Any gamers? (Trigger warning)

Wooow! Thats awesome!! Thx for the info :ok_hand:t2::smile:

Say bye bye to some csgo skins, I will pay now and just wait for june :joy:
Did you pre-order?

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You’ll enjoy the D&D thread then.

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Link: The D&D Thread

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Old school runescape is runescape 2. I also played classic runescape. When rs2 came out i liked it alot when rs3 (newest version) came out i quit. I restarted on old school when it came out for mobile

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No, not yet. Kinda want to see how the release goes. Maybe wait for a sale.

I will probably preorder is before then. :rofl:

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Played wow since launch until 2019, on eso since launch to present…ps, destiny 2 , poe and other casual stuff…

Kinetic sand for the win! That is legit! Maybe I’ll use that technique when my boys are a little older. Right now, they’d probably just destroy the terrain (accidentally, of course, but almost certainly).


you should get on it again I’m still playing it now …grinding my way back to level 80 :joy:

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Awesome. My boys are 9, 7, 7, 4 and almost 2. I’ve played with the older three. We ran the Heroes of Hesiod module. Its free on the internet and is a great starter for kids. I’ll likely try to begin a bigger thing this summer.


I tried the demo and decided I just cant sink that much time into a game. The demo sucked 3 hours out of me without even noticing haha.

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Yup, that’s how it goes. I don’t have any kids and my family is across the country, so not much for me to do. Unfortunately I’m getting sick of my computer and games, so I’m putting like an hour here and an hour there into it. But since I’m not learning the basics of the game its easier for me to do.

I’ve just got “No mans Sky” this is going to take a while :joy::ok_hand:

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If you’re that bored, why aren’t you on the D&D thread with us?




Oh man, they just put out another a 6.1 gig update yesterday. That game is soooo good! And the developers are amazing! All free updates, no paid DLC. The nice thing about NMS is that you can play it for a few hours and leave it be. Or, you can play it forever. I’ve got about 100 hours in it and still have almost no clue what is going on. I absolutely love open world games, so I’ve spent a ton of time just exploring. Still on my first ship, but got a freighter as well. I think I prefer planetside bases.

If you have any questions, if I can answer them I will. Welcome to No Man’s Grind!

I can’t commit to even sleeping right now, no way can I focus or commit to D&D. My brain is a mess!

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Yes Rob! Less than 2 days to go and I have next week off l, the demo was awesome I’m literally consumed with excitement like it’s 1997 again! :dagger: :mechanical_arm:

(that’s a sword and a Barret arm)


I probably won’t play it. Wish I could, but no time and its not in the cards

I like resident evil games just playing the new one resident evil 3 in xbox one also getting into call of duty warzone online never been much of a online gamer but I’m loving it even gone and got a head set

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Just came across this older thread and it caught my interest. I used to play World of Warcraft. I just restarted from scratch. Almost a whole new game! I’ve also been playing Hearthstone and MTG Arena lately. I enjoy the Warcraft Universe.