Any horror movie fans?

Ha! That’s funny you noticed the symbols like that :laughing:

I’ve liked M. Night since Signs. Love my sci-fi as much as horror. I don’t think I’ve seen the Visit. I’ll look for it. It’s possible I watched it drunk and forgot. That’s been a plus of sobriety. I’ll notice movies I’ve given a​:+1: on Netflix that I don’t remember at all. Now I get to actually enjoy them :grin:

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Yeah, same. I have a massive, expensive, blu ray collection, half of which I only vaguely remember watching…

As with some of M. Night’s other films, the less you know about The Visit before you see it, the better. :+1:

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Does anyone think about Final Destination 2 anytime they get behind a big truck with tree logs in the back just strapped… hopefully someone knows what im referencing. Sorry just had my 4th baby still in hospital but i wanted to socialize w my sober fam


Also It Follows creeped me out more than it probably should have And Autopsy of Jane Doe was an amazing horror movie that ive watched on repeat more than one occasion. Glad to be here. In this thread and on this App. Xoxo Marilyn


Welcome Marilyn! Congrats on the baby :balloon:

My friend was driving behind a truck carrying wheel barrows and somehow they got loose and were falling off the bed on the highway! I more have an irrational fear of trees falling when I’m driving under them. Probably bc I’ve seen all the Final Destination movies :rofl:



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The Autopsy of Jane Doe was a really good movie!

Welcome to the community Marilyn and a huge congrats on your baby. :tada::confetti_ball:


Literally every time I get behind a big truck that’s open like that I change lanes. I will not be taking a log to the face! :joy::joy::joy:

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Legitimately one of my faves


Omg thank you guys for the love and responses! So happy to know you guys understood the reference! I imagined people might have the same fear but i wasnt sure. You guys are awesome! Baby Kai says hello!

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It follows was a freaky ass movie. Just something about never knowing how long it would take that thing to walk to where you were. And I almost shit myself when that big guy walked through the bedroom door. :joy:

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Chuckee the wedding one :joy::crazy_face:

Well, this week I watched Terror (a British supernatural slasher from 1978), Tombs of the Blind Dead (a classic Italian zombie flick from 1972), Zombie Creeping Flesh (AKA Hell of the Living Dead, a not-so-classic Italian zombie flick from 1980), Cathy’s Curse (a very strange/ridiculous but entertaining z-grade possession flick from 1977), and The Killing of a Sacred Deer, a very “arty” horror film from 2017 starring Colin Farrell and Nicole Kidman.

Pretty light week for me. :upside_down_face:

I watched The Killing of a Sacred Deer last night, and I still don’t really know what to make of it. Wonder if anyone else has seen it? It was interesting in that alcoholism does have a small but very significant role to play in the plot.


I’ve been wondering about The Killing of a Sacred Deer. Always looking for something different. Maybe I’ll check it out soon and report back my feelings about it :blush:

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I finally got to watch a Quiet Place, which I’ve been wanting to for so long. Thank you library! Again, going into it with no idea of the plot. I loved it and watched the second one too. Great movies to watch when you can’t have the volume up too loud :grin: (which is every school night)

My friend suggested Midsommar, which I put off bc of it’s length. It is long but worth a watch. Pretty crazy stuff. I also watched Candyman. I saw parts of the original waaay too young and it always stayed with me. I enjoyed this new one. Now I’m watching Voices. I saw it when it released and really liked it. Hits home now as my brother was diagnosed paranoid schizophrenic and talked to ‘the voices’ while I was living with him. Scary stuff.


I liked Midsommar enough to watch it twice (second time was the even longer director’s cut!), but I didn’t think it was as good as his first film–Hereditary, and I thought it was little derivative of 1973’s The Wicker Man, which is one of my all-time favorite films. Looking forward to Beau Is Afraid though.


Mm I’m sure I’ve got beau is afraid on a streaming service to watch somewhere… I liked Midsummer though wouldn’t particularly watch it again. Too slow burn for me. It was very good, but I’m not patient. I’m more a slasher fan I admit.

Anyone seen Piggy? I quite enjoyed that. A revenge horror, Spanish.

Quiet place and the second are good! Emily blunt is a darling though, I think I could watch her wash a car. :rofl:

I think the kids did so well in those movies! I do like an apocalypse / end of the world film, but it always brings me back to my favourite one : I Am Legend. Anything with a dog in seals the deal and I’m shallow like that.

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It was such a scary movie. Who wants to be bloody followed by anything? I mean that’s horrible.

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I love Emily Blunt too. I think the fact they’re married irl helped too.

I am legend is great. I haven’t seen it in a long time. And I don’t think a love for animals is shallow btw, or maybe I’m shallow too :upside_down_face:

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