2022 Roll Call -- Introduce yourself!

Don’t worry Eric, I’ll have to join that thread soon. I’m not drinking anymore, but my sugar consumption is getting way out of hand! :exploding_head:


Hi there!

I am an alcoholic or to be honest, I would propapbly use amphetamine if it sold in the corner store. Also was quite a heavy weed smoker in my younger years. But yeah, alcohol is my DOC.

English is not my first language, sorry for the bad lingo, I’m a 34 year old woman from Nothern Europe.


Welcome. I’m American and your English looks better than mine. :rofl:
Welcome to this wonderful sober community. :pray:t2::heart:


I’m CJ and my DOC is alcohol. I joined on 1/1 with the intentions of sobriety. While many may disagree, I am ideally seeking moderation with my drinking. For now though, I am staying dry and working through some of my reasons WHY I am drinking.

I’d love to meet some online friends to talk with about both sobriety and life with. Thanks y’all!


Greetings all you wonderful human beings!

My name is John, I am 28 and I am from Wisconsin here in the States. Im the type of person who gets addicted to absolutely anything that helps take me out of myself. I have been in and out of the rooms for 12 years already with my longest stint of sobriety lasting 3.5 years.

I like so many others have tried to get clean and stay sober countless times, but each time it has never seemed to stick. I will keep coming back and leaning on you all for support. Thanks for being here and spreading hope to those like myself who need to hear the reminder daily!

Always looking for more friends and to grow my sobriety network, so feel free to reach out and say hello! :sunglasses::v:t3:


I’m Becca, my clean date off heroin,meth,opiates is 10/12/2021 I have 3 months today. I live in a halfway house in Nashville TN, I’m from Knoxville. I went to jail and they sent me to rehab at buffalo valley in hoenwald, TN. Then I decided to come to a halfway house to continue my recovery. I have a sponsor and am working the 12steps, I also attend meetings daily and I have a full time job. I love my life now and I have real relationships with friends and family. I am doing what I’m supposed to do with my legal situation and I just take it one day at a time. I’ve been a addict for 16years and this is my first time ever getting sober. I’m greatful for my recovery and my life.


I everyone I’m Simon! New here! I’m 60+days clean from cocaine and alcohol! Definitely a change on my moods and anxiety and even the foods I eat! I have sudden racing thoughts etc! I choose to get clean after have a issue in my nose it scared me! And I’ve done this for me and nobody else, not even family knows I’m recovering and or did it! It’s hard I’m open to ideas suggestions?


Yoooo, welcome! Well done on two months. That’s a big dang deal.

What’s helped you the most so far?


My dogs! Music, and a lot of good lol mostly scared and I discovered why I did drugs and drank for! I was hiding the fact I was afraid of who I was and didn’t like me so I try to change me by drugs and alcohol bc people liked me better!


I’m Finn, I’ve been clean for almost 6 months now.
I was a heavy drug user for a few years, started with coke when I was 16, then started using meth, and finally heroin. This is my first time trying to get clean, I’m 20, and every day seems harder than the last. The man that I love is also in recovery with me and he’s been my rock through this, trying to find my own motivation though, not letting his recovery be mine and mine be his.
Hoping that things will get easier, one day at a time


Welcome to Talking Sober Ashley! Yes, it’s hard in the beginning but it is doable. Just as long as you know you can’t do it alone (which you do I see). We need to get rid of the idea that using would help with any of the struggles of life. Because it doesn’t. It just puts us deeper in the hole. I’m glad you found us as this is a great place for support in our journey towards a better happier healthier life. There’s a huge amount of support and knowledge to be found here. So welcome again and wishing you all success! I’ll add a link to some useful -I hope- stuff for you.


Good to have you aboard Finn! Huge congrats on your time sober and clean, that’s huge! I hope this place can be as helpful to you as it has been to me over the last 2.5 years. There’s so much support here. Support to receive and support to give. You’re not alone. For me that knowledge has been the difference between failure and success. While realizing it is me that has to do the work yes, still knowing we’re in this together has been a game changer and a life saver. Wishing you all continued success friend. Welcome again. Hugs.


Thank you so much for the welcome and well wishes and congratulations on your 2 1/2 years :—)


Hi everyone. I’m 45 and from Australia, and I’m an alcoholic. Gosh…it’s taken me years to say those words. I have been drinking since I was about 18, just on weekends really, and nothing too major. I then went to work in hospitality and my drinking definitely increased dramatically as all the staff would party on after shift until sun up, then we’d do it all again the next day. I wouldn’t drink every day, but when I did, I’d binge, and never know when to stop.
I felt like I’d taken on the roll of the party girl, like there was an expectation of me to drunk and fun etc, but I realise now that it was all in my head, and constantly that party girl was blacking out and doing stupid things and feeling remorseful and ashamed the next day, and for ages after the event.
The time came where I had a bit of a breakdown and was severely depressed, my mum had to take my kids for a while as all I could do was sleep and drink. The second my eyes were open, I was drinking until I wiped myself out. That was about 3 years ago now, and I’ve been in and out of rehab since. I managed 7 months sober during that 3 years, but started drinking heavily after my daughter nearly drowned in a rip while we were on holidays. My drinking was ruining my relationship with my kids as they would find me on the floor so often, and seen me taken away by police or ambulance uncountable times after trying to ‘end the pain’, which I’m very lucky to be alive after surviving two very close near death experiences.
I have now been sober for 46 days, and I wish I could say I’m feeling great, but I’m not. I don’t feel like a drink, I can easily drive past the drive through, but I miss the feeling of not feeling the pain inside. My boyfriend is an alcoholic also, and I’m finding it very difficult as he’s drinking and I don’t want to be around drunk people at the moment, so we hardly see each other at the moment :cry: My boyfriend was my boozing partner and now it feels so different around him, like we don’t have anything to talk about any more. Probably because we used to sit around all day drinking and watching crap tv until we passed out. :cry:
I’m also currently not working, having lost my job after a doctor reported me after a failed suicide attempt 18 months ago. I’ve been cleared to get my job back, but it’s a process and I have one more document to sign which I’ve been waiting on for 6 weeks now. No wonder I’m feeling down! I feel like an empty shell and I’m struggling to get out of bed each day as I feel like I have no purpose. And financially I’m really struggling. Single mum with a mortgage etc.
But I’m sober, and I’m grateful for this group. A lot of your stories have resonated with me and it’s nice to know I’m not alone. So thank you :blush:


This is my a second go round. My name is suzy. Just turned 31. Married with no kids but we hsve two dogs. Not even sure I have a problem…but then again ha
Was sober for a year then thought I could monitor it but just keep losing control. So here I am.
I started therapy today and want to be sober. I have a hard time saying no and also a hard time cutting myself off because I always get to the point I’m just thirsty. So, hello everyone! Here’s to 2022!


Welcome Ashley! Your in the right place!

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Hey! My name is Lindsey. I’m 63 days sober. Mom of 2 (9 year old and 8 months old). I’ve been struggling with addiction since I was 12. Starting with cigarettes and weed. At 21 it transitioned to alcohol after the death of my first child.
I have always been the “responsible” one. After I was abandoned by my parents at 16, I still finished high school with honors and eventually got my bachelor’s degree. Drugs and alcohol were tools for me to be able to numb the memory of abuse I experienced in childhood and turn-off my mind from adult responsibilities. I could put the kids to bed and then “check out” with a bottle of wine… until I couldn’t. Until I was drinking earlier and earlier every day.

I’ve been slowly sliding into deep addiction the past 12 years. Only realizing it the past 5 years. Only working on sobriety the past 3 years. Only sober 63 days. But I’m doing it. I’m not giving up.


Welcome and congrats on your 63 days Lindsey. This is a great community for support. I hope to see you around.

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Hello! I am Flannery, I am one month shy of having 2 years sober. I am 27 I started drinking/using at 14. My drugs of choice were heroin and meth IV. I went to treatment over 15 times, overdosed 4 times and almost died, did AA/NA, moved from city to city, went on maintenance, got put on 2 chemical dependency commitments by the state I live in because I was hospitalized so many times for my drug use. I was homeless, and I didn’t find my way until I surrendered to my Higher Power and asked for help to go back to treatment one final time where I really found my faith again. I go to meetings and pray everyday, and read the Bible. Sobriety is the best thing that ever happened to me.


Beautiful story of recovery… alot of pain I hear in ur story but then there’s such joy and gratefulness at the end! I’m so grateful ur here Flannery! :heartbeat: