Derailment void / Off topic 2021 to present

My appologies if my comment seemes to imply that was your intent. Just replying to Sassy.


I love how these little off topic asides always come back to everything being @Englishd’s fault.


I would like for them all to be sober but as even my thickheaded ass knows is that not one size fits all and that includes here. I follow some of those who have been “run off” and a few of them seem to do better away from here.


No worries we’ve always gotten along well in our interactions. But if it came off as though I was trying to shame someone I wanted to be clear that wasn’t my intent as I know sometimes things can come off the wrong way and you can’t really tell tone or intent through a text.


I have some time sober now and I went through different stages I’d say. Back and forth, feeling judged, being hurt, hurting unintentionally, thinking I’d do them good. In the end it’s often about myself, my truth, what I went through which was probably not a deep deep bottom. Sometimes I feel my eyes rolling and thinking: now that was obvious. I need to be grateful that I found my way out before it was too late. Often I fear responding as I am afraid of the angry reaction which you can often tell by the post. I believe it’s AA saying that it’s not for those who need it but those who want it.


I’m a sports coach so I’ve been reading Friday Night Lights and looking at how sports can have a drastic effect on athletes and coaches alike. Working hard to be a good coach for a new generation and steer kids away from the pitfalls that came up when I was an athlete :heart:

Also reading “The Sugar Brain Fix” by Dr. Mike Dow as I know my body will crave sugar in place of alcohol and nicotine. I’m going to allow myself to have sugar for now until I get more days under my belt but am actively planning for healthy diet and lifestyle. Not like I’m going crazy on sugar but I’m not denying myself some cookies or treats because at almost 4 days sober a cookie is a zillion times better than a shot!


I think the sugar trap post alcohol hits all of us. Good for you getting new wisdom there and good for you for listening to your body when it reaches for a cookie instead of a drink. :clap:t3::clap:t3:


I think I’m more tempted for the cookies lol I like knowing I’ll remember what happens after I eat a couple!


Have at it! You can do anything you need for sugar replacement as long as you aren’t choosing alcohol. I cut alcohol, let myself eat whatever I wanted and dropped 10 pounds in my first two months. :flushed: That is a motivation to stay sober for sure.


I read a lot from Libby as well!!

@Jwfletcher4792, I allowed my (already impressive) sugar addiction to be sated while in early sobriety. I don’t regret that one bit. It was WAY better for me than drinking was.

After about a year and a half of sobriety, I took out all processed sugar, gluten and went very low carb. Dropped a lot of weight and felt great. 4 years later I really missed bananas, other fruit, potatoes and other veggies and oatmeal. So now I eat veg and fruit carbs and oatmeal. Gained back most of what I lost, but doing fine health wise. I use maple syrup as a sweetener in my baking…love to bake still. Still no white sugar, agave, etc. Works for me!

Do what works for you! :slightly_smiling_face:


Thanks for the encouragement! It’s so nice to come on this forum and talk to people who want to change their lives. So many people try to make someone feel ashamed or embarrassed because they don’t want to drink anymore. I’m not sure if people who used other drugs felt that way? But there are several people I work with that I drank with a lot and they just love to dig into me about changing. I finally stood up to them and just said “hey if you want to drink and do this that’s fine I’m not going to stand in your way, but don’t disrespect me for valuing my life enough to change and protect it.”

I enjoyed some nice chocolate covered pretzels today. I have a bit of a cold I’m battling but happy to be alive and have everyone here to talk to :heart:


My last doctor visit my doctor noted my thyroid was acting up and my cholesterol was up some. My wife really teaches me a lot about healthy eating and trying to fix issues with natural and functional remedies. I rarely take aspirin or pain relievers anymore as opposed to chomping them down in the military, really focused on trying to fix my body! But right now it does feel good to eat freely lol I had McDonald’s the other day and as I ate my burger I just thought “so much better than being drunk” literally a large coke, fries, and QPC❤️


Being sober helps me realize that my brain is the leader and my body is a gift. Anyone who belittles your change can stare with envy as you leave them behind on your road to health. Who knows, they just might choose to follow.

I would bet that your cholesterol levels will drop after some sober time. That is a great motivator. :crossed_fingers:t2::muscle:t3:


Thanks for the great encouragement, I say it a lot but I’m really thankful for this place! If I feel down I just jump on and connect even for a minute or two and remember I’m not alone and everything I experience someone else has also!


I spend a lot of time here. Glad to have you aboard. Community helps!


There are lots of discussions on here about friends and drinking. Especially about old drinking friends. I think we all understand that. Glad you are here and finding all of us who get it!

I may move some of our off topic conversation to derailment or another more appropriate thread…just an FYI…since we veered off of books…no harm, no foul :slightly_smiling_face:


Sounds good sorry I’m still new and get off topic sometimes :joy:


Apologies for moving the convo…we were well off topic and I wasn’t sure where we would fit best, so derailment it is!

Carry on! :slightly_smiling_face:


No worries at all. I end up here all the time.


It was the first time in my life I really stood up to someone who gave me a hard time about changing my life! In the past I just kept quiet and let people razz me and joke and I told myself I’d just keep being sober and ignore them. Really what I learned is not standing up for myself allowed me to slip back into bad habits because I wasn’t taking a true stand. This time I’m taking a stand and I’m proud of it, I’m not ashamed and I’m not keeping quiet. This is my life and I’m fighting for it :muscle:t2: