Back again, gotta be done

Big Cravings?

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First real craving a couple of days ago. But all good. I made my choice and will be sticking to it.


Most definitely! I am a golfer and I noticed a marked difference in the way I swing the club. Stronger, more controlled. My body does not ache like it used to a couple of weeks ago. My ears are still ringing though. Hoping that will go away…

Feeling alot better about myself. Never realised how drinking had a negative impact on my self esteem. Feeling alot more powerful and purposeful



I’m on Day 2. I’ve done good so far with triggers and cravings. I try to physically change where I am—like leave that room in the house, and that at least gets me through five minutes and the temptation has eased or passed.

A little bit of paranoia that family members are watching me after noticing I’m not drinking anymore. I don’t feel their support even though I’m sure they are relieved if not happy. I’m happy to be on this site for support and accountability. And I told my best friend and he has surprised me with how on board he is with me. Anyways. I’m here to stay.


Hi everyone, a bit late but yesterday was 16 days for me as well. Congratulations on everyone sticking to it and managing their cravings with their tools.


Give them time mate, and while I’m sure they will be happy for you, you’re doing this more for you than them


I haven’t played in years but I’m imagining the clearer head, more controlled and stable mental state, steadier motor control etc will definitely help your game. But it’s still golf, unless you’re a lot better than I was, you’re still going to have those swings where everything goes wrong and you shout and swear at that useless club/ball/tee (insert your inanimate enemy here).

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Sounds like a good mental framing of it, well try that myself, don’t have to, I’m choosing to because…


Anyone else developed a major sweet tooth since stopping?

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Yes! Definitely eating more sweats lately. Maybe just a phase and hoping that it will pass when my body has reached a more balanced state?

Funny you mention the swearing and loosing your temper on the course…Felt like I was enjoying the game for the first time in a long time. Wasn’t playing with people that I have a lot in common with, wasn’t playing great golf either but the weather was perfect, the course was greener than normal, just a great day to be out and playing. Never once got frustrated or angry - was too busy with being grateful.

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I relapsed again and I really want today to be sober and start again but all I can think about is running to the shop to buy booze

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Sounds like you need something to occupy your mind, that and eat a ton of food

Not just me then

Actually, that was meant mostly in jest

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I have a friendship that is definitely changing and may not survive my decision to not drink. When we don’t drink, it’s reminding them of their need to. They make the comments, not us. It says more about them. Stay strong, true friendships will evolve for the better. Hey, our healthy changes may even inspire someone else. At the end of the day, we are only accountable to ourselves. People are selfish by nature. Hang in there!


Yes! It’s driving me crazy. It’s a sign that we need to cope better with our thoughts and feelings about our circumstances. I’m reading about the think, feel, act cycle and how we can work on changing our thoughts about a situation that is causing our feelings that lead to the urge to drink. If we can stop it in It’s tracks and change the course of our thoughts then we can manage our emotions better, feel better and reduce our urges. It’s not as easy as it sounds and it’s a lot of work, but I’m finding it helpful and not just with drinking, with daily situations that would stress me out. Anyway, just wanted to share. Hang in there. Have a good day!


Day 3 and I did NOT have two shots for breakfast or my usual wine leftovers from the night before. I was in a trigger environment/routine and survived almost comfortably.


17 days today, feeling pretty tempted today to be honest, my wife is going out for drinks with friends (she rarely drinks, like once our twice a month), I’m staying at home with our 3 year old… I’m not going to, I’m choosing not to, but it keeps coming into my head


Good morning,

Love this thread you guys have going. Very inspiring. There’s a daily check in one that’s been around for a while way before I even found this community. Lots of people with long term sobriety and early sobriety in case you guys like to come have a read and share. Congratulations on all your milestones guys.

Here’s the link

Checking in daily to maintain focus #46