Checking in daily to maintain focus #11

Is it me or have you been away, coz I’ve sure missed your posts.
Blessings and sobriety, blessings and sobriety!

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Hang in there dear, praying for relief for you.
Blessings and sobriety!


Day 110.
I spend a lot of time googling AA stuff. Read some pages of the big book. Does anyone read it too?
I don’t know how to start with the 12 steps…

Anyway. Over the weekend I had my 2nd challenging alcohol moment.
My broter in law offered me a beer. There it was. A can of cold beer. A taste i haven’t tasted in 110 days by now.
My mind went: nu fuck. He’s gonna offer me a beer. By the way he doesn’t know or wouldn’t care about my sobriety.
But I strongly said no to him. He offered me again and i declined. I don’t want to lose my sobriety.
It means more to me than I could ever have imagened.


Good job man, I’ve had a couple ppl offer and they are like why did you have a problem. I simply just say, nah dude I didn’t drink any different then you. I just don’t like it anymore, and life has been better without it. Bc seriously it has been, good job on 110 man that’s fricken awesome


Thank you! Yes life has been better without alcohol… :smiley:

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Best way to start is to go to meetings (zoom!) and ask someone to be your sponsor and take you through the steps. There are lists of meetings here Online meeting resources


We are anniversary twins, my sober date is 3/10/18. Keep up the great work!


What a great photo and great work to get to 84 days!!!
You should feel like a new person after all of the hard work!!


Day 98.32
Quick check-in after a very busy weekend.
Lots of work work to do now.

Shout out to my sober twin!!! Hopefully your weekend went well.


Whoops sorry man, I meant 100 lol and said 90

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@Thumper1213 courage my friend!!! Day 9 here, it is very few but you need sobriety, I need it, I am aware of it. It is hard and difficult. Yes. But let’s choose well today and we will see results later on :pray:t5::muscle:t4::chocolate_bar:


84 is great dude! Keep going strong!


@Dolse71 I send to you my best prayers and love, baby steps are humble steps and humility conquers everything!!!


Day 100 no alcohol or drugs. If you had asked me if i thought i would get here a few years ago or even a few months ago i would of laughed right in your face throwing out the negative your fucking joking right. Today i do my damndest to be the opposite. I stand on a slowly forming but solid foundation based on love, determination, family, friendship , counselling, treatmemt, 12 step meetings everyday, sponsor, homegroup, and lastly and certainly not least actually maybe most important a renewed and unrelenting belief in a higher power of my understanding.


Day 14 Check-in

shout back at you @GVLNative… see you been hour normal busy self, love the chairs.
@Clarity & @FutureMrsBlythe congrats on 30 days
@Fargesia_murielae gosh had no idea you were on ship that most be strange… Hope you get home as soon as you can
@M-be-free49 well done for getting to 7 days :slight_smile:

Along with Wim Hof breathing now started cold showers - I am such a wimp up to about 10 secs at the moment, they say it does you good so I am listening to that advice.
Revising for the interview scheduled tomorrow and then going to vegetate on sofa and watch a feel-good film and snack - naughty food, my rebellious streak coming out!

Have a great day to you all.


Cold showers are the best I’ve been doing to the same in the mornings. After I get out I feel happy, I’ve taken a couple warm showers to see the difference and I really like cold showers there is alot or benefits from it, and congrats on day 14:)

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yes can see the benefits my brain certainly gets activated with the icy water on my head :slight_smile: reading, they say people get to prefer them and there are many benefits. I am at the stage where I have loud music (apparently this helps) and scream a lot :grinning:. I am following the program on Wim Hoff website for breathing and cold showers and do really enjoy the discipline of it.

Congrats on your days, they have stacked up so quickly… :100:


totally amazing well done on your 100 days fantastic achievement, love the part about the foundation of your sobriety rings so true.

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I’ve been struggling TBH, I’ve been here and there on here, mostly in the seeking help section and now finally after a few bad weeks, all job related and cv stress, I think I’ve found that feeling again, the one you can’t turn on and off but when it’s on giving up is a lot easier and makes more sense, trust me i want to drink and smoke right now but I carry my 24 hour coin with me everywhere I go, I’ve just got to stay sober today. Thanks for thinking of me, I’m sure your still racking up the days like the legend you are. Its time for me now. :heart::pray::v:


Woo hoo! Congratulations on 100 days @I.cant.We.can.

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