Checking in as often as I have to to NOT RELAPSE!

Respect! You are doing it! :facepunch::facepunch::facepunch:

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Hey kiwi girl! Keep up the good spirit! I was in NZ in December/January…love the country. My brother and sister live there…I live in The Netherlands, so…36 hours trip to get there. I learned that drinking alcohol in NZ is as normal as going to the toilet, even more normal than in Europe, so it must be tough to quit, but if you come around here lot you feel and know you are not alone!!!


You can do it! We can do it together! You’ve got the motivation, you’ve got the strength and the life experiences to know what you want to happen, you can get it!
And on that note.
Also just discovered while reading through this that you live in NZ which is just the coolest shit ever, side note. I’m trying not to be every obnoxious American person who loves New Zealand, but it’s really hard. Bc it looks cool as hell there.
Good luck, you got this!


This is so true!!! Exactely what i felt and observed~

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I feel your pain @Swam … and your determination! I’m at day 3…again! And I’m DONE too!
We cam do this​:wink::heart:

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GOOD MOOOOOOOORNING WONDERFUL PEOPLE!! Checking in at 3 days 12 hours 18 minues. Its so amazing to wake up and have all these messages to start my day! I appreciate the encouragement and support so much. Went to my first legacy meeting lastnight and it was really cool. We learned about perversion (essentially twisting things to make them suit what you want) and it made me think of all the times I came up with all the reasons why smoking weed or getting wasted was in some way or form good for me or acceptable bevause im sad or hurt or something bad has happened. Or the opposite something good has happened and i need to celebrate. Showed me how often I make excuses just to be able to get a high. My aim is to stay honest with myself and not let my thoughts and feelings run my life anymore. I control my life. I have a choice. And I choose sobriety. Not more twisting things to suit what i want. Thank God for another day sober. AMEN!! 🕇


Awesomeeeeee !!! Andddddd good nighttt :))

The tread is really inspirational ,good luck to all !


Meetings finished. Woop woop. Feeling motivated and strong. Checking in at 3days 18hours 17minutes and so amazing. Learned in Mindfullness about how to breath through cravings. To imagine riding a surf board along the waves of cravings. Breath through it and see it for what it is. Realising that addicts will have cravings. It’s inevitable but its what we do with that that makes the difference. What we choose to do…i.e ride the wave out or drown in it. Accepting that cravings will come and that that doesn’t have to change my progress is actually a very enlightening thought. I’ve always tried to avoid cravings…keep distracted…ignore them etc but realising and accepting they will come and preparing rather for what to do when they so feels much more effective. I feel less stressed not having to feel guilty for how I feel. And I feel proud to stand strong regardless of the monster screaming in my head. THIS IS SPARTA!!! *kick to the sternum. Thank God for another sober day. AMEN 🕇


I hope this message finds you still sober and strong.

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Way to go man.
Hella proud of you

@Twowaymirror Thanks heaps. And yes heading to a full 4 days woop woop. Baby steps but i cant wait to hit my 365 days sober with everything I have achieved through sobriety. Thanks heaps for the support. I’d still be a lost little lamb if not for the support. So thank u!


" Dont stop! Get it! Get it!"


I really really love the idea of kicking this devil away screaming “THIS IS SPARTA” :rofl::rofl::rofl: It get’s exactly what it deserves :muscle: I think I’ll watch the movie again :yum:
And I am really proud of you! Keep that strength! :green_heart:


Roundhouse kick it in the face, I love it! :muscle:! :heart_eyes:! :muscle:!


This is an inspiring attitude!! I need to say these things to myself


I’m proud of you and this thread is a great inspiration to me. Thank you for sharing this!


Helllllooooooooo and good day everyone! Checking in at 4days 15hours 20minutes. Soooo i started watching a show called Gordon Ramsey on Cocaine and i found it a big eye opener. He investigates the process and what goes on before that end product. I realised that society has such a lighthearted view on all sorts of drugs but the reality is when we use we contribute and support everything that goes on in the background. People have died, been assaulted, been robbed, been tortured. Lost children to death and prison. Lost lives and time to prison. Emotional physical and psychological chaos behind the scenes. All for a quick fix. A buzz. A fun little “social” thing. I feel disgusted in myself and embarrassed that I never even thought about what has to take place for me to have my little session. Children being raised in poverty and violence. Not even all bad people, some people just trying to get by, feed their families. It’s completely insane. It made me decide what kind of person i want to be. Do i want to support and encourage the dysfunction in this world so i can have my temporary fix. Or will I refuse to contribute to this massive struggle. Drugs are damaging not just on our lives. But the lives of so many people in a huge way. I’m not spending another cent on drugs. I won’t be a hypocrite and say i care about people while i add to their suffering. We take for granted the lives people live and the dangers and damage they face for some stupid temporary fix that doesn’t help anyone. It was a huge eye opener. How can we work towards creating a better society while we fuel the chaos behind the scenes of drugs. No more. Not even a cent. It’s not just about my struggle; its about the struggle of the entire industry and whether or not i want to be a part of that destruction. If we keep seeking it we add to the demand and in turn add to the means. I definitely do not want to add to any kind of demand for any drugs. Knowing what i know now, i could not sleep at night knowing I have a hand in someone’s death or loss or chaos. Could you?


Thank God for insight! Amen. 🕇


Keep gettin’ after it!

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What if i grew it naturally in my backyard? ;p