies :candy:


Welcome Clarence @Cleethree :innocent: :wave:t2:

And welcome Sarah @DHkid71!

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Hi. I’m Kris. Just got out of the hospital yesterday. Day 4. I’ve been clean for 5 months before (several years ago). Diagnosed severe major depressive disorder and moderate alcohol abuse disorder. Need to fix my life.


Hi Kris!

I wish you the best of luck! It’s not easy I won’t lie but, it is all about much you really want that new way. Also i am learning relapse is part of the process but we can beat that first step, i am still working on that. I do have hard time asking for help so just know we are not alone.

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Hi, I’m new here. I’ve smoked cannabis off and on for 30 years. After a 10 year break, I started up again when the pandemic hit. Mostly just low dose edibles. But then a series of unfortunate events occurred in my personal life (heart break, loss, friendship breakup, and, most recently, a beloved cat dying unexpectedly after only having her for 11 months) and I just threw myself into constant use. There were no moments in my day when I wasn’t high. I just wanted to numb all the pain. Then I got an amazing opportunity recently and decided it was time to quit. Plus I started getting wicked panicky and having heart palpitations. Anyway, I’ve tried quitting before but it never lasts so I thought this time I’ll try using an app and a tracker to help. I’m very ashamed of my cannabis addiction. When I try to talk to my friends about it they laugh and say you can’t get addicted to weed. But I know I am. I use it as a crutch. And then I lose time and don’t finish tasks. I just want to be clear minded and healthy again. I’m 4 days sober today. Downloaded the app last night after a particularly rough night of insomnia with a lot of temptation to smoke for sleep. I lurked for awhile last night and read a bunch of posts and the guidelines and thought I’d introduce myself tonight. Thank you for reading. I feel very alone. It’s extra hard when the emotions start bubbling up.


Welcome Melissa.
Congratulations on your 4 days.
Ya I remember long time ago people would tell me you can’t get addicted to pot. What a bunch of crap. You can get addicted to anything. I’m glad you found us and are reading around.
There’s a great daily checkin thread, and I’m sure there are people on there that are trying to quit smoking pot.

Join in when your comfortable. The more I participate on here the stronger my sobriety becomes. And I’m so sorry about your cat. How devastating for her and you. Big cat lover here.
Hope to see you around.


Thank you so much :pray:

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Hello all,
I was helped tonight and I want to share in case I can help others. My name is Emilie and I am just shy of 200 days sober from alcohol.

The first time I got drunk I was 14/15 and I went around finishing everyone’s not quite empty beers at the end of the party. DUI at 22 and the problem drinking continued for many years. I’m 43 now. I used to drive home from my favorite bars and was unable to unlock my front door because I was too drunk to work the locks, after driving. I can remember quite a few scary drives, never mind the ones I can’t remember. There is shame and gratitude there, and some anger.

I have tons of gross war stories and when I see people who were drinking with me they remind me of them and I want to hide. When I see people who didn’t know the extent of my drinking and I share the gritty details that they didn’t know I feel sick.

My last night out I spent $100+ on whiskey shots at a bar, made a royal ass of myself and drove my car home blacked out. After that night I set my intention to quit. I had two resets within that first week and then I got it. No alcohol in the house and don’t go looking for it.

Here I am 190+ days sober and I never want to drink again. I get a twinge of a craving here and there (like I did tonight) but reaching out here always helps. If you’ve read all this thanks, it helped me to type. If you need help, ask.

Now it’s time for healthy forward motion and healing. Stay the course sober fam. Today was rough but it wasn’t depressed darkness, blacked out, shame hangover rough. I genuinely love you all.


Hey Becca hope you are doing well

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Hello! I’m Lea :slight_smile: I’m trying to make my way back into the community after a long hiatus.

I’m 4.5 years sober from my DOC: alcohol and weed. Alcohol was my main issue, but quitting both has been highly beneficial for the quality of my life.

I had a rock bottom moment that in turn graced me with the realization that I could no longer continue down the path I was going. My journey to find better coping habits has been slow AF and I’m constantly having to remind myself that healing isn’t linear and it will continue throughout my life.

In the beginning I stayed sober with the help of this app as my foundation for support, along with self help books and podcasts.

From sobriety I’ve gained a better relationship with myself by setting boundaries and finding self trust and self love… I’ve gained better health, relationships, and confidence. I’ve gained a ton of freedom and stopped the mental tug of war that alcohol had plagued me with.

Happy to be back and sober :slight_smile:


Welcome back!!

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Yay! Great to see ya, Lea. Welcome back.

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Always nice to see you.


Lol, this is hysterical.

@Lionfish, welcome back!! :heart::heart::heart:


:partying_face: :dancing_women: :mirror_ball: :tada: :piñata:


I am Scorpn. I am 31 (for a few more days) and I decided to get sober on Oct 10th after 5 years of daily (heavy?) Use of cocaine. I would spend $100+ a day (sometimes $250 :cold_sweat:) and was drowning in depression and self hate.

I have 3 bio children and 8 bonus kids scattered across the US. My kids are my reason to live.

I have survived, DV from my alcoholic father, and a past partner, being kidnapped, trafficked, being stalked, homelessness as a teen, and a few other things (i did post a kind of long thing on “my about me” ) and it took a lot of time to be “normal”.

I developed some mental health disorders over the course of my life, the most severe being Dissociative Identity Disorder, as well as PTSD, anxiety, bipolar disorder, NSSID, an Eating Disorder, insomnia, and depression. (I was given each of these separately, but i feel like some of them overlap)

My first addiction was self harm. I’ve dealt with it for over 20 years. I am almost 5 months clean from that currently (one of my longest stretches)

I have always worked, and outwardly had my shit together. My kids have always had food, clothes, electronics, etc. Nobody knew (knows) that I have been dealing with any of this.
But I knew. I know that my kids deserve a mother who is present. So I am making this change for them. So when i look back on my life and the choices I made, I can have something to be proud of. So I don’t accidentally OD, or even purposely do it because of the drugs. I am still in the beginning of my journey, and am having lots of ups and downs, but I know it’ll be worth it in the end.

Edit for clarity: my 3 bio kids live with me. I have 3 bonus kids in Florida, 2 bonus kids living with me 3/4 time, and 3 bonus kids in the state I live in, but they don’t live with me. Lol i reread that and noticed it sounded like my kids were just all over :sweat_smile:



I am just a person who is 51 yrs old who is just now learning how to live life on life’s terms! I am also learning that, that term can jump up a moments notice and take a bite out of your mind, your will, your faith, your ability to want to do…, your care for life or your sobriety if not both!!!

Then you also have to remember what you have been taught, read, talked about in and out of therapy, with the help of the support of your sobriety community(if you learn to use it) & not be stuck in that life’s “RUTS” you are or seem to be stuck in. Also it’s ok to be stuck BUT not for too long, just long enough too feel them and let them go before they make you “WEAK” and loose your will to keep SOBER!!!

With that I am……

1y 2m 17 day no alcohol
2 days 1 min clean from weed (luck #7 relapse)

aka DHkid71


Thread continues for new members in 2023 here:

2023 Roll Call – Introduce yourself!

Come say hi!