Checking in daily to maintain focus #20

Checking in day 7!


Yeah @apes2020 @Lisa07 I think you are right. It will just tempt me. I am on day 1. Step 1. Better not keep temptation around. The next few days will be tough.


Amazing work Stella!! :muscle:t3::muscle:t3::muscle:t3::yellow_heart:

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Late night check in. 3 months and 2 days.


Hey everyone. How do I do step 1? Any advice.

I am back on step 1 again. I realised I really havenā€™t got beyond step 1. I have read a lot. But well, nothing worked. So I am back here on day 1. Threw out the last drink. I need advice. How do I do step 1 right this time.


The first step isā€¦We admitted we were powerless over alcoholā€”that our lives had become unmanageableā€¦
The major part of working step 1 is by walking into an AA meeting and asking for help and finding a sponsor. Your sponsor can then help you through the steps. They may have you finish step 1 by making lists.


Day 254~Checking in sober, happy, and peaceful today. Iā€™m learning the tough but valuable lesson that only Iā€™m in control of my happiness and peace. Allowing others to take space up in my head and control my thoughts and some case actions is no longer something I want to entertain or allow. Itā€™s been years of worrying about things that are simply outta my control. Not everyone will react and do as I would and thatā€™s ok. As long as Iā€™m working on myself and making sure I protect my peace everything else will work itself out. Iā€™m grateful that each day Iā€™m continuing to peel back the layers and become who Iā€™m truly meant to be. Nothing feels better than being your true authentic self. Much love and always keep trying.



@Lisa07 I donā€™t like meetings. All the meetings Iā€™ve ever been too are too religion focussed. I have complicated religious beliefs. Doesnā€™t work out for anyone. I tried many many times.

Jump on the zoom meetings here thenā€¦ Meetings do work. You just have to find one that works for you.


Nothing works unless you make it work. Itā€™s that simpleā€¦


AA is not religious, itā€™s spiritual. When they refer to a higher power, it can be anything that you feel is greater than yourself. It could simply be the people in the room or even nature. It does not have to be god. You need to try different meetings until you find one you like. You asked about step 1 so I assumed you were doing AA. My apologies.
Hereā€™s a link for other resources:
Resources for our recovery


I totally hear you on this one. Itā€™s not easy by any means when worries about others actions, opinions etc. have consumed most of my life. This one has helped me through some tough days lately. . .


Checking in on day 296
After watching The Way Back with Ben Affleck
Someone on here recommended it. Sorry I canā€™t remember.
But whoever it was. Thank you :pray:t2:
Good movie. A bit brutal, but worth a watch. And wifey made it all the way through the movie.
Have a sober Sunday yā€™all


You donā€™t have to be religious to do a.aā€¦ but clearly thinking there isnā€™t anything better then you is why you keep failing. When you put that ego aside. Realise there is something greater then you, and find a higher power and accept that then maybe it will workā€¦ just talking from experience, I thought I was the greatest and I didnā€™t need any help, I didnā€™t need meetings. I didnā€™t need a higher power, bc I was the greatest and coolest and could figure it on my own. Yeah well I failed every damn time that way. Nothing changes if nothing changes


Checking in - Day 6. After tonight I have a couple of days off. Meeting with my sponsor tomorrow for our first real in depth conversation. Iā€™ve been calling her daily to check in sober this week and I have been doing the reading. I feel a little nervous about the meeting, but I think it will be good. For fun I plan on building a fort in my bedroom tomorrow and watching moviesā€¦ yes that is right a fort! Iā€™m a grown ass lady but something about building a fort with blankets, pillows, and lights still sounds like some good old fashioned simple fun to me :blush: Happy Sober Sunday :yellow_heart::blue_heart::purple_heart::dizzy:


401 Days. Things are finally starting to look up for me. Hubby is coming up on a week sober and heā€™s serious about it this time. Weā€™ll, I guess he has to be if he wants to keep his family. Yes, I gave him the ultimatum because I couldnā€™t continue living in hell. My daughter deserves better than what she was getting and so do I. Now that he knows itā€™s us or the booze, heā€™s giving sobriety his all. Attending AA meetings every day and sometimes twice a day. The last few days have been pleasant. Fingers crossed.


Great to hear this Lisa. Must of been a really hard decision. Or maybe after a year of sobriety it wasnā€™t so hard. But if it was an ultimatum that thatā€™s really hard cuz you got to follow through. I really hope it all works out for your family. You deserve it.
Praying for yā€™all.
I hope he really wants this. For whatever reason to get him started is a good reason.


Checking in on day 1123 of sobriety. Grateful to secretary a 12x12 book study tonight. Always learning from those that paved the path of sobriety that came before me. :heart:


Hoping for the best for you all. A week is a big deal especially if he is getting support independent of you through AA. Stay strong, Iā€™m sure youā€™ll ask for help if you need it (but stillā€¦donā€™t forget weā€™re here if you need!). :heart:

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I think i did. Lol. :grin:

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