April full body workout challenge 🏋️‍♂️🤸‍♀️

Going to be at 3.00 am and getting up at 9:00 would be my main reason! :grimacing: I’m a 10:30 to bed goer by now… :rofl:


:muscle:t2::clap:t2: Welcome! We’ll Start a new one in May, you can also finish April, and join May once we start!

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Day 23 done.


I’ve been getting back into my yoga routine and jumping rope with an ice plunge everyday

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I know we are only about to May but it was Tabata. And the longest time was 12 min in the end.

Maybe we should modify the title ‘lazy’ and ‘lady’…


Are we skipping May? I looked at it the other day. I had planned on jumping back in for that one. I feel good about my break this month. I’ve gotten into a good routine with my weights, running and Doggo walking.
Edit- Are you saying you want to do June for May? We can totally do that. I’ll just edit the title :blush:

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Yeah, that was the intention. Doing this in May :upside_down_face:

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I got you friend! Gonna update the title and join you

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Caught up! A hard 7- mile run today too. Feeling good. Gonna zonk out on the couch now watching some Big Lebowski🙂


We are almost there :grinning:


Hey guys, I haven’t done today… I’m on a work trip in the south of Spain (Marbella), and the next 3 days I’ll be a bit out of my routine…


Day 23 and 24 swapped and done :ballot_box_with_check:

A tree is not a forest. On its own, a tree cannot establish a consistent local climate. It is at the mercy of wind and weather. But together, many trees create an ecosystem that moderates extremes of heat and cold, stores a great deal of water, and generates a great deal of humidity. And in this protected environment, trees can live to be very old.
Peter Wohllenben, The Secret Life of Trees


Done through 25! Good heavens… counting my 8 mile run, all the lifting, my ab workout and these exercises, I worked out 3.5 hours today, haha! When i think about that I kinda think that’s not right and i should be doing other things. Oh well, im not gonna feel guilty right now!


Day 25 and 26 done. I must have been very angry and frustrated to do the whole month in one day :see_no_evil:


Day 25 and 26 done, wrapped around a strength training workout. It feels good to be getting physical on the regular again.

Good body, I thank thee.
William Shakespeare, The Merry Wives of Windsor


Have caught up to day 25. It’s been a rough 10 days but I’m thankful for this challenge!
Will do day 26 tomorrow since day 27 is rest day :wink:


26 done. Picked up my golf pass today, almost time!


We deal almost exclusively with our bodies in this sobriety thread, these monthly exercise challenges. I do this, in part, because physical activity can set up my brain chemistry for spiritual experiences. Today’s meditation from 24 hours a day by Richmond Walker, describes the sort of experience of the heart that can accompany our physical efforts. I’ve made the wording more inclusive and added emphasis to the bit that 100% illustrates my spiritual approach.

We know (The Divine) by spiritual vision. We feel that It is beside us. We feel (The Divine’s) presence. Contact with (The Divine) is not made by the senses. Spirit consciousness replaces sight. Since we cannot see (The Divine), we have to perceive It by spiritual perception. (The Divine) has to span the physical and the spiritual with the gift to us of spiritual vision. Many persons, though they cannot see (The Divine), have had a clear spiritual consciousness of It. We are inside a box of space and time, but we know there must be something outside of that box, limitless space, eternity of time, and (The Divine).


Im back home!! :house_with_garden: Home sweet home!!! I have some catching up to do… as of tomorrow though! Trip was easy, no delays, but I didn’t do any of the exercises these 4 days… I just went for walks, and caught a nice sunrise at 7:00 am!


The palm looks so much better than the ones here :grimacing: what a great spot for the sunrise.