Are you affected by a loved one who’s an addict?

Big hug


A sober bday is a GREATday! Remember every bit of it and wont be hurting tomorrow :grinning::tada::confetti_ball::tada::confetti_ball::tada::shaved_ice::birthday: Happy feet are worth it, glad to hear you had a wonderful day.:grin::+1:


Have a safe trip home tomorrow. Best wishes for that, too.
The kitty meme/gif , posted by @Its_me_Stella several threads up is one of the sweetest, most meaningful things I have ever seen. It, for you, from me, too, please.


And ya she melted my heart with that one.


Thanks @Dazercat and @Its_me_Stella !!! THIS I needed to hear right now. :pray::pray::pray::pray:
So I refrain from complaining and just give you all a big hug and myself a nice evening with a purring cat on me and a book to read :+1: Tomorrow is another day and I will wake up sober, hangoverfree, well rested and hopefully full of energy :grin::yawning_face::books:


Määäähhh, just want to grumble. It could be a beautiful sunday if my husband wasn’t on the road instead of having a nice sunday together as he promised. And I am angry on myself for being angry on myself that this makes me angry and sad and feels lonely. Checked for HALT and let’s see if I find something to destract me that’s NOT chores. Boa am I fucking grumpy!!!
( H.ungry A.ngry L.onely T.ired)


C’mon over here and tell us about. It might make you feel better.

Tell me about. I been bitching about this for 2 years.
I started this thread just for this reason.

And you know what? Deep down I know I do feel better. When I keep working on myself. But some days I’m fucking sick of it. And they get to keep drinking right? And it sucks and it hurts.

But you know what? The truth is. I’m ok. I got lots of tools. I focus on my sobriety. I’ve written it a thousand times. If I’m focusing on my wife’s drinking. I’m not focusing on my sobriety. I’ve never been able to change anyone in my life. Has anyone? If you can, tell me your secret. God knows I’ve tried and failed. But I can change how I look at things. And that starts with gratitude. Everyday.
Right here Daily Gratitude List. Gratitude The Air Of Recovery - #843 by Kat378

I can take care of myself. I matter. And my pets. That’s about it.
After 38 years of drinking together. I can and I will live with a spouse that’s an alcoholic. And I will continue to be sober. Because I don’t drink anymore. And it feels great! She cannot put me back on that merry go round. Only I can do that. And I don’t have enough time left in my life for another recovery. This is the one for me.
Fucken aye that felt good.
I got to come here more often.


This is very true.

Cherish your day, this is the only one we truly have. :heart:


I’m so grateful for my reading this morning.
This is exactly what I’m talking about.



What a powerful text! Thanks for sharing @Dazercat :orange_heart::pray: This resonates with me.

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**** Trigger Warning ED****

I never thought I would be posting on this thread because I have “no loved one in active addiction” until I realized last night I do.

My mom has started her first of the new year food restricting a bit late this year. She usually starts it in Jan and it’s in full swing until Mayish. The obsessing, labeling reading, talking about food, weighing meals, weighing herself, peeing on Keto Stix, changing her clothes sizes in her closet… I could continue but you can grasp the insanity. My poor dad had to go “food shopping” for her today, he came over to my house, " Your mom’s starting again." all I said to him was " mhm, it’s the insanity of active addiction Dad." He nodded and left. It makes him sad he can’t help her, us… but her mostly I think because of the complete denial. I used to get frustrated with her… now I just smile and tell her I love her. I told her there was a 12 step program for that… she looked at me like I was on fire. Not so sure the generational change is going to happen with my mother, and that’s ok.

I wasn’t triggered last night because she started today so I wasn’t around any behaviors. Hopefully I will be able to avoid meal times and if she tries to open conversations about food or weight I will just need to place some boundaries there.
I am not sure she has any idea how her behavior has influence me in my life, I am pretty sure it would absolutely crush her. That’s the self centered part of the disease right… she doesn’t see what it’s doing to the people around her. Poor mom. :heart:


Thanks for the invite @Dazercat. I’ll read through these threads and try to be more active on this platform. I really need it right now.


Thanks for the share Stella. I hope it brought some relief. I remember when I suddenly realised I belonged on this thread.:heart: I can’t imagine what it must feel like for you to know she doesn’t even know this had and still has an influence on you. :broken_heart: You must feel so invisible to her, and especially when you were younger. Ouch.
But you’re right, it’s the obsession and they can’t help it. Recovery and therapy help us approach these blind spots. Without these, nothing going as is impressively illustrated by your mum, doing the same crazy thing all these years. Wow.



Hey I was looking for this thread earlier!
I just need to complain, please.
Its 3am and I can’t sleep. Have work in the am, too.
Husband came home very late, after he had been at the bar for four hours and immediately started screaming at me. I had not even had a chance to utter a hello. Just rage coming in the door.
Tried to,make pleasantries, tried to distance myself.
Did not work just more anger.
I am a loser who doesn’t work enough, everything is all my fault. He hates his job but it is all my fault. So I got mad and yelled too, which I never do sober.
I am tired of this .
He left, drunk. No idea where he is. I tried to get him to stay. He has to work in another city in the morning.
If I had enough money I would move out. I hate this. I am worried he will lose his job. I have nowhere to go.
Also, I have been the drunk asshole before. Karma? Feeling really fucking low.


Sorry this happened. Hugs for you. You’re doing the best you can. That’s from your profile. I hope you can close your eyes and take some deep breaths and get what little bit of rest or sleep that you can before you have to get up for work. Hugs.


Aww Daphne, I feel your pain, sadness and anger. Been there too many times myself. The blaming and name calling would hurt like a knife even though we know it’s not true. He probably won’t remember saying any of it. That’s not your partner talking to you in that moment. That’s a very sick person. Hurt people, hurt people. I can’t count how many times I wanted to leave. Sending you big hugs! :hugs:


Thanks for this. It can feel really hard to have empathy for those who hurt us, especially when those who we love can hurt us the most.

@Daphnecat I am so sorry this happened to you. Nothing you have done in the past or now justifies this sort of treatment. I hope you do not get stuck in any guilt and shame spiral because that will not do any good. I hope things settle down and he sobers up and can move on from this with some new perspective. Just remember this isn’t about you, his rants and projection of his pain onto you is his own. Sending hugs.


Thanks. :heart:

They are away for the weekend, my dad needed to get a small procedure done. I felt safe heading over to their house to drop off a gift I had purchased for my mom. My eyes landed on the food scale on her counter and I started visualizing her cutting up food and weighing it as I have seen so many times. Quickly gave my head a shake and went home and within 5 mins I was on my fucking scale weighing myself, without a thought about it! I didn’t even notice until the number was registering infront of my eyes.
Cunning, baffling and powerful…
Grateful no obsessive thoughts have started, I have been free of them for a few weeks now. I am just going to put my eyes back to the ground in front of me and keep moving forward.



Oh Daphne I’m so sorry to read this. That is a terrible thing you are going through. I’m glad you posted here and even started your own thread. I pray you can find time to help yourself.
There is no fucking Karma in this situation.
You did not cause this.
You cannot control this.
You cannot cure this.

I wish I could come over a just scoop you up and take you away from this. But I/we can’t.
But you are not to blame.
You’re in my prayers.
I hope you can find a meeting and a safe place or a friend you can talk with. Or more on here or somewhere.


I’m sorry hun. Cunning, baffling and powerful.
You are worth it and I’m sorry you’re dealing with this.