2022 Roll Call -- Introduce yourself!

Going to finally try AA


Hi, l’m Andy, and my DOC is Alcohol. Although l started overindulging in an unhealthy way when my 3 kids were little around 10-12 years ago,l didn’t seek help until the beginning of 2018. I was too ashamed and afraid l would be judged unfairly as a woman, mother and nurse.l went to rehab two times that year for a total of 5 weeks to no avail.l started AA after discharge,but only remained sober for about 5 weeks.Despite pleas from my family and friends and GP, l resisted going back to rehab when things seriously fell apart in my life in the first half of 2020.l finally relented as l realised l was running out of options and l was close to my rock bottom.l spent 30 days at a small private rehab facility over Xmas and NY 2020. It was extremely restrictive ( no phones/no visits,limits on sugar/caffeine,no junk food,no soft drinks.Pretty much any pleasures). But l learnt so much about myself and it definitely gave me more tools to put in my toolbox.l wish now l had embraced it more,but l think l was too angry and resentful at the time,particularly with my husband who had given me the ultimatum to go there! The day after l got out,we went on a prearranged camping trip with my husband’s extended family-not a great idea in hindsight!:weary: l resented them all for being Normies and promptly drank on it without any consequential thinking! The drinking continued and worsened when we got back home.Up until a week ago,l was up and down like a see saw with my drinking.l had tried several other things to help in the last 12 months- regular AOD phone counselling,Naltrexone,Zoom AA Meetings,but l just couldn’t seem to rack up more than a few days sober time.Even the threat of divorce and not living with my teenage daughters didn’t scare me into changing my ways…. And then l stumbled upon this App.quite by accident. I was trying,for the 100th time to do Day 1 in a less painful way and googled random questions about alcoholism/relapse/detoxing,and the TS App came up! I am hopeful and optimistic that this place will help me on my way. I know the hard work must come from me,but l’m excited(for the 1st time in a long time!) to try something new. My husband is already irritated by the amount of time l am spending reading and posting,but l have reminded him that as long as l am sober,what harm can it do? He didn’t argue the point! Hehe :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: l am nearly at the end of Day 7!! Thanks for having me and Happier NY to everyone :heart:


Hi all, I’m Claudia, 53 years old and addicted to alcohol.
Sober for 1201 days, so more then 3 years sober.
Started to drink in my student days and noticed I had a problem when I was 30 ore so. Tried moderation for many years. Stopped drinking when I was pregnant, but went back to old habits when not.
Quit for the first time in 2011, had 2 relapses after 90 days before it stick. Was sober for 5 years and then thought I was cured :woozy_face:
Drank for a while in “moderation” but my drinking went worse after a few months until almost as bad as before.
Found this app and quit again 2 weeks later and sober since.

That’s my story in a nutshell :sweat_smile:

I like to add a picture from one of my walks in nature because they are a huge part of my recovery. I walk a lot. In the beginning it helped me to beat my cravings and now it helps my to calm my mind and heal my soul :heavy_heart_exclamation:

This picture my daughter made of me yesterday, it was a great way to start :two::zero::two::two:
Walking in nature with the people I love the most!


Cali SPED Teacher here too! :heart::grin:


Hi my name is Cherry (pseudonym)

I am in my early 50’s, a mom to 2 adult children, and wife to a very supportive man. I love nature, helping people, and keeping fit.

I have had a problem with alcohol for the last four years. Im not getting any younger, I want to live an authentic life.

I’m really happy to be here with other beautiful souls facing their addictions. Thank YOU for just listening and being there :dove:


Hello! I’m Fleur from the UK, living in Japan now. Was a binge social drinker in my teens and 20s, skating the cusp of what was acceptable. Then the drinking became more solitary and furtive. Was functional, but it just got worse. Did things I thought I would never do again, but did. Hurt my kids and frustrated my husband. Joined here about two years ago. The first 6 months I struggled, but finally hit on a program that suits me, and have 15 months sober!


Menno here. 56 y/o Guy, mental health nurse, hiker and cyclist, cat lover, nature lover, lover of my home town Amsterdam, introverted lover of people.
My journey began in September 2015 when I decided to quit smoking tobacco and marijuana after 35 years of daily use. I found lots of help in an online quit smoking support group that no longer exists.

Quitting smoking made me think about my drinking and other substance use too, and made me realize my relationship to all substances is a problematic one. Call me an addict or an alcoholic, I prefer to call myself an abuser of substances but I don’t really care. Fact is that my life is much better without all of them.

After quitting marijuana my alcohol consumption steadily increased, and evolved from binging twice a week to daily use at home alone. My personal low was the idea that I didn’t want to live no more. An idea that was beginning to taking serious shape in my head, while realizing it wasn’t me that wanted that, it was only the addicted part of me. Addiction tries to destroy us all. Literally. One day at a time.

I found this community three years ago, and after lurking around for a while I decided to take the plunge, become active here and be sober and clean. Haven’t looked back for 939 days now. Talking Sober is my main place of support in my clean and sober journey. I spent some time in NA early on, but decided for myself I needed a more specialized form of help with my personal mental health problems.

I’ve got four months left in a therapy group doing schema therapy, aimed at working on some of my personality problems, making slow progress. It’s hard work, but it’s a work of love, for myself and for the world. Work I could never have done would I remained caught in the vicious circle of daily substance abuse. In fact probably I would have been dead by now.

Happy to meet you all, working together to achieve a better life for ourselves. We do it together here and that’s the only way it will work. Alone it is too much. Together we can do this. One day at a time.


Wow! You are brave and string to share that. We are glad you are here.


Thank you so much! I’m a very open person when in a safe place. I share bcuz I know others have been thru similar things. When I 1st got into recovery many years ago, alot of people kept things a secret and it only made them more sick. And I felt alone also bcuz no one expressed that they had gone thru the same thing. I eventually found my supports groups and began opening up. And I gained such relief from that! So I always promised myself that I’d be open and honest with others in safe settings :slight_smile:


Spend the amount of time here that you use to spend on drinking :wink:. Welcome Andy


Hi I’m Liz from Toronto Canada in the summer and Phoenix Az in the winter. I’m an alcoholic who is a constantly relapsing. I’m on here to gain some accountability and strength to make a sober life stick. I am blessed to have 3 children and 3 step children and 6 grand kids and numerous 7 on the way. My parents were alcoholics my sister and my nephews too. I have been drinking since a teenager and still now in my 60s. It’s time to stop and live that wonderful sober life. So yes I restarted again this morning and hope this year will be better.


Hello! I’m Sarah from the Peak District In Derbyshire. Mum of two grown lads. My DOC was alcohol… Found this forum nearly four years ago, it was the best thing I ever did. I’m at 850+ days now and I could not of done it without the lovely people on here. Read as much as you can and check in each day. I came here when I normally would of pickled my brain with booze, it fills the time and the advice and support is perfect. :pray:t2::two_hearts::two_hearts:


Hi everyone, I’m Michele and I’m from Wyandotte, MI (Detroit area). I’m soon to be 42, a mother of 3 and have been married 15 years. I work full time in social work, but am at a point in my life where I feel it’s time to move on (whole other can of worms there I won’t get into, but maybe others can relate).
I’ve had a problem with drinking since my teens, and developed a daily drinking habit in my early to mid 30’s. I used alcohol to self medicate symptoms of depression and anxiety and to escape my problems… Of course this only amplified my bad feelings and created more problems for myself… I first discovered the Sober Time app about 5 years ago, and used it only for the day counter. In that 5 years I’ve had brief stretches of sobriety, no longer than 3 months, and fell back in to the drinking by trying to moderate. I am incapable of moderating, and despite knowing this deep down I tried telling myself I could and wound up back at square one every time. Currently, I am at 53 days sober, and am taking Antabuse. I know there are mixed feelings towards using that drug or others to aid in sobriety, I say to each their own and do what works for YOU. Happy 2022 everyone, thanks for reading. :heart::peace_symbol:


Hi everyone and Happy New Year. I am Mandy, and it has been 2yrs 8 months since my last drink. This site has saved me many times, especially over the last few days. Thank you to everyone who has the courage to share their story, and know that your pain/struggle/high/low is giving someone out there a reason to keep going. Much blessing for 2022 ODAAT


I’m Cat from UK and am an alcoholic, Mother, wife and dog owner. Have a lovely life other than the darkness of alcohol… It brings deception, depression and causes me to be so unproductive its unreal…

Day 3 and feel better already

Been in a terrible relationship with alcohol for years and cannot moderate so giving up once and for all

So happy to be on here and good luck to u all xx


@Ravikamor K-2 SDC mod/severe on an inclusion campus. You?

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SDC mild/mod 6-8 Math and Science PS :grin:

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I’m Olivia from the Arctic circle in Northern Europe. I’m 15 months clean from my doc, which is porn and masturbation (PMO). I’ve spent a number of years in therapy, recovery and other related activities. Currently trying to find a way back into working life.

I enjoy cooking, baking, movies, crocheting, sauna and pilates. People say I’m witty with words and have a sense of humour LOL.

I’m just trying to get the best out of being ducked up.

Oh yeah… I’ve got this thing about unicorns :woman_shrugging:t2:


Hello everyone ! My name is melissa , im 35 years old and im french ( sorry in advance for my english ) im on my first day sober . Last night i dranked too much and did a irresponsable thing and i feel so ashamed of myself today . I have been feeling the urge to quit alcool for a long while now and i really feel that today is the best day to start my New life , the one ive been dreaming of. A sober life.

I used to be on the streets , been addicted to meth, speed and other drugs but i have been clean for 15 yrs (with a relapse that lasted 1 year)
Ive started drinking il my twenties. Now i drink almost everyday , i dont even feel good when i drink and there is no point of continuing. I drink alone my boyfriend does not drink at all. We have kids i never drink when they are awake. I am miserable to drink alone every day . Im afraid im becoming like my mom who is also à alcoolic.

I found this group im seeking for à safe place to talk with others so that we dont feel so alone .
Thanks all ! Tomorrow is a new day cant wait !


Hey everyone, I’m Andrea, I’m 29 and I live in the U.K.

I’ve had a complicated relationship with alcohol for the past 4-5 years and, asides from a brief stint at the beginning of 2021 where I was sober for around a month, I would reach for the wine pretty much every single night. I’ve decided enough is enough and I’m 2 days sober at the moment.

A teeny tiny milestone but my goodness was it hard not to instinctively reach for the wine at 5pm. I’m very much a functional alcoholic and use alcohol to suppress my anxiety so I’m hoping to change those habits and make this abstinence permanent.