Checking in Daily to Maintain Focus #22

173 days. Had a great sleep the past two nights thanks to my man being there. I told him I will never again take his presence for granted. My sobriety doesn’t depend on him nor am I sober for him but his presence in my life is something I’m extremely grateful for. Like others have posted recently I have questioned our relationship on so many levels. Slowly realizing that the components of our relationship that I’ve been questioning are really my insecurities surfacing. As I deal with them, the fight or flight response is frequently present in me. Although I’m struggling I am making an honest effort to do neither and sit in the discomfort. Only sitting long enough to ascertain what I’m truly feeling. The other night I “ran” from a situation between my partner and I. Went outside for a smoke and realized it was misperceived rejection. I finished my smoke, returned to my partner and told him I was returning with my tail between my legs. He surprised me when he basically said he’s used to it. Initially this hurt but turned to appreciation for his patience and understanding. I appreciate my relationship and his support and am feeling more at ease each day.
Not sure what’s on the agenda for today but I’m going to smile all the way through it. Hope everyone has a great 24.


Happy Independence Day to my Findland friends @Olivia, @Milele and @Mephistopheles. Hope you all enjoyed your day.
I’m adding @Jennajen even though you’re in Sweden at the moment.




It’s a beauty day enjoy it. God bless you all. :v:&:heart:


@TSan congrats on 70 days :tada: it really is that time of the year for me too.
@cwak congrats on 2 weeks :tada: try to have the conversation, a phrase that has always stuck with me on my journey so far is ‘secrets keep you sick’. edit - well done for telling her, so pleased she was supportive.
@Misokatsu omg my heart broke reading that, praying he comes home, is he an indoor cat usually? My 2 are too.
@anon51903143 welcome and congrats on your progress so far :tada:
@residentevil glad you’re back here trying again.
@Charlie_C congrats on 3 weeks :tada:
@Truckinmonster21 congrats on 400 :tada:
@Drave congrats on your week :tada:
@Maria well I like what you have to say, I’m a silent observer too and have never found my voice.
@Harold congrats on 8 months :tada:

86 days.

I’ve stayed in all weekend, and feel really good about it. My foot is thanking me too. I feel really content and relaxed and it’s such a welcomed feeling for a change. I’ve binged on crisps and been smoking cigs again today, but I’m planning to reset tonight and stay strong again.

I’ve been catching up on 13 Reasons Why, and it has made me cry so many times today, I can relate to so much of it and when triggered my feelings feel as raw as they ever did, but I rarely can cry since starting T in early 2014, so at the same time it has felt healing and cathartic to have that release, as prior to starting T I cried on and off all day every day since my Mum died when I was 8 years old, and I wish I still could get that release when needed. I’ve still got all of season 4 to watch next week too. I haven’t enjoyed a program as much in a very long time, so it’s been nice this weekend.

Here’s to another sober week :muscle:t2::blue_heart::pray:t2:


Checking in at 90 days sober! I wrote a little bit about it here: Rosa at 90, and Anne at 99

My buddy Chucho is doing better and hasn’t collapsed in the last two days. We are still taking it a day at a time and enjoying his kisses and cuddles and puppy-like moments. Physically I’m okay, managing. Going to look into a telemedicine opportunity this week. Finally got the Christmas stuff out of the basement and will start getting some holiday cheer on!

Love out to the TS family today! I am grateful for you!


90 days! Fantastic! Good for you!!!


Working on my second day #10. Making cookies, knitting presents and decorating. Pretty cozy. May you all enjoy a safe and sober Sunday


Looks extremely cozy Figgy! Enjoy your sober Sunday.

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Huge congrats on 90 days Rosa! That’s huge! Good times and bad ones. One day at a time. Love and hugs your and Chucho’s way.

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Oh man, that’s a bummer about your view! Tell your landlord you were paying to live there for the view, lol!! :rofl:
And that’s awesome all the baking you did; I would love getting that! I’m glad you’re having a good day, did your little mini me help bake??


I bought this house last year. Gah this house has been such a money pit and now I cant even enjoy my expensive view. :crazy_face:
Yeah my mini helped me! Probably why it was so exhausting!! She makes messes faster than you can blink an eye! But love my little helper!! Have a great day Donna! :kissing_heart::heart:


so happy for you, thank you for being a valued part of our sober community and here is to one more sober day :hugs:



Checking in, day 31. I force myself to check in, because I have been neglecting it a bit lately and I know that distancing can lead to depression and relapse. I try to track down and identify my emotions because it seems more and more fuzzy and confused on the surface, I feel lost in this mess.


Hello everyone :hugs: check in 111 day .


Thank you Tommo One day at a time is key

Okay, so. I made it to 100 days today. How apt. It’s my country’s Independence Day also.

So, triple digits. No PMO. Has it been easy? No! Heck no! Some days it felt like I was crawling to the “finish line” at the end of a day. Have I had easier days? Yes! Some days just flew by, with laughter and rainbows and unicorns! :joy:

But one thing is for sure. I would not have made it without the help of TS and YOU guys!! My heart goes out to you! :heart::heart::heart:


Goodnight all.
I’m pretty happy with my VW, and having a charging station in my parking garage never hurts !