2022 Roll Call -- Introduce yourself!

Thank you for sharing


I’m Chiron and I don’t always post a lot, but when I do it is generally a book. :sweat_smile:

I’ve had issues with a variety of addictions over the years including alcohol, opioids, stimulants, muscle relaxers, pot, kratom, (and cereal @Dazercat :rofl: ), etc., etc., etc. My last remaining chemical addiction is to caffeine, which is something that negatively impacts my life so eventually it will also be in the past.

A big welcome to all the new people in the community.


I also have issues with Kratom


Me too. These conversation treads are wacky. Not at all user friendly.


Welcome Tanya.
Welcome @LadyLouise

Welcome to this great sober forum. It was a little tricky for me as well to figure out the ins and outs of the app.

If you got any questions just asked. Everyone is so helpful and there’s always someone around to help.
We were all knew once.
Y’all will get the hang of it the more your on it. If this old guy could do it so can you.
I hope you see y’all around.


I’m still here after 51days.


There seems to be a few of us peppered around the site. Feel free to reach out if you need and welcome back.

@LadyLouise and @TanyaC Give it a little time. It took a bit for me too. Welcome to both of you.


Hi Everyone,

I’m back here after a sabbatical. I did really really well here before, more than I ever thought possible. I need to get back to that strong place, My alcohol dependence can be all consuming, it colours every single action & decision I make right now. I am a prisoner. Today is my second day clean.

Trying again.


Happy Day 3 to me! I am a 60 yo professional very functional alcoholic and I want to regain control of my life and get alcohol out of my life forever. I have stopped before and tried moderation but that has not been successful and I know I need to keep it out of my life for good. I look forward to the support. I have struggled for years with depression and know that alcohol has only made that worse. I am here to get well. I am starting a meditation practice. Feeling well these first three days but knowing that when depression hits I need to be armed with a plan to combat it that doesn’t involve a drink. Inspired by those who’s days are in the hundreds count! But I think the saying is the longest of journeys starts with a single step, or something like that. Beginning again and looking forward to having somewhere to turn when the inevitable struggle returns.


This sounds just like me. Thanks for sharing

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Hello all, I simply am known here as paper boats

I am 32 and have struggled with some form of addiction one way or another from a young age.

Childhood was not fun so as soon as I got my hands on booze and drugs at the age of 12, I never wanted to be sober. I fucked my entire shit up from then on up until 18.(surviving all kinds of outlandish ordeals and overdoses along the way)
I put down the hardcore stuff and went back to my first love of drinking. Basically told myself “drinking and smoking weed is better than abusing all those other drugs.”

Had my first alcohol withdrawal related seizure a couple of years ago and that’s when I first acknowledged that I had a serious problem, no more maybe about it.

A failed relationship with my ex fiancée, losing my family and my home drove me into a downward spiral of self destructive binge drinking and self loathing ending with an attempted suicide.
I woke up in mandatory involuntary psychiatric hold and that is how I kick started my sobriety.

In short, I am just a broken hearted, wandering soul trying to find a true sense of self while rebuilding myself piece by piece after having been completely demolished by my relationship ending and my own relentless self destruction.

As of today, I am 107 days sober.
This is the longest that I have been entirely sober in over 20 years.

For those of you that are new, welcome.
This community is awesome and has been a great support.
Very diverse and caring people, they rock.


I’m Lenny clean and sober since 9-14-15. However, I joined this community now to help with my addiction to sugar. The parallels between sugar and alcohol in my life are undeniable.


We ALL started at day 1 and all were in awe and incredulous of those big numbers. Baby steps and taking sober life one day, one moment at a time …it adds up. :heart: Believe me, I never thought I would be where I am after 40+ years of drinking.


Hi Andrea, thanks for reading my post. :slightly_smiling_face: What I love about Antabuse is it takes the option to drink off the table entirely, which eased my mind a lot in the first couple weeks of not drinking. My doctor suggested I try it, and I’m glad I did. At this point, I really don’t have a desire to drink anymore, but know I could still be triggered out of nowhere so I’m going to stay on these for now. Best of luck to you on your journey.


Hello everyone, first day on the forum and 4th day of not drinking. I am in my mid 50’s and have been drinking 1-3 beers daily for the last 15 years and I am quite frankly sick of it. My wife and I love hiking, traveling and camping.


Hello all, my name is Amanda. This is my First time sober in 20 years. Working on Day 3 of not drinking. It is very hard but staying strong :muscle:


Hello and I agree made it through my first Friday night without a drink it was difficult from the standpoint of being a habit but once that passed it was nice to wake up refreshed today.


I don’t think I’ve done this yet! I’m BostonGirl from Mass, I’m a veterinary nurse at an animal shelter and also at an ER/specialty hospital. I love my job, I get to see cool stuff every day, my teams are amazing and we get to help a lot of people and animals. There’s sadness of course, but there are also miracles.

I have been having severe sleep issues that are affecting every aspect of my day. I think that was really the kick in the pants to get me serious about being sober. Hopefully I will find out some answers this Friday :crossed_fingers::crossed_fingers:

I come from a long line of alcoholics and emotionally immature humans. I faced difficult and dysfunctional situations when I was young, including being very poor, and spent a lot of time angry and lashing out. I am the first one to prioritize and work on my mental health. My younger sisters followed my lead thank goodness. I know I still have a lot of work to do but I am for probably the first time, happy with my life.

Being sober is like the final piece to the puzzle, and something I’ve wanted to do for a long time. I got real bad several years ago, which lead to bad decisions and finally I said I needed to slow down. With Covid I have been spending time reflecting on myself and my goals, and decided it was time to do this.

I like laughing. I hate people that cut in line. I’m turning 40 next year and I want to go some place warm and tropical. Yes I have a lot of animals. I love pizza but I’m lactose intolerant :weary: I drive stick shift, I sang karaoke (pre-covid), I ran a 10k once haha.


People that cut in line lmao that part :100::clap:t4::clap:t4::clap:t4: Stick shift that’s right! Is there any other way :grimacing: keep up the karaoke :microphone:


Hey Lenny. Welcome to TS. Congratulations on all that clean time that’s amazing. I’m not sure how helpful it will be to you but I did start a “no extra added sugar,” thread about 150 days ago when I gave up sweets. I think it has really helped me a lot. Less headaches and easier to maintain my weight loss. No More Added Sugar It doesn’t get much action but your welcome to check it out and post if you like.
Hope to see you around.