Burpee challenge

I’m adding a link for modified burpees. There are plenty of mods for this but these are just a few options :blush:


So, die a little every day… :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

Burpees are the DEVIL!


When I started my fitness journey burpees were the devil and I couldn’t even come close to getting a chest to ground one. I have worked so hard to be able to do them unmodified and I can string about 15 together. Hoping this challenge will push me further.

They are still the devil though :joy:


15 is nothing to stick your nose up to! That’s impressive. Nowadays I THINK about burpees and I need an ambulance… I used to follow Freeletics. That was burpee heavy!

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I’m willing to give it a try! :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


I am in. It looks ambitious. Well, an option would be sprawls.

Let’s do some pistol squats in march :crazy_face:

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I’m In, but I see very few rest days! :rofl::joy:
No rest day until day 11! :scream:

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That’s not a bad idea! Pistol squats are not in my world… yet

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I can’t do a real pistol squat, I can go down but not up! :woman_facepalming:t3:

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Burpees my worst enemy in exercise lol they are a good workout tho… but not easy to do lol

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Right! It’s the getting back up part that gets me as well :joy:
Shall you be joining up @Butterflymoonwoman?:blush:

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Oh I’m sooo out of shape :frowning: I can try for sure. This would definitly be a challenge lol

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I prefer Burpees over pistol squats! Join us, Dana!! :grimacing:


Ahh squats… another evil lmao. Ya I’ll try it :slight_smile: it might be the motivation I need actually to get my exercise in gear lol

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:clap:t2::clap:t2::clap:t2: Good way to start!


It’s true! Starts Feb 1st?


Yes ma’am!

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I just watched the video posted up top. I think I will start with the modified burpees. Then go to classic if I can. The classic style is the one I know. Had no idea about the other versions :slight_smile:

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Did you know that in Germany it’s a compliment to the chef if you burpees after a meal?
What a culture!


I’ve never done a tuck burpee. I do chest to ground ones but I started with the one she first had in the video.

@AyBee I tried to tell that to my mom after eating her food. She didn’t believe me :joy::joy: