2022 Roll Call -- Introduce yourself!

Hello! I’m Sarah from the Peak District In Derbyshire. Mum of two grown lads. My DOC was alcohol… Found this forum nearly four years ago, it was the best thing I ever did. I’m at 850+ days now and I could not of done it without the lovely people on here. Read as much as you can and check in each day. I came here when I normally would of pickled my brain with booze, it fills the time and the advice and support is perfect. :pray:t2::two_hearts::two_hearts:


Hi everyone, I’m Michele and I’m from Wyandotte, MI (Detroit area). I’m soon to be 42, a mother of 3 and have been married 15 years. I work full time in social work, but am at a point in my life where I feel it’s time to move on (whole other can of worms there I won’t get into, but maybe others can relate).
I’ve had a problem with drinking since my teens, and developed a daily drinking habit in my early to mid 30’s. I used alcohol to self medicate symptoms of depression and anxiety and to escape my problems… Of course this only amplified my bad feelings and created more problems for myself… I first discovered the Sober Time app about 5 years ago, and used it only for the day counter. In that 5 years I’ve had brief stretches of sobriety, no longer than 3 months, and fell back in to the drinking by trying to moderate. I am incapable of moderating, and despite knowing this deep down I tried telling myself I could and wound up back at square one every time. Currently, I am at 53 days sober, and am taking Antabuse. I know there are mixed feelings towards using that drug or others to aid in sobriety, I say to each their own and do what works for YOU. Happy 2022 everyone, thanks for reading. :heart::peace_symbol:


Hi everyone and Happy New Year. I am Mandy, and it has been 2yrs 8 months since my last drink. This site has saved me many times, especially over the last few days. Thank you to everyone who has the courage to share their story, and know that your pain/struggle/high/low is giving someone out there a reason to keep going. Much blessing for 2022 ODAAT


I’m Cat from UK and am an alcoholic, Mother, wife and dog owner. Have a lovely life other than the darkness of alcohol… It brings deception, depression and causes me to be so unproductive its unreal…

Day 3 and feel better already

Been in a terrible relationship with alcohol for years and cannot moderate so giving up once and for all

So happy to be on here and good luck to u all xx


@Ravikamor K-2 SDC mod/severe on an inclusion campus. You?

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SDC mild/mod 6-8 Math and Science PS :grin:

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I’m Olivia from the Arctic circle in Northern Europe. I’m 15 months clean from my doc, which is porn and masturbation (PMO). I’ve spent a number of years in therapy, recovery and other related activities. Currently trying to find a way back into working life.

I enjoy cooking, baking, movies, crocheting, sauna and pilates. People say I’m witty with words and have a sense of humour LOL.

I’m just trying to get the best out of being ducked up.

Oh yeah… I’ve got this thing about unicorns :woman_shrugging:t2:


Hello everyone ! My name is melissa , im 35 years old and im french ( sorry in advance for my english ) im on my first day sober . Last night i dranked too much and did a irresponsable thing and i feel so ashamed of myself today . I have been feeling the urge to quit alcool for a long while now and i really feel that today is the best day to start my New life , the one ive been dreaming of. A sober life.

I used to be on the streets , been addicted to meth, speed and other drugs but i have been clean for 15 yrs (with a relapse that lasted 1 year)
Ive started drinking il my twenties. Now i drink almost everyday , i dont even feel good when i drink and there is no point of continuing. I drink alone my boyfriend does not drink at all. We have kids i never drink when they are awake. I am miserable to drink alone every day . Im afraid im becoming like my mom who is also à alcoolic.

I found this group im seeking for à safe place to talk with others so that we dont feel so alone .
Thanks all ! Tomorrow is a new day cant wait !


Hey everyone, I’m Andrea, I’m 29 and I live in the U.K.

I’ve had a complicated relationship with alcohol for the past 4-5 years and, asides from a brief stint at the beginning of 2021 where I was sober for around a month, I would reach for the wine pretty much every single night. I’ve decided enough is enough and I’m 2 days sober at the moment.

A teeny tiny milestone but my goodness was it hard not to instinctively reach for the wine at 5pm. I’m very much a functional alcoholic and use alcohol to suppress my anxiety so I’m hoping to change those habits and make this abstinence permanent.


Thanks Dan​:smiling_face_with_three_hearts: l agree with that sentiment,and have heard it many times in the rooms of AA.l am not going to let my husband’s comments stop me using this app. and l’m also not going to let his cynicism give me the excuse to bust! This forum has got me to Day 8 today as far as l can tell,so it is vital for me to keep doing what lm doing!:pray:NEVER,NEVER GIVE UP HOPE


Hi everyone, I’m Jessi and my DOC is alcohol. My mother was also an alcoholic, as well as my grandfather. My father taught me to appreciate alcohol but he liked to party too so I simply never learned how to function without alcohol as the lubricant.

I’ve worked in the restaurant business for over 25 years and, you guessed it!, more alcohol. It was literally my job to learn about, talk about, taste and experience alcohol, and sell it to others. COVID finally allowed me to get out of my abusive relationship with restaurants and I’m so grateful. I definitely kept on drinking but it became harder and harder to justify why I was drinking everyday so I started to have to think about things.

I stopped drinking last New Years for four months. My focus at that time was losing weight but I felt so freaking fantastic not drinking. I felt younger and energetic and clear. I wasn’t ready to accept never drinking again, so even though I was literally scared to start again, I started again. I kept it very nicely under control for about a month. Then I was tormented by trying to moderate. That sucked so I stopped trying and I think I have not had a drink only one day since July and I can’t believe that.

I made a plan to have my last drink at midnight on New Years (and I know that’s silly but I need events to mark certain things in my life and that was the best one I could think of), so I have been sober for 1.5 days.

I am very excited and hopeful but also irritable, shaky, grouchy and bursting into tears if my dog or husband looks at me sideways. But I don’t care cause I know this is worth it but also ugh this is very very hard.


Hi Karci. I am Tanya from Canada. I am 41. Last year I quit smoking and this year I am giving up alchool which has progressively become a bigger issue in my life. It’s time and hasn’t helped with my weight during these lockdowns. Time to give back to me and my family


Hi all, I’m Amy. I have an alcohol problem, a drug problem. And a massive self hate problem, which in turn, brought on even more problems. Anything you can up with after ‘Nobody would be so stupid to […]’, I’ve probably done it.

Right now I’m trying to heal from years of abuse and self abuse. I’m 4 months clean from drugs. No enough days sober from alchohol.

Happy new year. :slight_smile:


Hi there I’m Kat from Ontario, Canada.

My addiction story started 5 years ago when I was a hospice nurse, had a PTSD related breakdown and started IV’ing the plentiful narcotics left over after the patient’s use. It lasted 6 months before I was caught and put on leave, I don’t know how but I went off cold turkey.

Went to rehab then but still had reservations (I.e. Ok I have to give up this IV opiate habit but surely I can still use stimulants (Ritalin and friends) and alcohol. Relapsed on stimulants shortly after I got out. The supply of prescription stimulants soon got cut off and I turned to what were called ‘speed pills’ on the dark web (probably meth pills).

I haven’t gone back to IV opiates thank God with whats on the streets now but these meth pills I have kept relapsing every 6-12 months on for four years at least. It becomes a shitshow every time I use…horrible sores on my body, garbage filled apartment…

So 5 months ago I quit after a short relapse and decided to take things seriously this time (and also stop drinking alcohol which makes me crave stimulants). I recommitted to the program of Narcotics Anonymous, attend (or Zoom) meetings daily, and have a sponsor.

The great thing is I also come to this forum multiple times a day and participate in the check-in thread mostly!

Love you all,

Kat 151 days clean and sober


hello -

Not too sure how to start this, guess I should same - call me Liieah. Im a binge drinker who is constantly at a bar because I’m also a bartender.

I started this sobriety journey after an incident on 12/26 at my bar during a tournament. I blacked out and yelled at some of my friends and a coworker with some choice words, then proceeded to try and separate myself from the situation by starting my car and smoking a cig. While sitting in my warm car I fell asleep at the wheel, thankfully I was parked and I wasn’t driving. My friends found me and took me home where I woke up on my couch with no recollection of the night before, which was very scary.

I tried not drinking “a lot” through the past week, but then on New Year’s Eve after work my friend got a DUI and instead of that motivating me even more, I was mad and got drunk at my friends house that I stayed at. The next morning I explained to my boyfriend that I stayed at my friends because I got drunk and he was extremely disappointed in me.

Ultimately I think for myself and my health it’s about time I do what’s right and get sober. It may not be much but I’m 1 day and 19 hours completely sober, which I can’t remember the last time I went more than my 8 hour work shift with out drinking. I guess ultimately I need some motivation, with my job, the fact that I’m a competitive pool player who runs several recognized teams in my community.

Any advice would be great guys, and I’m excited to have this forum to communicate with others who are taking this same journey!:black_heart::metal:t2:


I’m right there with you, almost 2 days in 5 hours! Let’s get it!:metal:t2:


Hey all, first time trying to go sober… little back story 42 been drinking since my twenties, with the last 5 being the hardest. At least 3 bottles of jim/jack with beer in-between during the week. Like others functioning alcoholic, rarely missing work… perhaps missing once every other month, still being there for the wife and kids as needed. Decided to go sober Jan 1, so of course went a little harder thank normal, woke up with a horrible hangover Sat, and yesterday being the first of getting any withdrawals… headaches and night sweats last night. Felt a little better, first in a long time with a little more energy and clear head.

Hoping to stick with it, but with the addiction in my family worries me.

Wish me luck. :slight_smile:


Hi! I’m Karen from Tennessee USA. 5 days sober from alcohol. I started drinking more heavily with the pandemic. I drink most when I’m home, bored, and lonely. I suffer from depression and anxiety and use alcohol to numb my feelings. I’ve come to realize that trying to moderate my drinking doesn’t work. I’ve tried to quit multiple times.

This time is a little easier for now. I had surgery 4 days ago and have my sister staying with me. Having company has been a huge help. Even after she leaves I think I’ll be okay not drinking while healing from surgery. Then I’m hoping to keep the momentum going.


Welcome Billy!

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I am Dave and starting my next journey into sobriety today. I had a court-ordered detox and counselling in 2015 but looking back I was not ready to give up and took to alcohol again 9months later. Last year I managed two periods of sobriety for around 3 months at a time and felt a hell of a lot healthier for it, physically and especially mentally.
Family issues, the pandemic and the usual stress of Christmas have led to a massive increase in my drinking over last month or so. I tapered it off over the last few days as I do suffer horrific withdrawal symptoms. So, today I embark on a new journey of sobriety. The slate is clean. The road ahead can only be full of positive things.
I don’t feel my body can handle another major relapse, so this time I have to use every available tool to stay on track, including being with you lovely people !
Have a great and sober 2022 everyone !