7 days sober I know it’s not a lot

Hi I’ve never quit with the motivation that I’m not going to drink ever. This is my first time stop drinking with intention to never pick up a drink. I’m scared horrified that I ll relapse in a month


Fantastic job on 7 days! Well done. You’ve come to the right place. :heart: There is a ton of support on here. Welcome! We are all here to help eachother


Good job! 7 days is great! We all start. Dont worry about a month from now. Just stay here and now.


7 days is a lifetime when you start out. If it was easy peasy lemon squeezy, places like this, hundreds of books, support groups like AA and Smart wouldn’t exist.

Take each day as it comes. Like @JackStraw said, don’t worry about a month from, today is the day, today is the only day you gotta stay sober for.


Just take it one day at a time. Congrats on a week! thats awesome!

Staying sober through the holidays out of the gate shows strong intent. My goal is long term sobriety. staying sober forever sound intimidating. one day at a time is all we need to focus on. they add up.



One week down and wishes/prayers for strength and determination!


Great job on 7 days. I was and still am terrified of never drinking again. So all I know is “I’m not drinking today! And I’m probably not drinking tomorrow.” Just one lousy day at a time. And you know what? It has turned out to be one great day at a time.


Here are two good threads to start:


You know what? Seven days is such a celebration! Because it’s a journey and there are processes that we go through, seven is huge because it’s fighting the immediate demons! Congrats!


7 days is definitely a lot. The first couple of weeks are the hardest. Its definitely a struggle, but if you can stay sober thru one of the biggest drinking nights of the year, that’s a big accomplishment. Happy New Year, and congrats on staying sober. Keep it up!


12 days for me and I’m very happy I’ve managed to get over Christmas and New Year.

Time to start getting our lives back :muscle::muscle:


I’m right there beside you with 7 days, let’s do this!


Great job 20 days for me proud of you two tough holidays you/we made it


Hi and great work on 7 days. The first couple of weeks is intense and it takes a real strength to keep on pushing through, we have all been there my friend. Don’t think in the distance think right now in this moment. Looking into the days ahead causes mega stress and makes me want to go mad! Just don’t use your DOC today and then repeat that tomorrow. I think you are all doing amazing @Doirebhoy @wintergoil @Bushes and @_kim ! Let’s keep on keeping on together! I’m so glad we all have each other and this place! :pray:t2::two_hearts:

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7 days is great! But you know what’s better than 7 days? 8 days! You’ve got this!


7 days is awesome! There is a reason why “one day at a time” is the term we all use. If we look at the whole mountain is seems like a monstrosity that we couldnt possibly tackle, but if we look at those first 10ft, that’s achievable! I felt the same way at the beginning. But- take it one day at a time. One hour at a time. One minute at a time. You can doooooo it! Proud of you for the 7 days


Congrats! 7 days is huge. Those first days are always tough! This place was really instrumental in me achieving long lasting sobriety. Reach out if you need help or are struggling.


I can’t say this enough! So many people post that they have a week or two and that they think it isn’t very impressive but I think those are some of the hardest days. In my personal journey those were the hardest days.

After that I became accustomed to sobriety and once I realized how much better life is without drinking, I wasn’t as tempted to drink.

It’s all about getting into a new routine that gets you away from alcohol.


7 days is huge! It is a big deal. It means you can go another 7 days and so on. Some days will be dark, but you got this.


Be proud! :facepunch:
Being sober is hard work. Keep doing what you are doing day after day.


7 days is fantastic!! I found it super helpful to just worry about one day at a time. Forever freaks me out. Today I can 100% handle. :heart: