Binge eating recovery daily check in thread (Part 1)

Always supporting your efforts!

I overate a little pms time, but not what I would classify as a binge. I am also able to keep running for 20 mins, for a few weeks. Usually I reach this point, think “oh, I can run now” stop running so much, and go back to only managing 5 mins or something.


Thank you, and that’s awesome that you’re able to run more now! Keep up the good work. :blush:


Day 472 : No binge today. :slightly_smiling_face:
Day 39 : No coffee today. :slightly_smiling_face:


Day 473 : No binge today. :slightly_smiling_face:
Day 40 : No coffee today. :slightly_smiling_face:


Day 1: I feel shaky and doubtful. I’ve been here so many times, trying to quit. But I really want to do this. Please tell me that it’s possible to recover…


Read the many stories on this forum :slight_smile:
If they can, you can.


Hi welcome to the community, you are in the right place. One of our members has a “no binge check in” I will link you their thread. It is possible to recover. Stick around, read as much as you can. I am glad you’re here.


Binge eating recovery daily check in thread


Hi, like Stella said, I have a binge eating recovery check in. I mainly tailored it to people who struggle with bed, but people with other eating disorders including but not limited to bulimia and anorexia can join too. All that’s required is that you focus one day at a time to not use ed behaviors. I hope it’s helpful. :slight_smile: And welcome to the community. Recovery is entirely possible. You got this.


Are these going to be merged or do we now have two separate categories. It’s fine either way, am just wondering. :slightly_smiling_face:

I’m not sure how to merge categories. :sweat_smile:

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Day 2 of no night binges and no daytime starving and I really love it rn
My BPD flare ups are a little easier to manage at times having real calories in the tank
Finally found a therapist who really cares and gave me the EDNOS diagnosis I already knew was there and now we’re working forward from that.
It’s still a struggle to remember to eat because I have multiple things happening that make remembering an issue already, but I’m getting there and going from 500-800 calories a day to about 12-1600, the difference is real.


Me neither :sweat_smile:

Day 474 : No binge today. :slightly_smiling_face:
Day 41 : No coffee today. :slightly_smiling_face:


Went to steak place with the in-laws that had all you can eat salad, which included potato and pasta salad and icecream. I ate a bit of everything, but now the full feeling is making me want to either binge or starve. Not sure how to proceed this evening. I feel a bit hungry, but feel guilty, too.


Sorry I’m just seeing this now. I really hope you’re feeling better. When I feel like that I try to remind myself that the feeling will pass. Thinking about you :heart:


Thanks, I tried to not eat, which of course resulted in unhealthy eating, but managed to not totally binge. I want to weigh myself to check “the damage”, such silly thinking.


It’s definitely difficult to have those feelings, especially when we are aware that it really is distorted thinking. I suffered from anorexia and bulimia early in life. Every now and then I get these thoughts in my head… Especially when I feel I’ve eaten “too much”. It’s the full feeling that can be so uncomfortable, but it can be from a lot of things, not just from eating too much. Sometimes it’s certain types of foods causing the feeling, but I also realized that now that I eat regular meals and my digestive system has sorted itself out I don’t get that feeling nearly as much. The other thing is stress can cause that full feeling too. I found those buffets or all you can eat things or even partys where there’s “snacky” food I always felt horrible after because I thought I had eaten soooo much when in reality it was just a lot of different things and the amount wasn’t nearly as much as I was imaging. The stress of it always makes me feel sick. It’s many years ago for me now, but I remember those horrible feelings. I sometimes get that voice in my head but I can shut it down right away now. And as for the scale…it does not represent. I know you know that. Your body has a way of balancing things out. A little more sometimes, a little less…it will be ok​:sparkling_heart::heart:


Day 475 : No binge today. :slightly_smiling_face:
Day 42 : No coffee today. :slightly_smiling_face:

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Day 476 : No binge today. :slightly_smiling_face:
Day 43 : No coffee today. :slightly_smiling_face:


Day 217 no binging but came real close to a reset today. Was feeling all sorts of emotions through the day after starting therapy again today and didn’t eat through the afternoon. Eventually opened the fridge to find half a cheesecake from my aunt & took the whole thing with a fork to the table with me. My brain managed to click in and realize what I was about to do after half a piece and I got myself back in a normal mindset. Finished the piece, let go of the guilt, and let myself still eat normal meals without restriction the rest of the day.