Checking in daily to maintain focus #20

Day 19. Checking in this evening. Hope you all had a nice weekend. :slightly_smiling_face:


Hugs, sweet lady. Thinking of you. :heart:

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Day 41. Today was a good day. I woke up early but didnā€™t go to the gym until 10. Afterwards, I got a sugar free latte as a reward :joy:. Went to the grocery store. Cleaned my car and the house. Did laundry. Iā€™m watching a movie now, waiting for hubs to get home so we can walk the dogs and make dinner. Itā€™s coooooold out today. Hope everyone had a wonderful Sunday! :heart:


Iā€™m abit behind here on news, have you reconnected with your ex?! Is all well?


Congrats Winchester!! Amazing!! :tada::tada::tada::tada:

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Thank you for the encouragement, youā€™re absolutely right! :raised_hands:
My previous streaks of sobriety were important experiences too. Iā€™m learning to apprechiate the journey, even if thereā€™s bumps in the road.
This time I got sober because I wanted to, not because I felt like I had to, so every day is precious to me :rainbow:


Aw, thank you for the kind words Lisa, I needed to remeber that! I was really sad when I had to break off my trip, but tried to make the best of it and hung out on the couch a lot šŸ¤· the broken rib is feeling much better, but I really miss hiking and working out! Iā€™m slowly starting with small walks again :penguin:


Oh Donna. Iā€™m so sorry to read this. I cannot imagine that kind of heartbreak and pain. Praying for you to get through this day peacefully.

Wow that must have been and still be awful, sending hugs

Hi April yes!!! We reconnected about a week ago and have been together ever since. Total Gods timing thing! Hereā€™s the link to the play by play last week if you want to catch up, itā€™s pretty cool what happened.
I think I totally fucked up


Right on @CapriciousCapricorn thatā€™s awesome!

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Donna im so sorry to hear about your brother :persevere:
That must have been and must be very hard to deal with not knowing what happened sending you strength i send you love and a hug :pray:t3:

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Hello everyone I live in recovery home. But these guys get to me sometimes about justifying their sobriety or using but I just ignore that and give them good tools to use and my suggestions on what I do like reading my alcoholics anonymous or na looks just checking in before I check out


Checking in on day 7.
Feeling really good after a super productive weekend. And, looking forward to enjoying all of the healthy and delicious food I prepped for the upcoming week.
Itā€™s been snowing here for the last couple of days, and I have to admit that I kind of love it. It just feels like a really refreshing reset. (Also, Iā€™m loving the coziness of staying indoors and nesting at home).


Great job getting through your first weekend and making it a week. Thatā€™s awesome :bangbang: Be proud of yourself. Youā€™re worth it. One day at a time.

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Day 1,081 or 82. Hereā€™s some pictures of my children to get more likes.


Cutie patooties!

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Whatā€™d they think of that cow? The head is bigger than your daughter, lol.
Theyā€™re getting bigā€¦:heart:


@anon79808082, fuck, I can only send you a virtual hug and I hope you are doing OK on this dayā€¦ Memories are all that you have and Iā€™m glad you still talk about your brother to keep that light shining x


Ella was terrified at first. Liam loved feeding the baby cow because heā€™s fearless lol